Meiko x Shy! Female Reader
Story Title: I want to tell people
Hey Guys! I'm finally 18! ❤ Yes, last Friday I finally became an adult! Anyway another Meiko request! People really seem to love her! This was requested by NoelytheBest so I hope you enjoy!
(Y/N) walked down the hallway of Hachimitsu high, trying to get to her next lesson. She felt tired but was looking forward to later on in the day. Her girlfriend had promised they'd spend the night together watching movies and she couldn't wait.
Before she could make her way to her classroom, she was stopped by a large crowd of girls in the hallway. "Look look! It's the Underground student council!" One girl squealed slightly. "They're so cool!" Another said. The USC had always been incredibly popular among the students in Hachimtsu. (Y/N) felt too shy to try and push through the other people and instead tried to jump up above the crowd to see. Eventually, the crowd parted and out stepped the USC.
The USC had such a dominating presence in the crowd, everyone looked up to them. (Y/N) made eye contact with Meiko for just a second and received a small smile as she walked past. She felt her face turn slightly red and she looked away as to not cause suspicion. I wish we could just tell everyone about us...
Your pov
I sat in my lesson, thinking of my strong, beautiful girlfriend. We had gotten together a few months ago and upon doing so Meiko had asked me to keep our relationship a secret. I wasn't too happy with it but I understood why. Some of the girls in this school weren't too friendly to lesbians.
My mind floated back to my first year in this school and the two girls who were found to be in a relationship. They were not accepted too well at all. Yet it was killing me. I want to be able to hold her hand...Show my love for her.
"(Y/N)...(Y/N)!!!" I shook myself out of my trance to see my classmates in front of me. "Y-Yes?" I muttered, my shyness showing through. "Do you have anyone you like?" I felt the blood drain from my face slightly. I began to splutter. "O-Oh! I ermm...W-Well..." Their faces turned to big grins and they leaned closer. "Tell us!" I felt myself shrinking into myself as I tried to think of a way out of this. "At least tell us what he's like!"
I felt myself sigh in my head. He...
Knowing they wouldn't stop until I have them something, I took a deep breath and began to speak in a quiet voice. "They are so amazing. Strong and confident around everyone tey encounter. Part of me wishes I was more like them..." It felt so good being able to talk about her in front of people. Be able to gush about how perfect she is...
The bell went to signify the end of the day and I quickly stood up. "I'm g-going to leave now..." I packed my things away, eager to be with my girlfriend. I rushed out of the classroom, ignoring my friends yelling after me. "We didn't even get to know their nameee!"
I walked quickly through the school and to my dorm room where I changed into an oversized hoodie and some leggings. I felt my heart racing as I stealthily made my way to Meiko's room and opened it with my key. "She's not here yet..." I muttered as I flopped down onto her bed. The pillow smells like her... I snuggled into her pillow, wishing she was here and without realising it, I ended up falling asleep.
Meiko's pov
I said my goodbyes to Mari and Hana before leaving the council room. I stomped down the halls of the school, making sure to seem confident and poised even though in my head I was excited and giddy to see my love.
I kept my domineering presence until I got to my bedroom door and went inside. There I found (Y/N), asleep on my bed looking absolutely adorable in her oversized hoodie. She's so beautiful... I thought to myself as I slipped off my stilettos. Even with my stilettos off, I was still taller than her. I walked over to her and sat down on the bed next to her, running my hand through her hair until she began to stir awake.
"M-Meiko..." She said in a tired voice, a smile on her face. "Ready to watch a movie?" I said as she sat up. She nodded sleepily and I began to set up a film. "Meiko c-could I talk to you about s-something..." She muttered as I returned to the bed, taking a seat next to her.
"What's wrong (Y/N)?" I put my hand on hers. She looked incredibly worried to talk which made my heart pang.
"I w-want to tell everyone that we are together..." She said in such a low tone that I nearly didn't hear her. "(Y/N) you know why we can't." I said in a solum tone.
"Why can't we? Our relationship is just as normal as anyone else's!" She retorted. "(Y/N) we saw what happened to those other girls. I can't let that happen to us!" I replied. "That was two years ago! People may have changed and grown up!"
"NO!" I raised my voice slightly and she quickly became quiet. "(Y/N)...I don't want anyone to hurt you. I won't always be able to protect you from certain people. It's not as if I don't want to tell people. I know we are perfect together. I know our relationship is just as normal as everyone else's...Some people just can't see that yet."
She shuffled closer to me and embraced me. I reciprocated and held her protectively, never wanting to let go. "Not everyone is horrible Meiko...People change. I don't care what anyone else says...I know I love you and that will not change." She mumbled into my chest.
"(Y/N) if you want to, we can start telling people slowly. Close friends...if you want to?" I gave her my compromise with a calming smile. "Yes. Let's do that Meiko..." She leaned up and gave me a quick kiss before backing away her face bright red. "We'll start with Mari and Hana okay?" I nodded at her before getting comfortable next to her and switching the movie on.
"I love you (Y/N)."
Sorry if that was shit. Hope you enjoyed it!
Until next time bye- Jude
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