Ren X Reader
Story Title: First move
Hey guys! Persona! I know some of you would prefer to have Joker called Akira like he's called in the manga instead of Ren but the person whose requested this has requested it as Ren so don't complain lads 👌This was requested by Shinata-sama
Ren's pov
"Welcome (Y/N)!" As soon as I heard that name come out of Sojiro's mouth, my head snapped around to face the cafe door. (Y/N) stood there, a warm smile on her face. She was wearing her school uniform and a very large and fluffy scarf that made her look absolutely adorable.
"Hey Ren! Can I just have my usual please?" She asked politely as she took a seat at the bar. I nodded with a smile and made her usual order. Just a simple coffee with milk. I quickly finished the coffee and handed to her. She went to give some money to Sojiro but he shook his head. "No way I'd charge such a lovely girl for a coffee like that. It's on me." He grinned at her before going into the back.
"So Joker, how long till you get off work?" She grinned, using my code name.
"Not too long. Just need to clear up." I responded.
After finishing up, I locked up the shop and we slid into one of the booths. We'd been meeting up like this after school for a while now, just the two of us. We both knew that we liked each other, yet we still weren't officially dating.
One of us needed to make a move.
"So, has Sojiro gone home?" (Y/N) asked, breaking the silence. "Why, you'd prefer us to be alone?" I grinned, winking slightly.
She laughed and slapped my arm slightly. "Shut upppp!"
We talked for a while about nothing in particular, just enjoying the sound of eachother's voices until we saw a large flash followed by a large boom heard from outside.
The rain was heaving outside and we hadn't even noticed it had started.
"That doesn't look like it's gonna stop does it?" I said, staring at the heavy rain through the window. "Yeah the weather forecast says it's gonna be like this all night..." (Y/N) held her phone up, displaying the weather forecast to me.
"What should we do?" She asked, her eyes glued to the floor. "Just stay here for tonight. Trust me it's no bother to me." I smiled.
"But I don't have any pyjamas!"
"You can just borrow one of my shirts." I secretly thanked the weather as I led her upstairs to my room. I found one of my larger shirts and chucked it in her direction. She caught it with no problem and gave me an embarrassed smile. "I'll go change in the bathroom..."
"No it's okay you can change in here, I'll just wait downstairs." I went downstairs and waited in silence for her to finish changing. I could hear the slight ruffling of clothing and my mind began to wonder. Spending the night with her...alone...
I jumped and looked up to see (Y/N) at the top of the stairs, now changed into my shirt. "You okay?" She asked and I nodded. "Why do you ask?"
"Because I was shouting your name for a good minute before you replied. Is there something on your mind?" She asked, causing me to look away. "Nothing in particular..." I went upstairs and got a full view of (Y/N). She looked absolutely perfect. My shirt was baggy on her smaller body and it stopped just around the top of her thighs. I couldn't help but stare, which was quickly noticed by (Y/N).
"What you staring at Ren?" The grin on her face made it obvious that she knew what I was staring at. Something in my head snapped and without holding back, I replied.
"I'm staring at you. You look perfect."
She looked shocked but a smile slowly made its way on her face. "Finally!"
I looked at her confused. "I've been waiting for you to make the first move idiot!" She ran and me and hugged me, causing my arms to instinctively wrap around her. "Why didn't you make the first move?" I asked. "I still wasn't sure if you actually liked me or not. I didn't wanna ask and end up making things awkward cause I was wrong."
I walked over to the bed and lay down, patting the spot next to me. She slowly walked over and joined me, laying down facing me. "So, would you be my girlfriend?"
"I'd love to be your girlfriend, Joker."
Sorry if this was short. And sorry for it taking so long! I've just returned from a week-long holiday in Scotland! It was lovely and the first family holiday I've had in a good 8/9 years. I hope you enjoyed this.
Until next time bye- Jude xoxox
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