Miia x Female Reader
Story title: My sweet Lamia
Hey Nekos! Yes, here we are, making a one-shot about one of the most beautiful yet most perverted anime to ever exist. Monster Musume 😍 I actually really enjoyed this anime so when Azureman136 asked if I could do Yuri one-shots for all the girls I thought it would be really fun!
I usually write straight fan fiction but I don't mind writing some Yaoi or Yuri. ^^
I know I have quite a lot of requests from others so I'll be spacing these Monster Musume one-shots out between them ^^
Thanks again to Azureman136 for requesting these one-shots and let's get into it!
Your pov
You skipped along the path towards your destination, your backpack on. Today you were going to your close friend, Kimihito's, house. You hadn't seen him in quite a while and was looking forward to hanging out. You arrived at his house and knocked the secret knock you and him made when you were little. The door opened to reveal a blonde Centaur.
He did mention that he had monster girls living with him.
"Hello! My name is (Y/N) (Y/L/N). I'm here to see Kimihito." You introduced yourself to the girl and she gave you a small smile. "Yes, Kimihito mentioned that you were coming. Come on in." She invited you in but was analysing you with every step you took. You entered the living room and saw many other girls but one that stood out to you was the Lamia with some beautiful, bright red hair. You then spotted Kimihito who had walked out of the kitchen. "(Y/N)! It's been so long!" He grinned and your smile widened. You jumped at him and attack hugged him, causing some gasped to be heard. "DARLING?! WHO IS THIS WOMAN!" You heard the Lamia squeal.
Suddenly a snake tail curled around your ankle and then you were completely covered by this snake tail. It's not too tight apart from...AROUND MY CHEST~
"Hehehe~" You giggled. "Miia let (Y/N) go." You heard your friend sigh and you were dropped to the ground. "Miia this is my friend, (Y/N). We've been friends since we were little." Miia looked at you, annoyed. "Kimihito should we tell her before she kills me." You laughed, noticing the obvious jealousy in the girl.
"Oh right. (Y/N) is a Lesbian."
You heard a sigh of relief from the corner where the Centaur was. Heheh~ Big boobs over there wants Kimihitos D. "And she'll be staying with us for a while." All the girls looked confused. "She's moving to a different house but it will take some time for her stuff to be moved there and she need somewhere to sleep." Kimihito explained.
This is going to be a fun few days.
The next day you were sitting on the couch, reading some Manga. Mostly everyone had gone out on a shopping trip apart from one. Miia was so tired that she never woke up so they just let her rest. But now you could hear little growls from the door behind you and you could tell it was Miia.
"Miia. I know you're there." You heard her squeak before slithering into the room slowly. "Look Miia there's really nothing you should worry about really. I'm not interested in Kinihito." She looked up before looked away. "That's not what I...."
"If I'm being honest I would rather do you." You winked cheekily causing the Lamia to blush. You giggled a little and went back to reading your Manga. "What you reading?" Miia asked in a shy voice. She slithered onto the couch next to you and curled up next to you. She eyed the Manga you were reading and suddenly jumped a little.
"I LOVE THIS MANGA!" She squealed, leaning more into you. You felt her boobs press against you and you instantly felt the drool coming from your mouth. Yes, you were quite the pervert, unlike Kimihito who never does anything when all these girls are throwing themselves at him. You quickly snapped out of your little perved haze. DON'T SCARE THE MONSTER GIRL!
"Hey Miia, wanna watch TV with me?" You asked her. She broke out into a smile and nodded. Over the next few days, Miia had gotten quite close to you. Currently, you were both out shopping for new clothes. People were staring at Miia and you could tell she was getting uncomfortable.
You were annoyed when you saw people pointing. "There's Monster humans everywhere so why ya STARING! Go find something better to do!" You shouted causing everyone close to you to quickly turn away and continue walking.
Just as Miia was about to say something, she was interrupted by a group of women around the same age as you. "Look at that snake-tailed bitch! A tail? It's disgusting and horrible!" Miias eyes began to water and she looked away. You felt her hand on yours as she held your hand in a tight grip.
I'm going to kill them.
"Is she with a girl! They're holding hands!"
"I bet they're both lesbians! Weirdos!"
You snapped.
"DO YOU WANT TO LIVE? IF THAT IS A YES THEN I SUGGEST YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP." Most of them looked at you with horror except for one. One laughed.
In an instant, you had punched her into the ground and was stamping on her fake tits. You heard a pop sound and stopped stomping.
"Oh, Miia. Did I ever mention I can get very violent when someone messes with someone I like?" You puffed out to the shocked redhead. She shook her head and little hearts could be seen in her eyes.
Awww that's so cute
"And also there is nothing wrong with being a lesbian! I like tits! So what?!" You looked down at their friend. "I didn't like her tits though! Fake!"
They all looked annoyed. "What's that look for? You want me to stomp you out?" You threatened them, causing them to leave. Miia quickly hugged you. "Thank you so much (Y/N)!" You could see the little hearts in her eyes which made popping that girls fake boobs worth it. I really like this girl
The next morning you woke up to find your face right next to Miias. Her tail was wrapped around you and your lips were almost touching. "Good morning" She smiled suddenly and opened her eyes. You smiled at her before she sat up. "I need to tell you something."
"I...I love you (Y/N)!" She quickly moved her face forward with embarrassment and connected our lips. You smirked and leant into the kiss, enjoying every moment. Once you stopped kissing, you saw Miia's bright red face. "I love you too Miia." You giggled and cuddled the monster girl.
Both of you didn't notice the rest of the girls at the door staring in with Kimihito. Some even sighed with happiness knowing that there was one less girl after kimihito.
I hope you all enjoyed that! Sorry if it was bad because it usually is if I'm writing it.
Until next time my Nekos Bye- Jude xoxoxo
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