Chad x Chubby reader
Story Title: I hate running!
Hey Nekos! I'm on a week break now so I'll try and write more but let's face it, I'm a lazy idiot who will probably procrastinate. I'll at least try!
Shout out to my Primary school teacher who now occasionally reads my stories! Hey sir... YOU SHOULD RUN WHILST YOU CAN! YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND FANDOMS.
Anyways this story was requested by @SoulPeach who has been waiting way too long for me to write this one-shot! I'm sorry >.< Anyway let's get on with the One-shot! (Also I have a feeling I should just say that PE stands for Physical Education.)
Your pov
"So (Y/N)! Who would you date?" Your friends stared intently at your face. You were having a sleepover and talking about boys. You thought it was a cliche topic to talk about at a sleepover but you joined in anyway. "Sado." You blushed slightly. They had questioned who you would date out of Ichigo, Uryu, Mizurio, Keigo and Sado.
"Chad?! Really?" They all questioned, quite surprised. "I would date Ichigo." One said. "And if I had to choose I would date Mizurio. But why Chad (Y/N)?" Another questioned.
"I have a crush on him." Your face went even redder. They all smirked before throwing questions at you.
"When did you first realise that you liked him?"
"Is he interested in anyone?"
"Okay okay! I'll explain!" You shouted. They all went quiet to listen to you. "Well, it started off on our first PE lesson. Sir told us to team up with a person of the opposite sex so I plucked up the courage to ask Sado. Now every time we have to work in pairs he works with me. We get along quite well and even though he's quite quiet I don't care because that, to me, is cute and makes me love him even more." You sighed with a smile just thinking about him.
"Aww! Why don't you ask him out?" Your friends giggled. You sadly frowned and looked down at your belly. "He just sees me as a friend. Besides I'm too chubby for him. He's a tall, muscular guy and I'm a short, chubby girl with small boobs and hardly any confidence. How could he like me?"
"You're not fat!" They all said but you knew they were all just saying it to be nice. You knew that you weren't skinny. You were fat.
The next day you had PE. You walked over to Chad and gave him a small smile. "Good morning Sado." He returned your smile which made you happy. "Good morning (Y/N). How was your weekend?" He was always so nice and polite.
You chatted a bit more until the lesson started. You had to run a lap and your partner would time how long you took. This won't be good. I'm shit at running! Actually I'm shit at sports all together.
You were timing him first. As expected he shot around the track. He was really fast! He's too good!
He finished his lap without a sweat, only being beaten by Ichigo. "That was amazing Sado!" You praised him. "Thanks." He said in a low voice.
"My turn..." You sighed, worried. You were going to look like a bloody idiot. The last few lessons had been Tennis which you still sucked at but wasn't the worst at but running. You were terrible.
The whistle was heard and all the girls started to run. You watched as everyone who was in front of you sped ahead whilst you were left way behind. You were really trying your hardest and by the end of the lap you were out of breath and your side slightly hurt.
This is what I get for staying in my room all the time and eating ice cream.
As you gasped for air you started hearing the popular girls in your class giggle. It really hurt because you already had enough issues with confidence but this killed any remaining confidence you had.
The whispers and giggles grew larger as you felt tears appearing in your eyes. You could see Sado reach forward to comfort you when you heard something that shattered you.
"She's so fat!" Following that statement was obnoxious laughs instead of the hushed giggles you heard before. Your friends look worried and started approaching you.
But you ran. You ran even though your throat burned so much it felt cold. You found a small part out of site behind the school before dropping to your knees and sobbing.
They're all so skinny. I wish I was like them.
Chads pov
I felt angry. I really liked (Y/N). I glared at the girls who laughed before running after (Y/N). As I ran I couldn't help but think of her smile. It's beautiful. One of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.
Suddenly I heard a crash along with a familiar scream. (Y/N)!
I headed towards the noise to find that a hollow had appeared and had (Y/N) by the leg. I can't let her get hurt!
"SADO! RUN AWAY! SAVE YOURSELF!" (Y/N) screamed, making the monster aware of my presence. Seeming to be more interested in my high spiritual energy then (Y/N)'s lower spiritual energy, the Hollow chucked her hard into a wall before speeding towards me.
I felt my anger skyrocket as I saw blood escape from (Y/N)'s mouth as she hit the wall. I summoned my weapon and charged to the monster that had harmed the girl I love.
Your pov
You couldn't stop coughing. A monster had appeared and thrown you against a wall. It hurt so much and you didn't understand how it had happened.
Monsters like that shouldn't exist!
You watched in horror as the monster focused its attention on Sado. Suddenly, Chad's arm changed and some sort of armour appeared on it. I watched with hazy eyes as Sado ran towards to the monster and punched it hard. The monster screamed as it died from the punch. I could hear Ichigo and Uryu in the background just arriving at the scene.
The last thing I saw before I fell unconscious was the monster disappearing and Sado running towards me.
I woke up a while later and saw I wasn't in a place I knew. I was in what looked like a boys room. Some bandages were on my head and waist. Who patched me up?
The door opened and Sado walked in. OH MY GOD! THIS IS SADO'S ROOM! WHY AM I HERE?!
"You're awake. That's good." He smiled a little. "What happened?" You questioned. He looked at you, worried. "It's hard to explain. But I promise I'll explain soon." You nodded as you sat up.
Ichigo walked into the room, holding some soup. Uryu walked in behind him. "H-Hi." You coughed a little, still tasting some blood in your mouth. "Here, have some water." Sado gave you a water bottle and Ichigo put the soup on the desk next to the bed.
Turns out, Uryu had bandaged you up after the attack and Chad had carried you back. After eating the soup that Ichigo had made, Sado asked if you and he could have some time alone.
"(Y/N)..I'm not very good with my emotions but I know that what I feel for you is different from other things. I really like you and I want to find out more about this feeling."
You started blushing. What is this? A love confession?! No way!
"How? Why? I'm not attractive or interesting." He looked at you, confused. "No. You're attractive and interesting. What makes you say you're not?" He asked. You looked down and then realisation dawned upon his face.
"Is this because of what them girls in our class said?" You looked down and nodded.
You felt a large hand on your cheek and you looked up. Straight as you looked up, he kissed you. "I don't care about your weight. I care about your personality."
Your eyes widened at his words and you couldn't keep it in any longer.
"I love you!"
He smiled and hugged you. "I love you too."
Thanks for reading! Sorry that it took so long and sorry that Sado seemed a bit out of character. He's a difficult character to write for. I hope you enjoyed this!
Until next time my Nekos Bye- Jude xoxoxo
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