Female! Ichigo x Suicidal Male Reader
Story Title: I love him, I love her, I love their personalitly
Hey guys! Never done a gender-bent character story before but I guess today's the day that's gonna change! (Just a warning, Ichigo isn't BORN as a girl in this, he turns into one.)
This was requested by @Andersonisking quite a while ago >~< sorry bout that. College doesn't wanna give me a lot of free time and also I've just come out of having Tonsillitis. FUN
Anyway! Let's get on with the oneshot.
3rd person pov
It was finally the end of the long school term and (Y/N) was about to make the treck home. Ice paved the ground beneath him and as he breathed out, he saw the cold air in his face. He felt his body shiver even though he was wrapped up warm. As he left the Karakura high, multiple people said goodbye to him and wished him a good break. There was no denying that people liked (Y/N). He was friendly, kind and always prepared to listen. He was always smiling.
That's what everyone saw.
"Hey (Y/N)." (Y/N) turned at the familiar voice. Ichigo Kurosaki was in (Y/N)'s class and they'd become friends at the start of the year. He was quite stubborn and rough yet empathetic and compassionate at the same time. He gave him a friendly smile before they both started to walk in the cold weather. People were often shocked to learn that they were friends considering the large difference in personalities but both males didn't care. They enjoyed each others company.
(Y/N) looked at Ichigo as they walked and the world seemed to slow down. He'd been feeling like this for a while now and he didn't know what to think. He'd never been interested in males or females for that matter. He didn't really care. It was all about the personality for him but he just felt confused. How was he supposed to express these feelings to Ichigo? He had no clue how he'd react! He could begin to resent him.
(Y/N) didn't want that at all.
As they reached (Y/N)'s home, he turned and gave a shy smile to Ichigo. "I'll see you over the break won't I?"
Ichigo gave a toothy grin that made (Y/N) melt. "Of course! I'll see you later."
As Ichigo left, he turned and watched the other guy enter his house. (Y/N)'s face wasn't holding that usual smile.
Your pov
You entered your house and the smile instantly fell from your face. You trudged upstairs and entered your room before flopping down onto your bed. You hated every day. You didn't know why. In terms of your life, you had it all. Amazing friends, amazing family, good grades, and even a crush!
Yet you hated yourself. You hated going to school every day. You hated putting a fake smile on every day. You hated the conflicting feelings you had in your head. You wanted it to stop. You turned and stared at the cabinet in the bathroom. They're all in there. I could...
You were interrupted by a loud knock at the front door. You slowly made your way downstairs and opened the door to see...Ichigo? At least that's what you thought until you saw the long flowing hair and rather large boobs on their chest.
"I-Ichigo?!" You said in shock, looking him...her up and down. Ichigo's ginger hair was now down to his hips and his face and body were less chiselled. You noticed that his shirt and pants had ripped at the seems because of the change. His shirt was close to bursting open and his pants were ripped around his thighs. They were thicc. You knew Ichigo liked to wear tight clothes but they didn't work with his new body.
"(Y/N) I was caught off guard by a hollow like an idiot!" Ichigos now feminine voice said, obvious embarrassment and frustration in her voice. You let her in and went into the living room. You were lucky your parents wouldn't be home until late because of their jobs. You made Ichigo some tea, calmed her down and then asked her to tell you what happened.
"Basically, I was walking home and saw a hollow nearby. Obviously, I got out of my body and went to attack it. As I swung at it, one of its tentacles shot out at my body which was on the floor and it stabbed it! Some shit must have gone into my body because when I went to get back into it, my body had grown...b-boobs! My soul reaper form is still normal but my actual body is a girls!"
You could tell she was panicking again about what had happened. This was so unlike Ichigo. Without thinking you grabbed her hand and said in a calm manner. "Look Ichigo everything is going to be fine. Let's go to Urahara and see what's happened and how we can reverse it. Your gender obviously hasn't fully changed otherwise your soul reaper form would've changed too." You reassured her. She nodded slowly and you quickly pulled your hands away, blushing slightly. Crap! He must think I'm so weird.
You and Ichigo quickly rushed to Urahara to be told that Ichigo's body would return to normal in about 2 weeks and so he needed to be kept away from others so no one could see him. Urahara offered Ichigo to stay at his shop which the ginger gladly accepted.
"So you'll be here for two weeks..." You sighed as you looked at the room Urahara had given Ichigo. It was pretty basic with a futon, a tea maker in the corner and a set of drawers. "Yeah. This'll be fine once it's all over. I just don't want the others to know..." Ichigo looked away, a blush on her face. Your heart started to beat faster. You never got to see this side of Ichigo when he was in his male body.
"I don't wanna worry Orihime, Chad and the others." You nodded, your heart sinking slightly as you heard Orihime's name. She was a good friend but her attraction to Ichigo was obvious and you were sure he probably held the same feelings for her too. Why do I feel this way!? He's my friend.
Over the next week and a half, you came to visit Ichigo every day just to hang out with her and make sure she wasn't getting lonely. Even though you were seeing the person you loved each day, your mind was still in a dark puddle that you couldn't escape from. You couldn't show it to anyone. Especially not Ichigo. They had enough on their plate. You continued to smile.
As you were heading to Urahara's, you thought about your feelings towards Ichigo.
I love him. I love her. I love the personality Ichigo brings whether he's in a girls or boys body. I want to be with Ichigo. But it's impossible. He'll never accept my feelings. He only sees me as a friend. I don't even know if he likes guys. He probably doesn't.
If I don't have a chance...maybe I should just tell him. Then I'll be able to do it. Nothing will hold me back. The world would be better off without me.
Ichigo's pov
Being in a girls body for nearly two weeks had been strange and confusing. Yoruichi tried to help but spent most of her time teasing me and grouping my new assets, much too my discomfort. I felt strange yet (Y/N) visiting me each day was helping me come to terms with this weird experience. I mean nothing was as strange as me wearing a skirt, which was what I was wearing at this moment. I picked up a brush near my feet and began to brush out the knots in my long hair. I hated doing it but I had too. As I did this tedious task, I thought about (Y/N).
Over this past week, I'd started to feel...something...when I was close to him. My heart started to beat faster and my face would become redder. At first, I just brushed it off as being because of the gender change but as I thought about it I realised this was more than I believed it to be. These feelings existed before this whole experience.
I had just pushed it into the back of my head in fear of the rejection and judgement of others.
I let out a slight chuckle thinking about how I usually didn't care about the judgement of others. People had ridiculed me non-stop for my orange hair and other stupid things but I'd never really given a shit. Why did it matter now? I knew why. Because this time it involved someone I cared about. I faced the reality.
I'd fallen for my best friend.
He was so kind, so selfless and always prepared to help. He was someone I'd always admired. But what could I do with these feelings? I'm still a guy in this body. It's not long before I turn back into a guy which is what I want but...maybe as a girl I have a chance with him. I let out a long sigh. "What's up Ichigo?" I jumped as I heard (Y/N)'s voice from behind me. "Oh nothing!" I went red.
Bloody hell I'm acting like such a kid!
"Nice skirt." He laughed slightly. I could feel my face getting hotter. "I don't own any pants that work with these thighs!" I answered back, my short-temper showing. I turned around to face him.
He looked back at me, his face also a slight hint of red. However, his face looked sad. It was drooped and unhappy. Just as I was about to question this, he slammed his lips against my own. My eyes widened with shock and I couldn't react. I couldn't comprehend what had happened.
After what seemed like forever, he moved away from my body and with teary eyes, confessed his feelings.
"Ichigo I love you. And I don't mean this girl form. I mean you. Your personality. The stubborn but caring nature that got me hooked to you from the second you opened your mouth. I've been lucky enough to have someone like you who makes me happy every day but now I know this makes things complicated." Tears finally spilt from his (E/C) eyes. "I'm sorry Ichigo."
I watched, frozen in space as he ran away. I'd never seen him so...fragile. As I got ready to follow him, I felt a hard pang in my chest and I was instantly knocked unconscious. When I regained consciousness, I noticed that the long hair I'd gotten so used to was gone. I'm a guy again! I looked over at the clock and saw that I'd been out for around 15 minutes. I was about to rush out when I realised I was still in the skirt I was wearing before I'd changed back.Fuck! That was close.
I quickly changed into some new clothes and ran after (Y/N). I sprinted as fast as I could, wanting to make sure he was okay. His tear-filled face came into my mind and I couldn't help but feel sad. I want to protect him, make him feel happy. I wanted to show him that I loved him too!
I arrived at (Y/N)'s house and rappidly knocked on the door. No response. "(Y/N) open up! You know I'll get in either way!" I waited a few seconds. Still no response.
I sighed and walked to the side of his house and started climbing up to his window. I'd done this before whenever he overslept, which seemed to be a lot. I got up to his window and slided it open. I stepped inside and instantly heard the sound of sobbing coming from the bathroom.
I waisted no time approaching the door and opening it. "(Y/N)--" My voice cut off at the scene in front of me. He was collapsed on the tiled floor, his whole body shaking and his hand overflowling with many different types of pills. He was surrounded by multiple opened packets were the pills came from and a cup of water that I guessed was to help wash them down.
He head snapped up, exposing his tear stained face. I could feel my eyes begin to water. "(Y/N) why? Why would you do this?" I collapsed to my knees next to him and slapped the pills out of his hand. He let out a cry as his hands moved to hide his face. I gathered all the pills and threw them into the toilet and flushed them away. As I was picking up the pills, my eyes caught one of the pill packets that hadn't been opened.
My eyes widened and I looked over at the guy I loved. He never told anyone. Never let anyone know. Never gave a sign. No one could tell that behind his joyful smile, he was suffering. My arms instinctively wrapped themselves around him and I heard his breath hitch.
"(Y/N) I'm sorry I never noticed. I try so hard to protect you and I never even noticed that you were hurting. I'm so sorry." I apologised over and over, holding him close. "What you said before... I love you too. I've never really thought about love and when I started noticing these feelings I just brushed it off, blaming it on the gender change but... I've been feeling this way for so long. I want to protect you (Y/N). I want to make you happy. I want to be with you!" I'd never expressed so many feelings at once. My face was bright red and filled with tears.
(Y/N) finally raised his head and stared at me with shock. "Ichigo are you being serious? Because there's no doubt people will judge us and I don't want be a problem and--" I silence him with a kiss. He closed his eyes and kissed me back, his hand intertwining with my own. "You will never be a bother. The people who judge us? Fuck them. I don't care what they say! You matter, not them."
(Y/N) nodded, wiping his eyes. We heard the door from downstairs open and the sound of (Y/N)'s mothers voice was heard. He looked at me with worry in his eyes and I gave him a reasurring smile that told him everything. We both stood up, our hands intertwinded and took the first step in our relationship.
I hope you enjoyed that! Sorry if it was a bit shit 😅😅 That's not unusual with my stories. Trying to post more but not sure how much I'll live up to that.
I've got three requests to work on so I'll get to them soon!
Until next time Bye- Jude xoxox
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