Elma x Male Reader
Story Title: I have a Secret
Hey guys! This one-shot was requested by -Explodyboi- Elma deserves some love! Hope you enjoy this!
Your pov
Work, work, work. You sat back in your chair and stretched. You looked over at the girl sat next to you. She was looking at the computer with a worried expression, as though trying to figure it out. She's kinda cute when she makes that face.
That girl next to you was Elma Joui.
"Hey, you need a hand there?" You asked, causing her to jump at your voice.
"Y-Yeah..." She looked embarrassed as she explained what she needed help with. You were quick to show her what to do. "Trust me I was just as bad when I first started Elma." You laughed and she laughed with you.
When she first started, she refused to talk to you and ignored your every word. She wouldn't even use your name! She'd just look at you and glare whilst calling you "Human". Eventually, she warmed to you and you became friends. You enjoyed her adorable personality but felt as if she was hiding something from you. You noticed as you got to know each other, she stumbled on talking about her past. You didn't want to push her so you didn't question her further.
As you reflected on your past, Kobayashi approached you and Elma. "Elma, (Y/N)?" You both turned around and greeted her. "Hey what do you need Kobayashi?" You asked, a friendly smile on your face. "Well, I'm having a few people around tonight and was wondering if you both wanted to come?"
3rd pov
Elma and (Y/N) nodded vigorously at Kobayashi, accepting her invite. Kobayashi walked out of the room as (Y/N) turned back to his monitor, excited for tonight. Elma noticed that Kobayashi was signalling her over and quickly excused herself. "You haven't told him yet have you?." Kobayashi sighed unhappily and crossed her arms. "I know. It's just difficult to explain to him. He may not react as kindly as you and the other Humans have. I don't want things to go wrong..."
"I get that Elma but you must build up your confidence and just tell him. I know it's hurting you to hide this from him. I can tell from the way you look at me and Tohru and Takiya and Fafnir... You want to be like that with (Y/N)."
Elmas face flushed red and she looked down, embarrassed but knowing that Kobayashi was telling the truth. "B-But I'm not supposed to interfere with the human world but...I want him to know. But..." Elma began to worry and panic. The only reason Kobayashi was holding this sort of party at her house was so they could celebrate Elma finally telling (Y/N), the first human she'd gotten close to on her own, that she was a dragon.
Though Elma wouldn't admit it, Kobayashi could tell that she felt something more for him than just friendship. "Telling him the truth is the first step towards a closer relationship with him Elma. I know you can do it. We're all here for you." Elma nodded her head and they both continued their work.
After work had finished, they all left and headed over to Kobayashi's. As they walked in the chilly weather, she eyed Elma and she shook her head slightly, sighing a little in the process.
"Are you okay Elma?" (Y/N) asked, concern bubbling in his eyes. He moved slightly closer to her, causing her to blush and back away quickly. "I-I'm fine!" (Y/N) nodded with a smile and returned to his usual walking position. "If you say so."
As they walked, Kobayashi smiled and walked ahead, giving Elma and (Y/N) some time alone. The wind blew slightly as they walked in silence, both wanting to say something but not being able to. "Elma...I'm glad I'm finally meeting your friends. I've heard so much about them so I can't wait to meet them." (Y/N) said, trying to start a conversation.
"Y-Yeah they're all very excited to meet you. I've told them a lot about you!"
"Ohhh reallyyy?" (Y/N) turned to face Elma with a grin. "What have you been saying about me?" Elma laughed, her face pink. "Only the worst things possible." She let out a bundle of giggles, causing (Y/N)'s heartstrings to tug in his chest. Fuck, She's adorable!
Just as they were about to enter Kobayashi's, (Y/N) stopped walking. "Elma." She turned at the sound of his voice and looked at him questioningly. "(Y/N)? What's wrong?" Kobayashi looked at (Y/N) from behind Elma and could see the look in his eyes. She nodded with a smile and left them alone. Elma didn't even notice her leaving. Her eyes were locked on (Y/N).
"I have a secret. Do you mind if I tell you before we go in?" He gave her a soft smile, which warmed her slightly in the cold weather. "Sure. What is it?" Elma whispered, anticipation in her voice. (Y/N) approached her, a big grin on his face until he was right in front of her. He leaned down and whispered into her ear.
"I love you."
And then he walked into the apartment. Elma's eyes widened and her face burned red. What?! L-L-LOVE?! BUT I'M A DRAGON! Her mind was racing. What was she going to do? She knew how she felt. She knew what she wanted. But what was she supposed to do? Go against everything she was sticking to? She turned around and looked into the flat. She saw Tohru holding Kobayashi in her arms. They both had smiles on their faces.
Elma had made up her mind.
She entered the flat and closed the door behind her. She came up behind (Y/N) and took a deep breath before letting her horn and tail out. She poked him on the back and gulped as he turned around. His eyes went wide and she closed hers in fear. "I have a secret too. (Y/N)...I'm a Dragon!"
There was a moment of silence before she felt something poke the tip of her horn. Her eyes bolted open and she was shocked to see (Y/N), a big grin on his face and his finger resting on the tip of her horn.
"You're so cute ya know." He smirked and pulled Elma into a kiss. The rest of the room faded away as she leaned into the kiss. Yes, he was a human and she was a Dragon, but she had a feeling they were gonna make it work.
Sorry if that was a bit shit. I'll be honest my mind went blank when I starting writing this. Got there in the end though.
Until next time Bye- Jude xoxox
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