Hikari x Male Reader
Story Title: Fantasies of sucking blood.
Hey guys! I am very happy right now because Monday 6th May marked my three year anniversary with my absolutely adorable and sweet boyfriend ❤ He's such a cutie x I love you Andrew! Sorry just had to share that 😅 This one was requested by -Explodyboi- quite a while ago 😅 Sorry about the long wait. I hope you enjoy this!
3rd person pov
Hikari sat at her desk, chewing on a pencil. She wanted nothing more than for the lesson to end so she could go to Takahashi's biology prep-room. It was nice and cool in there, not too bright.
As she let her mind drift away to another world, her eyes landed on the neck of the boy sitting next to her. This boy just so happened to be her close friend, (Y/N) (Y/L/N). Her mind was filling with images of her sinking her fangs into the nape of his neck. Just holding him close and...
"WAHH!" Hikari jumped up, her face beet red and the entire class staring at her.
"Takanashi-San is there something wrong?" The teacher asked, breaking the deathly silence. Hikari could feel his eyes on her. "N-Nothings wrong!" She quickly shouted and sat back down. Everyone just shrugged it off as something Hikari would do and the lesson continued until the bell saved Hikari from her embarrassment. She rushed out of the classroom, heading in the direction of the biology prep-room. (Y/N) came out of the classroom and looked at the blonde girl rushing away from him. He felt his smile drop and he sighed. "I really wanted to talk to her."
Hikari slammed open the door to the biology prep-room, scaring the large man who resided inside. "What's wrong Hikari?" Takahashi asked genuine concerned written on his face. He could tell something was wrong with the young Demi girl.
"Well..." Hikari looked down, her face returning to its previous red colour. She sat down on the chair facing the teacher and took a deep breath. "Remember when we had that conversation about me...sucking blood and how I only fantasised about sucking girls blood?" Takahashi nodded, gesturing for her to continue.
"W-Well..." Hikari's heartbeat increased and she looked down. "I may feel that way about...a...boy.." Takahashi's eyes widened a little before he smirked. "Ah what it is to feel younggg..." Hikari's face was flushed as she began to shout in her usual boisterous voice. "What do you mean by that!?"
"Young loveeee." Takahashi leant back in his chair, a big grin plastered on his face.
"LOVE?!" Hikari was both shocked and yet...not shocked at the same time. She had known deep down that these feelings were definitely love but refused to accept it. (Y/N) was a friend!
"So who is it?" He teased, sitting back up straight and crossing his arms.
"...(Y/N)." Hikari muttered, covering her face with her hair. "You and (Y/N) are very close to be fair." Takahashi mumbled, stroking his chin. "For months I've been thinking aboiut...sucking his blood from his neck. But not just that...just him in general. It's weird cause I've never felt like this before so I don't know what to do with these feelings." It felt wrong seeing Hikari this vulnerable. The confident, optimistic Hikari was now so shy and timid, it was as if she and Kusakabe had switched personalities and it wasn't sitting right with Takahashi.
He stood up and clapped his hands together. "Right, if you want me to I'll help you plan a confession. I'm sure the others will want to help..." His sentence trailed off as he stared at the slightly open door that he knew Hikari had shut after her entrance. He stepped forward and with one swift move, slammed open the door to reveal (Y/N) standing outside. The young boy's face went red as he put his hands defensively in front of his body. "I-I didn't mean to pry it's just-" Takahashi got his book and slightly smacked (Y/N)'s head. "It's rude to listen in on someone else's conversation."
Hikari was stunned but mostly fearful of how much he's heard. What will he think of me now?
"I feel the same!" (Y/N)'s voice echoed through the room, causing Hikari's face to snap up and face him. "W-Wait really?" She questioned just to make sure her ears weren't playing tricks on her.
"Hikari! I love you! The way you act, your positivity that seems to brighten up my day! The way you grin when you're being mischievous and just the way you look at me. Those eyes. They shine so brightly sometimes I can't remember how long I've been staring." Hikari was in utter shock and Takahashi was in disbelief that someone that young could be so passionate.
"Hikari...I-I want you to bite me! I want you to...suck my blood. Only if you want and obviously not enough to kill me." A small chuckle escaped the boy's mouth before he continued. "But I know it means something...intimate...to you and I-"
Hikari ran forward and wrapped her arms around (Y/N)'s body. He instinctively wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her close, not wanting to let go. "I love you (Y/N)." She muttered, burying her face into the nape of his neck.
"YOU CAN'T DO THAT HERE!" Takahashi screamed, his voice unsteady. Hikari and (Y/N) looked at him before laughing on each others arms.
Hope ya enjoyed that! Sorry if it wasn't that good. Got mocks next week so that's fun.
Until next time Bye- xoxoxo
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