Rachnera X Female Reader Part 2
Story Title: Spider's slut
Hey guys! I told ya I'd update more! This was requested by Azureman136 and is a sequel to a previous one-shot. I hope you enjoy this!
Your pov
Today you and Rachnera were going on a date into town. There was a new bar that was catered to non-humans and you wanted to enjoy a day out with your favourite person. As you walked through town, you could see people staring at Rachnera, some in fear and others in disgust.
You looked up at your girlfriend. She looked beautiful in the leather jacket she had picked out and that choker that made your body tingle whenever you saw it. She was so perfect in your eyes and it angered you how people couldn't see past their prejudices against non-humans, especially spiders. At least they don't actually say anything.
You went to the bar and had a great time Rachnera. The staff were lovely and it was overall a very chilled environment with many interesting people there. It was dark by the time you left and you were both enjoying the stars as you walked hand in hand.
That is until you both walked past a bar and were unlucky enough to have a group of drunken girls wander out. They instantly recoiled at the sight of Rachnera and decided that they were going to start shouting abuse at you and her.
"Fucking disgusting isn't it!" They pointed at your Arachne girlfriend and laughed. "She looks like a monster doesn't she?" You growled, feeling your anger rise but not letting it get to you. "She shouldn't be alive! She's such an eyesore she'd be better off dead."
You knew that Rachnera didn't really care about their words. She was used to people being horrible to her and didn't let it get to her because she had better people in her life but you couldn't help but say something.
"What the fuck makes you think you can say that?"
The group looked at you with hatred in their eyes. "Who do you think you're talking to?!" One of them screeched, folding their arms in front of their chest like a whiny little child. They are definitely off their heads.
"Well by the looks of it, I'm talking to a group of racist fuckwits who don't have more than 5 brain cells between them." You grinned smugly and heard a small giggle from your breathtaking girlfriend behind you.
"Well at least I'm not a spiders slut!" One of them fired back before swiftly slapping you across the cheek. You weren't shocked really. Yes it hurt but you weren't surprised that someone who was pisshead drunk slapped you in the face.
You looked up expecting to see their smug faces but instead, they all had looks of dread. They were looking behind you and you already knew what was happening. "Never touch my girlfriend ever again...Unless you want to suffocate in a pile of webs." Her voice was low and ghastly. The group of girls were quick to run away in fear.
You returned to Kimihitos house and sat on Rachneras bed, looking down in sadness. A web was tied around your chest and you were pulled close to your spider girl. "What's wrong sweetie?" She asked, her red eyes showing concern. "I'm sorry I just feel bad cause such a good day was ruined by some drunk idiots."
Her face turned into a calm smile before she pulled you into a long kiss. "You're my Hero sweetie." You smiled back at her, wanting to wrap your arms around her but unable to because of her webs. To be fair you didn't mind. A large grin spread across your face.
"Shut up and kiss me."
Sorry if that one was short! I hope you enjoyed it!
Until next time Bye- Jude xoxox
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