Meiko x Male Reader
Story Title: A broken bed
Hey Guys! This was requested by @GabrielOwens6 It was requested that the reader be autistic. I do not have autism myself so if I get any of this wrong or offend anyone I do apologise. I asked the requester and a close friend who also has autism for tips on how to write this reader and even got that friend to read this over beforehand so thanks for the help! Anyway let's get into this!
(Y/N) (Y/L/N) was a very quiet guy. He never really engaged too much in conversation but was happy to receive it. Unlike the other boys of Hachimitsu Academy, he wasn't in the prison block and was fairly accepted around the school.
His dorm room felt a bit lonely to him. It consisted of a single desk, a wardrobe for his clothing and a wooden bunk bed as the room was originally intended for two. It was later on at night and (Y/N) was preparing to head to bed. He put on his pyjamas which consisted of a black baggy top and some baggy pants to match. He climbed into the top bunk and felt the entire bunk shake as it did every night. He lay down and after a few seconds heard a long creak.
Oh no.
A scream escaped from his lungs as the bed suddenly collapsed, causing the boy to be thrown down to the ground, old broken wood scattering around him. "Owwww." He groaned, feeling splinters of wood pierced into his skin. It hurts...What do I do?
He didn't move for a long while, his body aching too much to move when out of nowhere the door swung open and the Vice President of the USC, Meiko Shiraki, burst in. "WHAT IS HAPPENING IN HERE!?" She flicked the lights on and the anger left her eyes when she saw the predicament the guy was in. She knew who (Y/N) was considering he was the only male student not in the prison block. And he was put into her class by Mari so she could keep an eye on him.
"What happened? I heard a crash whilst on patrol near the prison." She asked authority running through her voice. (Y/N)'s eyes were glued to the wall behind Meiko as he explained the situation. "I didn't realise these bunkbeds were that old. The wood's rotted." She said as she dragged large bits of the wood away. (Y/N) tried to pick himself up but a sharp pain in his leg stopped him.
Meiko looked at his struggle before turning her head and holding her hand out to him. "Here." She said simply with no other words. She'd always had a soft spot for him though she wouldn't show that to anyone. Hell, she wouldn't even admit it to herself.
After pulling him up, he hobbled over to his desk chair and flopped down onto it. He hissed in pain as he looked at the multiple splinters of wood in his skin. "D-Do you think the nurse is still here?" He asked.
"No. It's late she went home."
How did I get into this situation? (Y/N) thought as he watched Meiko, armed with a pair of tweezers, pull splinters of wood out of his legs. They were lucky no one else was in the nurse's room at the time. Meiko noticed (Y/N)'s eyes moving from her to the wall every now and then like he wanted to say something. "If you want to say something just say it."
His eyes focused on the wall behind Meiko before he decided to speak. "Why are you helping me?" Her eye's widened slightly at his words though she hid her reaction well and kept her strong demeanour. "Your guess is as good as mine." She mumbled, her mind contradicting what Mari had taught her.
His face went blank before confusion spread across his face. "What do you mean? My guess?" It was now Meiko's turn to be confused. "You's an idiom? A saying?"
"Oh... could you explain it to me please?" (Y/N) asked.
"It means I have no idea. I don't know why I'm helping you."
"Oh right. Sorry, I'm not the best with sayings and social cues. I can't help it. I have autism so stuff like that I struggle with but I'm fine once you explain it to me." He smiled slightly, a short laugh escaping his mouth followed by a yelp as Meiko continued to pull the wood out of his skin.
"Thanks for sharing that with me." Meiko said after a while.
"It's okay it's something that's part of me so I do not feel the need to hide it."
By the time Meiko had bandaged him up, it was past midnight. "(Y/N) you can stay here in the Nurse's office for now. I'll make sure you get a new bed before tomorrow night." She was about to walk away when (Y/N) reached his arm out and grabbed her hand. Her head quickly whipped back round to him, her face uncontrollably red. "Thank you for helping me Meiko." That smile which was so genuine nearly broke Meiko's strong facade.
"W-Whatever. Just go to sleep." She stuttered out before leaving the room. (Y/N) watched her leave, a smile on his face. I want to get closer to her...
The next day went along as usual. More people were talking to him today, asking why he was bandaged up. Though he was happy to explain what happened, he left out that Meiko helped. She probably wouldn't like me telling people.
(Y/N) sat in his seat near the back of the class, clicking his pen, stopping every now and then to doodle something down in his notebook. His gaze wandered to the window as a certain grey-haired girl filled his thoughts. She hasn't spoken to me all day...she hasn't even looked at me.
"(Y/N). Here's the homework." He looked up, his eyes refusing to focus on his classmate's eyes. "Oh thanks." He mumbled, taking the paper out of her hand and putting it into his bag. She smiled and walked away as he packed away the rest of his work. "See you later!" Some classmates said as he limped to the door. His leg was still hurting from the night before. His eyes stuck to the ground as he waved his classmate's goodbye before making the walk back to the dorm.
(Y/N) couldn't help but hope that he'd see Meiko again today. He sorta wished she'd be in his room but he knew that wouldn't happen. He reached his dorm room and opened it to find exactly what he thought would be impossible. Meiko sitting on a brand new single bed, two small bento boxes next to her and looking kind of nervous.
"Meiko?" The boy stood in shock, wondering why she was there.
"I thought maybe you would prefer a single bed instead of a bunk bed since it's only you in here." She said, gesturing for him to come sit down next to her. "I've come to check on your injuries. A-And I made you some food..." She looked away and handed him one of the bento boxes. "I'm glad because I wanted to talk to you."
"Talk about what?" Meiko asked.
Your pov
"I wanted to say thanks again for helping me last night...and the bed too! You're always so nice to me." I smiled as I opened the bento box she'd made for me. The smell of katsu curry filled my nose and I felt weak.
"Meiko this smells amazing!" I quickly took a bite. "And tastes amazing! You're cooking is brilliant!" I looked over to her to find her face was bright pink. She's adorable! As I kept eating, she began to talk.
"(Y/N). The other day when you told me you had autism...I'm glad you felt like you could tell me." I felt my heartstrings pull at that soft voice. I placed my food down. I looked up and for the first time, I looked directly into her beautiful eyes. "It's something that's a big part of me. I care about you a lot so I wanted to share it with you..."
"W-What do you mean?" She asked. It was surprising to see the usually very stern-faced strong-voiced Meiko with a large blush and a stuttering voice. "Meiko I like you..." I muttered, trying not to avert my eyes from hers. She looked at me with slight shock in her eyes.
"I didn't expect you to like someone like me." She mumbled.
"Why wouldn't I? You're strong and beautiful." I said simply. Her silence made me worry. What if I just made a mistake...
"I like you too."
I felt myself move on my own as I wrapped my arms around her. She reciprocated and did the same. "Meiko, do you want to be my girlfriend?" I asked, my heart pounding through my chest. She nodded, a smile on her face. I ran my hand through her hair and slowly pulled the bobble out, letting her hair come down. "You look so beautiful..." I muttered as our faces moved closer and closer until our lips touched.
Sorry if that wasn't that good. I hope you enjoy it at least. Once again I hope I didn't offend anyone with this that's never my goal.
Until next time bye- Jude
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