Saiki Kusou x Reader
Story title: Psychic love
Hey guys! I know it's been a while but that's probably how it's gonna be for the next three or so months cause I'm doing my GCSEs but I'll try to post as much as I can!
I recently just watched the Disastrous life of Saiki K and very much enjoyed it so I thought let's do a Saiki x Reader 😁
Your pov
You sighed as you walked towards this brand new place. A new school. A new beginning.
You were worried about this new beginning. Especially trying to find new friends. You weren't exactly normal. Ever since you were a kid you could control electricity of any kind. You've learnt to control it as you've grown up and have found some cool uses for it but because you couldn't control it at times, people became scared and afraid of you. Because of this, you wear fingerless gloves on your hands at all times. This means you can use some of your powers at your fingertips but not all of it.
That's why you and you're parents decided to move away to a new area. You entered the school grounds and got a few stares from all directions. You sped through the yard in the direction of the school and went to the teacher's room. You politely knocked on the door before it was opened by a student. He had pink hair and wore green glasses. You smiled at him and asked if you had the right place.
He looked at you with shock in his eyes before nodding and stepping aside and walking out of the room. You walked over to the school guidance counsellor and introduced yourself.
"H-Hello. I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N). I'm the new student here."
You were told where your new class would be and headed to the room. You waited outside for the teacher to call you in. "Come in please!" You took a deep breath before walking in and heading to the front of the classroom. "It's nice to meet you all. I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N)! I hope we can get along." The teacher pointed at an empty seat and said. "Sit there next to Saiki." You looked over and realized it was the pink haired boy from before.
You sat at your desk and glanced at Saiki before giving him a friendly smile. He looked at you with a blank face before looking forwards again. The day went fairly normally for you. You made a few acquaintances throughout the day and got on fairly well with your new class. You were now walking home and had your earphones in. You couldn't stop thinking about that pink haired boy. Saiki Kusou. Why did he look so shocked when he first bumped into me?
You arrived home and was greeted by your mother. "Hello love. How was your first day?"
"It was alright mum. Are the cheesecakes I made done chilling in the fridge?" You asked her. She grinned and nodded. "Oh yeah, you give one of them to the new neighbours across the road!" She said as she went up the stairs. "Oh come onnnnnn! Do I have to?" You whined back as you thought of the beautiful chocolate and vanilla cheesecakes you made yesterday night.
"YES!" You sighed and decided that you'd give them the vanilla one. You went upstairs and got changed into some jeans and a black hoodie. You grabbed the vanilla cheesecake, put it on a plate and headed over the road. You knocked and waited for them to answer. "I wonder what type of people they'll be." You said under your breath. The door opened and you were shocked at who you saw.
"Oh Saiki-kun. You live here." You said in shock. He looked at you, his eyes also holding shock. His eyes looked at the cheesecake and you could tell he wanted to eat it. "This is for you and your family." A woman walked behind Saiki and sweetly smiled. "You must be one of the new neighbours! Please come in!" You stepped in and took your shoes off. You set the cheesecake down on the table and held your hand out to the parents. You introduced yourself as you shook their hands.
"Nice to meet you (Y/N). I'm Kurumi Saiki and this is my adorable husband Kunihara Saiki!" You watched as the mother clung to her husband's arm. They're very lovey-dovey...
"I made this cheesecake for you all." You turned to Saiki and saw that he was still staring at the cake. "Kuu-chan! You cut yourself and (Y/N) a slice! You can eat in your room!"
You were now in this boys room and you hadn't even known him for 24 hours. It looked like he was studying you. You both sat in silence until he took a bite of the cake. You heard him make a delighted noise as you saw him smile for the first time today. "Do you like it?" He nodded with a smile and you could feel the awkwardness lift from the room
"Do you like sweets Saiki-kun?" You asked, eating some of your own slice. He nodded again and you asked him what his favourite was. "Coffee Jello."
"I enjoy coffee but I've never had coffee jello. I could learn to make it if you want." You said and he instantly put his thumb up. You laughed at his reaction but accidentally got some of the cheesecake on your glove. "Ah shit."
You contemplated whether to take the glove off but when you looked up and saw that he was staring you took it off to make sure he didn't become suspicious. I can keep my power in...
Your thoughts stopped as you saw the tv behind him switch on and some of the electrical waves started to flow into you. "Oh no!" You quickly tried to turn it off before he noticed but he had already seen. "S-Saiki I ermmm..." You looked down in shame. "I'm so sorry I didn't say because I just wanted a new start. I can control electricity. I guess you could call it a psychic ability but I'm not dangerous! Please don't be afraid of me! We don't have to be friends if you don't want to."
"I can read your mind now." He murmured.
"What?" You questioned and he started to explain that he actually had many psychic abilities. "It was probably the gloves. They block my electrical power to an extent but maybe they blocked you from reading my mind and that's why now when one of them is off you can read my thoughts."
He nodded in agreement and you quickly pulled your glove back on so he couldn't read your mind anymore. "But why are you telling me this?" You questioned.
"You make a good cake." You laughed, not seeing that Saiki smiled just for a second.
And from then you started to develop a friendship with the cold boy. You could understand why he didn't want much attention and chose to respect that by only hanging out with him at home. You really enjoyed this friendship but you couldn't help but feel something more.
Tonight was another night of you two hanging out in his room, watching TV, eating sweets and basically just chilling. "Do you like the Coffee Jello I made? I made quite a lot of it" You said as you watched him eat a large portion of the Coffee Jello. "It's brilliant (Y/N)." He said, his face filled with happiness. Suddenly he stopped and quickly put the Jello down. "Nendou and Kaidou are coming. They're outside!"
"Oh god, that means I can't go out of the front door!"
"Kuu-chan! Kaidou-kun and Nendou-kun are here! I'm sending them up!" I heard his mother shout from downstairs and we could hear the boys talking. "We have seconds! Here let me teleport you!" He approached you but you smiled.
"It's okay." You smirked at him before opening his window and jumping out of it. Saiki ran to the window with worry to see if you were okay but was shocked when you flew up into the sky. "Something I learnt a while ago Saiki! Electric wings!" He sighed with relief, his face still emotionless. "See ya tomorrow!" You waved him off and flew back to your house just as Nendou and Kaidou walked in.
Saiki held his chest. What is this feeling? He had never had this feeling before and didn't know what to do about it. He couldn't get you out of his mind. Is this...Love?
The next day you and Saiki were gonna hang out all day. You had made loads of sweets and cakes for him and you to snack on. You woke up, got a shower and got dressed in a jumper, a pair of leggings and shorts with some converse. You went over to Saikis and for an hour you both watched TV and ate sweets.
"Hey (Y/N). Show me some of your abilities please." Saiki said out of the blue in his usual monotone voice. You turned to him, swallowing the Coffee Jello that was in your mouth. "What's brought this on?"
"I've known you for months now but I've never really seen any of your abilities apart from your Electrical wings." He said. "Okay! Get ready to be underwhelmed because the abilities aren't that cool!" You removed one or your gloves and drew some electricity from the air around you and from your hand you produced a ball of electricity. It floated in the air and you explained that it can be used as a light. "When I wanna get rid of it I just click my fingers." With a click of your fingers, the ball exploded like a firework.
"I remember using it when I was younger to read at night without the lights being on so my mum didn't notice I was still awake. I can control their size as well." You explained, glad you could share your power with someone.
"Then of course I can switch on any electrical device and draw the raw eletrical energy from the air."
You smiled at him and drew some energy from around you. You moved your finger around, making the electric waves swirl around his head.
You stood up and went to move but slipped and fell.
"Ah crap. I'm so sorry Saik---" As your eyes opened, you fell silent. You had fallen on top of him, your chest pressed against his slender body.
"S-Saiki. I-"
"Heh." Saiki giggled before holding you close which surprised you as it was so out of character for him.
"What are you thinking (Y/N)~" He said in a sensual voice you didn't even know he could do. You blushed bright red and realised that because you'd taken the glove off before, he knew everything you were thinking.
"So that's how you feel about me." You squealed and quickly grabbed your glove without moving from on top of Saiki and pulled it on.
"So what should we do now?" He asked, slightly smirking.
All of a sudden the door opened and there stood Nendou, Kaidou and Teruhashi.
Everyone silently stared at the situation you and Saiki were in. Teruhashi looked heartbroken, Kaidou looked embarrassed and Nendou looked dumbfounded. They slowly closed the door and you turned back to face Saiki.
"So anyway, where were we?" You asked. Saiki grabbed your shirt and pulled you down into a kiss.
You instantly kissed back and wrapped your arms around him. You didn't think Saiki was like this but you were glad that you were wrong.
"actually..I really like you." You looked away with a blush.
Saiki smiled and kissed your cheek. "I know. I saw it in your mind. Your pure love. And I feel the same way about you (Y/N)." You went bright red and held him close.
Little fireworks of electricity exploded around you both, causing you to giggle.
"I love you Saiki."
I hope you all enjoyed that one! I know Saiki was a bit out of character but its difficult to write about him since he's mostly emotionless!
Anyway I'm not sure when I'll next bring out a one shot but I have actually just started a new fan fiction! It's an Osomatsu-san fan fiction called 'Choose.' I hope you'll give it some time and read it!!
Until next time bye- Jude xoxoxo
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