Cheater Kensei x Chubby Reader x Kenpachi
Story Title: Mending a Broken heart
Hey Nekos! Yep just by that title, you can tell this one is gonna be a roller coaster of feels. XD In a shit mood so hopefully doing some writing will cheer me up. This was requested by belle7071
I hope you enjoy!
Your pov
A broken heart isn't easy to mend. You had your suspicions for a while now but had ignored them because you loved him. But now you had to face the truth. You could already feel the tears pricking at your eyes. You had opened the door to see your boyfriend of over a year, Kensei, in bed with some random girl you had never seen before.
"(Y/N)! I-I can explain!" Kensei said as he quickly covered him and the girl with the bed sheets. You said nothing. You just walked across the room, grabbed your backpack and started shoving your stuff into it. By now the tears were pouring down your face and all you wanted to do was curl up into a ball and cry, but you needed your stuff.
"(Y/N) Please listen to me!" He pleaded but it you didn't listen.
Once you had all of your stuff, you headed for the door only to have Kensei grab onto your shirt. "Don't go please." Your heart broke even more. "Goodbye Kensei."
You returned to the soul society, wanting nothing more than to not exist. Your heart was shattered. And there were so many questions that you wanted the answers for.
Why did he cheat? Was I not good enough? Was it the way I look? Was it because I'm fat? Was I not interesting enough? How long has this been going on for? Was it because I lived in the soul society and he didn't?
Did he actually ever love me?
You sat in the woods not far from the barracks. You were leaning against a tree, sobbing when your lieutenant, Shuhei, Ikkaku and Yumichika came running over. "(Y/N) welcome back..." Shuheis sentence faded off as he saw the tears dripping. "What happened?" He kneeled down next to you. You saw what had happened just less than an hour ago flash into your mind and you couldn't help it. You screamed as you cried. This hurt more than any Hollow attack.
You were broken.
1 Month later
You hadn't been back to the human world ever since that day. You were afraid of seeing him. You had been hanging out a lot more with Ikkaku, Yumichika, Shuhei and Captain Kenpachi Zaraki. They were all so nice and were trying to help you get your mind off of Kensei by training and hanging out with you. You were so grateful to have such amazing friends couldn't get him out of your head. Kensei plagued your head and wouldn't leave.
It would take a lot of time to stop loving him.
Kenpachis pov
I entered the training area of my squad to see Ikkaku and (Y/N) battling. (Y/N) had been coming here ever since her break up with Kensei. Just thinking of his name made me sick. I may be someone who loves fighting but I am fully against cheating.
"Hey. Can I join in?" I said, making both of them halt their actions. "Good morning Captain!" Ikkaku said whilst (Y/N) stayed silent and just nodded. We all spent hours there just practising and joking around. Even though it seemed like we were having fun, I could see the pain in (Y/N)'s eyes.
Her eyes look better when they aren't sad. I hope one day she has that fire in her eyes that she used to have.
Months passed and it had been half a year since she broke up with him. I had slowly fallen for her and the firey but calm personality she had. She was amazing in every way to me. Currently, we were training, as we usually do. Ikkaku, Yumichika and Shuhei were watching for the side. As much as I wanted to concentrate more on the fighting, half of my mind was wondering how I could tell (Y/N) I liked her and maybe mend her broken heart a little. Suddenly, I lost my footing and we both fell back. Once we were on the floor we realised that the fall had caused us to kiss. She was bright red but I, however, was smirking. Here's my chance.
"(Y/N) I like you." I announced confidently. I wasn't gonna be an embarrassed baby. I could here the others on the sidelines gasp.
Her face went from embarrassed to pure shock. "W-Why?" She questioned. "I'll be perfectly honest. You are the perfect girl for me. You enjoy fighting just like me but also have a calm side with reasoning. You're hot and have a good body that I REALLY like." I winked. "You also manage to act cute which I usually find annoying from anyone else but if it's you I think it's sweet." I wrapped my arms around her.
"But I'm fat..." She mumbled, looking away.
"You're not fat, you're the average weight of a woman. Besides, you think I would really want a twig for my girlfriend."
She looked at me, small tears in her eyes. "I like you too Kenpachi. Let's....give this a go."
That was the start of our relationship. An accidental fall that turned out to be the best thing in my life.
Your pov
Being with Kenpachi was better than being with Kensei. He helped when you got sad and wouldn't randomly sneak off in the night. You both just connected and it felt like you were complete with him. You gave up the questions that you had about Kensei cheating. They didn't need an answer. Because you were happy now with Kenpachi, Yachiru and all your friends around you.
Kenpachis pov
Six months after we got together, we both, along with Yachiru, went to the world of the living. She was still a little anxious about coming here for the first time in a year just in case she saw anyone she knew or even worse, Kensei. She didn't love him anymore but she knew it would be awkward.
We arrived at a small field, which was far away from anyone else. We had called for Ichigo and his friends to come along. So far the only person there was the orange haired guy. "Hey Ichigo!" (Y/N) ran at him and gave him a hug. "Hey! How have you been?" They talked for a little while before Ichigo approached me, leaving (Y/N) and Yachiru to play. "Wanna train?" He questioned me.
I smirked and agreed. We were about to start when we saw someone walking towards us. I thought it was one of Ichigo's friends but when Ichigo gasped a little I realised it wasn't. They got closer and I realised who it was. Kensei Muguruma. I growled as he approached us.
"I felt (Y/N)'s spiritual pressure and rushed here." He said. "Where is she? I need to see her."
I could feel the awkwardness from Ichigo next to me. "No. You can't see my girlfriend." His eyes widened a little and he frowns. "Your girlfriend? Really?" I nodded and he sighed. "I can see what you're trying to do here. You're trying to get her back. But you can't. She is much more happy with me then she was with you. I love her and over this past year I have helped to mend her broken heart."
Kensei looked past me and saw that over the other side of the field, (Y/N) and Yachiru were playing and laughing. He looked down and he realised that there was no getting her back. He went to leave but not before saying. "Zaraki. Don't make the same mistake I made a year ago."
Well, I hope you all enjoyed that. I'm sorry if it wasn't as good as any of you expected it to be. Thank you all for reading and I'll try and update more soon!
Until next time my Nekos Bye- Jude xoxoxo
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