Centorea x Faun Female Reader x Miia
Story Title: It's not fair!
Hey guys! Firstly, Happy Easter Lads 👌 This one-shot was requested a long time ago and I'm so sorry it's taken this long. This was requested by heimko I hope you enjoy this.
Also, a Faun is half human, half goat which makes sense in the world of Monster Musume!
3rd Person Pov
(Y/N) was a Faun, half goat, half human. She wasn't as pretty as a Lamia or a Harpie. She didn't have the beautiful body of a mermaid or the elegant, strong body of a Centaur. At least, that's what she thought.
Her friends, Miia and Centorea, felt otherwise. They'd both met her on a trip to the all-species clothes shop with Kimihito and the others.
"Excuse me..." Miia and Centorea turned their heads to the direction of the quiet voice. What greeted them was a female Faun, her head poking out of a changing room curtain. Both girls felt their hearts flutter at the sight of her face. "Could you please help me with the zipper on the back of this dress?"
Miia and Centorea were both infatuated with the Faun. Since they'd met her, they'd both been pursuing her. That sweet face had made them both completely forget about Kimihito. "(Y/N)! Good afternoon." Centorea smiled as she opened the door. (Y/N) gave a small wave to her host family before being let in. "Cerea how's your day been?" They both sat down at the living room table and enjoyed some tea. Centorea slowly inched closer to (Y/N) over time. After a while, the front door was heard and Centorea quickly sat up and grabbed (Y/N). "(Y/N). H-How about you come to my room!" She smiled but the Faun could tell something was up.
"What's wrong Cerea?" (Y/N) questioned, her head tilting to one side.
The door behind them opened and a visible sigh escaped the centaurs lips. "(Y/N)! When did you get here?!" Miia's high pitched voice entered the room and (Y/N) gave her a wide smile. "About half an hour ago. Cerea invited me round." She smiled, gesturing to the centaur behind her. Miia's eyes shot over to her and she glared daggers at her. That sneaky Centaur!
A few days later, (Y/N) heard a knock on her door and was greeted by Miia wearing a light green skirt and a tight shirt. Before she could protest, Miia pulled her into a tight hug. "Miia you can't be out without Kimihito you know this!" (Y/N) whispered as she pulled Miia into her home. Miia sat down on (Y/N)'s couch, her arms crossed. "It'll be okay! Now I'm here it'll be fine!"
"Miia...You know I love spending time with you but you can't be doing this." (Y/N) sighed. Miia puffed her cheeks. "Can we at least play some games?" Miia asked, her eyes begging. (Y/N) couldn't say no and set up a game for them to play. They played a few rounds and Miia's concentrating face made (Y/N)'s heart flutter. She eventually decided she was going to call Kimihito. "He needs to know where you are Miia!"
Miia whined and her tail grabbed (Y/N)'s body to pull her close. The lamia traced her hands over (Y/N)'s horns with a longing look in her eyes. "M-Miia. What are y--"
The door was kicked open and in came Centorea and Kimihito. "Tell your host family I'll pay for the door (Y/N)." Kimihito muttered, staring at the now broken door.
"W-What are you two doing here?!" Miia stuttered, her tail still wrapped around (Y/N). "I could ask you the same thing! You're not supposed to go out without Kimihito!" Centorea yelled as she approached the lamia. She grabbed (Y/N)'s hand and tugged, which only caused Miia to grab the other and tug in the opposite direction. "Hey guys! Stop that you're hurting her!" Kimihito said in a stern voice.
"But it's not fair!" They both shouted at him in unison. "I love her!" Centorea proclaimed, her face slightly red. "I love her more!" Miia shouted back.
"STOP IT PLEASE STOP!" (Y/N) screamed, her arms were hurting but not as much as her heart was. Both girls let go of her arms and stood away from her.
"Why are you fighting over me!? I hold you both equally!" They both looked down.
"You know what's not fair!? Having to choose between you both! I love you both! I want to be with you both and some may say I'm greedy and selfish for that but I can't help how I feel!" (Y/N) could feel the tears pricking at her eyes.
Miia went to speak but nothing came out. (Y/N) sank down to her knees, putting her head in her hands. She quietly sobbed and Miia and Centorea looked at each other with regret in their eyes. Without even speaking, they'd communicated everything they needed.
They both approached (Y/N) and got down, holding her in their arms. "We both love you (Y/N). You don't have to pick between us." They both smiled at each other as they interlocked hands. "We can all be together."
Sorry if that was shit 😅 Wasn't really sure how to end it but I hope it was enjoyable anyway.
Until next time Bye- Jude xoxox
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