Monkey D. Luffy
I'm bacckkk!!
Also this one shot will take place in the Alabasta arc. Cause that's what I just finished watching so. Will contain spoilers for the arc but nothing major. I had an idea for this anyway.
Just a warning there will be mentions of blood.
Anime: One Piece
Damn it where are they?
Damn Marines separated us.
You thought to your self as you ran through Rainbase. You and the rest of the straw hat crew where going through Rainbase trying to find Crocodile when the Marines decided to chase all of you and you got separated from the rest of them.
Plus I have a really bad feeling.
You spotted and giant building with a crocodile on it.
Try not to make it too obvious Crocodile.
You ran across the bridge, your sandals slapping against the concrete. Once you stepped inside you stopped to catch your breath.
So many people where could they be?
You asked yourself as you looked at the crowd of people. You began to push your way through the large crowd. You stopped in front of a VIP door. You had a very strong feeling they where in here. You could just tell.
You opened the door and ran down the hall. Stoping at a sign.
VIPs left.
Pirates right.
You went left. You know your boyfriend, Luffy, was stupid enough to go right so you went the other way avoiding a trap. You ran up to a big set of double doors. You out your hand on your sword and took a deep breath. You opened the door and ran half way down the stairs stoping to look at the scene.
The straw hat crew was locked up in a giant cage with your loud boyfriend yelling about how he's going to kick Crocodiles ass. Captain Smoker was also in there. Vivi was tied up to a chair. And lastly there was the basterd (is that how you spell it?) Him self. Crocodile looked up at you and smirked.
"Well well, looks like we have the last member of the straw hat crew." He said.
"(Y/N)'s here! We might be saved!" Usopp yelled.
"What do you mean by might be?" You yelled back. Then turned your attention back to Crocodile, who toward over you.
"Let my crew go." You said.
"And if I don't?"
"Ughhh." You probably should have thought this through a bit.
"Yep we're doomed." Usopp said with anime tears falling from his eyes.
"Shut up Usopp!" Nami said hitting him on the head.
You drew out your sword and pointed at Crocodile.
"Just let them go. I'll kick your ass if I have to."
"Hey that's what I'm supposed to do!" Luffy yelled grabbing the bars then falling backwards.
"Idiot how many times do we have to tell you. Don't touch the bars." Zoro yelled.
"Tch like a little girl like you could hurt me."
You gripped your sword tighter. "You're destroying an entire kingdom. For what? There are innocent lives here!" Before you could finish your speech you suddenly stopped. A burning pain spread all over your stomach, making you drop your sword.
You looked down to see Crocodiles golden hook right through your abdomen, your blood running down his hook like mini rivers. You head the yells of your crew but it all sounded muffled. Then you felt your self being lifted in the air, you being too weak to do anything.
"Don't you think I heard this speech already? It's getting tiring." He said then tossed you like a rag doll. You felt your back hit the bars of the cage, then fell to the ground on your stomach. You felt a hand reach out and grab yours.
"You bastard! Now I won't kick your ass. I'll kill you!" Luffy yelled. That was the last thing you heard before passing out. You woke up to water slapping against your face. You opened your eyes to see Sanji standing over you.
"(Y/N) swan you're ok!" He yelled with heart eyes.
"Sanji stay away from my girlfriend!" Luffy yelled.
Eventually everyone got out and escaped, with you in Luffy's arms the whole time.
"We did it. We stopped the war." You wisperd as you looked up at Vivi in the clock tower. You hugged Luffy tightly.
"We did it." You said once again.
"We did it." Luffy repeated before pressing his lips to yours.
Whoo sorry for leaving out so much and ending it there but yeah.
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