Maple x Female Reader x Vanilla
Story Title: Two dates, pick one!
Hey guys! Guess who got her A-level results! This bitch did! And they were downgraded because of course 😒 Thanks UK government you fucks. To anyone who's reading this and is also in this situation, appeals have been made free so get that appeal lads! And be proud of yourselves either way cause we all tried our hardest even in these strange circumstances!
Anyway... We love some catgirls. Personally, my favourite Nekopara girl is Cinnamon for...Obvious reasons. This was requested by BubblesRoseYuki so I hope you enjoy it!
Your pov
Ever since I had moved into the house next to the famous patisserie 'La Soleil', I found myself coming back at least three times a week. Whether it was to get my morning coffee or a snack in the middle of the day, I was drawn to the place.
In my head, I knew why I was drawn to the place. It was two certain waitresses who stole my heart the moment I met them. Maple and Vanilla were both so sweet to me and every time I came into the patisserie there would clamber over each other trying to serve me. It became incredibly obvious they both liked me when they both came up to me and confessed loudly over each other.
Both of them were beautiful in their own special way. Maple was more independent and mature whilst Vanilla was composed and peaceful. Maple's passion for music and singing was adorable yet so was Vanilla's passion for her family, especially her sister.
I looked down into my coffee, feeling conflicted as I felt two keen pairs of eyes piercing into the back of my head. The moment I drank the last drop of my coffee, both of them had appeared at my side. "Hello (Y/N)!" They both said at the same time. "We've both figured out a way to help you pick one of us." Maple exclaimed, a determined smile on her face. "It involves you going on a separate date with each of us and after making your decision." Vanilla said in her usual monotone voice yet she held the same smile as Maple. "W-What?" I blushed, looking at the eager catgirls in front of me. They just gave me pleading eyes which I couldn't say no to. So on Saturday morning I found myself getting ready for my first date with Vanilla.
3rd person pov
"The warm weather is perfect for your date Vanilla!" Chocola said with a grin as she ate her breakfast with Cacao sat next to her watching on in silence. "How do I look?" Vanilla said, doing a slight twirl. She was wearing a simple light blue dress and was feeling slighty nervous. I have to win (Y/N)'s heart!
"You look great Vanilla." Kashou said with a smile, patting her head. She nodded, thanking him before Chocola got up and began to beg for head pats too. She waited in the cafe for (Y/N) to come and meet her so they could leave together. After a few minutes, she entered the cafe wearing beautiful off the shoulder black and white dress that reached the bottom of her legs.
Vanilla jumped up from her seat and walked over to the girl before holding her hand out. "Shall we go?" A gentle smile fell upon (Y/N)'s face and she nodded. The weather was warm and sunny so they had decided to go to the beach. Once they picked a nice spot, (Y/N) placed their stuff down on a large beach blanket. Vanilla nonchalantly pulled her dress off to reveal her blue two piece swim suit. "I'm ready (Y/N)." She said and watched with a smirk in her mind as her love turned around and went red. "(Y/N) you're staring." Vanilla said in her monotone voice even though she was grinning on the inside.
"O-Oh Vanilla! You look beautiful!" (Y/N) felt herself stuttering, looking at how gorgeous the catgirl in front of her was. "I-I should probably take my dress off too!" (Y/N) pulled off her dress to reveal a onepiece swimsuit with a lace-up design on the front. It was now Vanilla's turn to blush. (Y/N) looks so perfect in that swimsuit! Vanilla had no words.
"Shall we go swim?" (Y/N) held out her hand to Vanilla and she nodded with a big smile. They spent the whole day in the sea, enjoying their time together as they splashed about in the water. Later on they got out, changed back into their clothes and decided to get some ice cream. "Vanilla I've had so much fun today." (Y/N) grinned as she licked her ice cream.
Vanilla's face went slightly pink and she smiled softly. "I had fun too (Y/N)." They began to walk back home whilst having their ice cream. A few short minutes of walking passed where (Y/N) noticed that Vanilla was slightly staring. I wonder what she's thinking of...
They eventually arrived back home where (Y/N) stopped and turned to Vanilla who had a bright red face. The cat girl took a deep breath and quickly leaned closer, giving (Y/N) a slight peck on her cheek before rushing into the patisserie.
The next day arrived and Maple was on the train heading towards (Y/N)'s home, a smile on her face. I'm so glad I managed to convince Shigure not to come... She had decided to wear a white button shirt with a bow, a pretty orange and black skirt with some thigh highs and heels. She felt quite proud of herself for picking out the outfit and was confident that she looked better than Vanilla. I will win (Y/N) over!
She exited the train and with a skip in her step, walked towards their meeting place. The weather wasn't as warm as the day before so they had decided a picnic in the park would be perfect for the weather. Maple saw the park entrance in the distance as well as a figure holding a basket. She got closer and closer until (Y/N) came into view. She was wearing a (F/C) jumpsuit with a belt around the waistline with some heels. Her face lit up at the sight of Maple and she began to wave. Maple felt her face become flushed as she ran towards (Y/N).
"Hey!" Maple smiled as she stopped in front of (Y/N). "Ready for our date?" (Y/N) grinned slightly, holding up the basket. "I made some really cute bento boxes." Maple nodded and they walked into the park to find a nice place to sit and eat.
"Here looks good." Maple pointed to a place under a large tree. (Y/N) nodded in agreement and placed the basket down. She opened it, pulled out the blanket and laid it onto the ground. They sat down together and opened their lunches. "(Y/N) this looks amazing!" Maple exclaimed, shocked at the beautiful presentation of the food before trying some. "And it taste's good too!" "I'm glad you like it..." (Y/N) looked down with a flushed face.
They made small conversation as they ate their food and after found themselves laying next to each other on the blanket for hours, just looking up at the clouds. "That one looks like a duck!" (Y/N) laughed, pointing up to a weird-shaped cloud. "That one looks like a microphone!" Maple giggled, pointing to another one. "You really love singing don't you?" (Y/N) murmers.
"Yeah...I'm not that good though." The catgirl said awkwardly, her ears pointing down sadly.
"I think your singing voice is beautiful Maple." (Y/N) said without thinking, looking directly into Maple's green eyes. A few seconds passed before both girls faces exploded into a red colour and they sat up in a startled state. "T-Thanks (Y/N)..." Maple looked at the flustered girl next to her, placed a hand on hers before she leaned forward and placed a kiss on (Y/N)'s lips, causing the girl to jump slightly. They leaned away from eachother and smiled. "Let's head back."
When (Y/N) and Maple returned, they found Vanilla waiting outside the patisserie. Straight as she saw the two, she jumped up and ran over. Maple and Vanilla growled at each other slightly as (Y/N) tried to calm them down. "Who do you want to date?!" They both asked, making the girl back away.
"I-I d-don't know..." She mumbled out, her head swirling. I love them both...
Both girls looked at (Y/N) with disappointment. "Look I'm sorry but it's hard!" She yelled before running back to her house, leaving the two catgirls stunned and quite sad. (Y/N) flopped down onto her bed, tears stinging her eyes. "I can't do this...I can't do it!" Her heart ached as she thought of the two girls. They're both perfect... She thought as she fell into a slumber.
Vanilla couldn't sleep as she laid in her bed, Chocola and Cacao breathing softly next to her. She looked so hurt...
She sat up, careful not to wake the two girls next to her and walked into the main room. Maple was sat up on her futon, not able to sleep. She felt so grateful that Kashou allowed her to stay over that night yet her head wouldn't allow her to rest. She turned at the sound of the door and saw Vanilla.
"Hey..." Vanilla sat down on the couch and looked down solumly. "I don't think (Y/N) will be able to pick." Maple nodded in agreement as they sat in silence. Both felt bad for making (Y/N) choose between them cause they knew she wouldn't want to hurt either of them. Suddenly both girls jumped up, looking at eachother intently. "Vanilla...Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Maple grinned. Vanilla nodded, a slight grin on her face.
The next morning (Y/N) woke up, her eyes red from crying. "Eghhh." She got dressed ready for work and hesitantly made her way over to the patisserie to get her morning coffee. When she entered she was shocked to find no one there but herself. "Kashou? Where is everyone??" A few seconds passed before Vanilla and Maple walked out of the back door, both in their uniforms.
"O-Oh...Hey.." (Y/N) said awkwardly, knowing she still didn't have an answer.
"(Y/N) you don't have to think about who to pick anymore." Vanilla said. (Y/N)'s eyes widened and she began to worry. They both hate me because I didn't pick quick enough...
"(Y/N) we want you to pick us both." They both said in unison, holding each others hands. "W-W-What?!" (Y/N) blushed as she began to imagine what that would be like. "A-Are you sure you both want that?" The catgirls nodded eagerly and both lunged towards the girl. "AHHH!" She yelled as she toppled to the ground, both girls nuzzling her.
"We love you (Y/N)!"
Sorry if that was shit! Hope you all enjoyed it anyway!
Until next time bye!- Jude
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