Ruby x Male Weapon Nerd! Reader
Story Title: It's also a gun!
Hey guys! Another one-shot for Ruby! My last one was Ruby and a female reader but this one is for the ladssss. This was requested by -HoldenCross- So I hope you enjoy! Also yes the idea for the reader's weapon is very generic I'm aware.
Your pov
My first few weeks at Beacon had been brilliant. Decorating my room with my teammates, new classes, exploring the new campus. It had been such an interesting experience and I felt lucky to be where I was.
Currently, we were training by duelling against people in different teams and I found myself fighting against a guy called Ren. I proudly presented my weapon with a child-like grin. It was a large sword shaped like a pair of scissors but one half was a sword, the other half was a gun. If I pulled the handle on the side with the gun, I could pull the gun out and duel wield.
I was pretty proud of my weapon and quickly attacked first. I could tell the guy was taken aback by my quick but hard fighting style. By the end of the fight, I came out only just victorious and shook Ren's hand. "Good fight man." I stepped off the stage and down to where the other students were. As I was watching the other fights, I found myself looking at their weapons, appreciating the uniqueness of each one.
The lesson ended and everyone had made their way out. Just as I was about to move, a girl with short black hair and grey eyes stopped me. "Hey! I saw your fight against Ren. I thought your weapon was pretty cool!" She awkwardly giggled, rubbing the back of her head.
"Oh hey! You're Ruby right?" She nodded and asked if she could see my weapon. "Sure. Here she is." I pulled out my weapon and grinned. "She's a beauty...had her designed myself." I watched as she ran her hand over the handle. "It's really cool!" I pulled out the gun so she could take a closer look at it. "Ooooo...can it use dust rounds?" She asked.
"I've never thought of using dust rounds before. Maybe I should give it a try." I said in thought, wondering how that would work with my fighting style.
"Can I see your weapon too? I'm kinda a weapon nerd." I laughed. She smirked and pulled out her own weapon which quickly opened up into a scythe. "Cool scythe." I said in awe as I looked at the intricate design. "It's also a gun!" She gleamed, showing off the scope site. After that, we spent ages talking about our weapons and our styles of fighting.
"I have to go! My team will be looking for me but I hope we can talk again soon!" Ruby waved and walked away, a jump in her step. I smiled to myself as I also left, thinking of the new friend I had made. For the next few weeks, we'd meet up and talk about fighting strategies and different types of weapons. Sometimes we'd practice together too. I really cherish those days I could talk to her and found myself thinking about her more and more.
After our lessons were over we met up outside and sat down on a bench. It was a nice day, the sun was shining and I couldn't think of anyone else I'd want to be with on such a beautiful day. We talked for a while about how our days had been and some other things until everything went silent. "I've noticed (Y/N) your style is very hard-hitting and the recoil on your gun is massive." I looked over at Ruby. "Yeah what's your point?"
"For such a harsh fighting style your body is quite...lankey?" I looked at her with a deadpan expression. "No I didn't mean that in a bad way! What's a better word...thin?" In my head, I felt a little bit insecure about my body. My body was slightly toned but I was tall and quite lanky and being surrounded by so many other male students who had the muscles made me feel insecure.
"Oh wow thanks." I said sarcastically, causing her to become more panicked. "I didn't mean it in a bad way (Y/N) I'm serious! I think your body is perfect!" I looked over at her, slightly shocked. What does she mean by that? Both of our faces went bright red and we awkwardly tried to laugh it off. "Well I've got to go I'll see you later." I quickly removed myself from the situation, waving as I quickly speeded away.
I found myself in my dorm room, sat on my bed with my headphones on and listening to music. I looked down and raised my shirt, staring at my stomach. She thinks my body is perfect... I felt myself blush slightly thinking of that black-haired girl. She was so sweet and cute yet intelligent in her own right. I'd never met someone so determined to succeed.
Crap...I think I'm in love...
"Hey (Y/N)!" I jumped as I heard my friend and teammate, David, yell over the sound of my headphones. "You trying to give me a heart attack?" I said, pulling my headphones off and calming down from the fright. "What's up with you?" He asked with his thick Scottish accent, jumping onto the end of my bed. "It's nothing really." I muttered.
"Ah yeah sure I definitely believe you and don't actually know it's Ruby that's on your mind." He grinned, looking at my slightly shocked expression. I didn't look shocked for long as I looked away, my face redder than anything. "Oh shut up..."
"Come on man, we've all seen you and her hanging out together. Us, her team and team JNPR have been spying on the both of you." I turned back to him. "Oi you can't be doing that!" He just laughed but stopped. "(Y/N) I've seen the way you look at her. And I've seen the way she looks at you. You both clearly feel something for each other."
"How can you be so sure David?" I questioned, not wanting to say something stupid and ruin our relationship. "Look just trust me (Y/N), I know what I'm on about!" He put his thumbs up and I sighed.
"She's unlike anyone else I've ever met lad! I've never felt like this before when I'm around her my heart just can't calm down. I just don't wanna cock it up!! I really care about her and part of me can't believe what you say about her feeling the same way." I looked down and let out a solum laugh. "I mean what sorta girl would want a guy with a body like mine when there is so many others round with muscles and all. I mean hell look at you!" David had some quite prominent muscles and was stronger than me in that aspect.
"Shut it you idiot. You think she cares about that?!" David grabbed me and dragged me up from my bed. "Ow what the hell man?"
"Shut up and go get the girl!" I felt a bit nervous but nodded and rushed to the door. I opened it and was shocked as the girl we'd just been talking about fell forward, stumbling a bit. "Ah! (Y/N)...I wasn't doing anything!" She laughed nervously knowing she'd been caught.
She was listening to us the whole time.
"What a turn of events." David chuckled.
"Shut it David." I said, embarrassment running through my voice. "I'll have to love you and leave you guys. Good luck mate." He winked and left. "So...Hey..." I said awkwardly.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have been listening to you b-both but I wanted to come after you and apologise for what I said before." She looked me directly in the eyes, her face bright red. "Ruby what you said before it's fine" I was silent for a second. "You heard how I you feel the same?" I asked outright. She looked down and nodded slightly. "Yes I do."
I felt my body move on its own as I walked over to her and embraced her in a hug. She hugged back, a smile on her blush red face. "I like you a lot (Y/N)." She grinned and stood on her tiptoes to plant a kiss on my cheek. "I like you too Ruby."
Sorry if that was shit. I hope you enjoyed this!
Until next time bye!- Jude
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