Chapter 30: 1K and 1 heart
Japan POV:
Miss Sydney seems a little strange. She seems... Empty. Hollow. Confused.
Her short hair looks similar to a boy's, but her voice gave away her gender.
I am sure I scared her. It's not everyday that you sneak into a meeting and nearly get hit by a sword. Did I hit her ear? I'm sure my aim has gotten worse, but I don't want to hurt her. There might be something off, but I must show her our Japanese hospitality.
America obviously doesn't care what happens to Greenland. I sigh. He really is pretty oblivious.
But there's still something off. "Greenland" does not seem to fit her very well.
Not as well as Sydney.
I shake of off the thought. It is pretty late. I will prepare a dinner.
I wait in the room Japan gave me. Exploring, I find a closet. Curiosity kills me, and I open it.
Inside, he has costumes from animes and mangas. Pokemon, Sailor Moon, Naruto, and Free! costumes lined the shelves. I pick up a headband with a swirl on the front. Naruto. I find a sailor suit. Sailor Moon. I discover colorful wigs. Free!. Finally, I've found a yellow dress. I hold it up, and as it unfurls I notice a key sign; brown stripes line the back. Pokemon.
I remember that Japan has a bit of an Otaku nature. Well, while I'm here I might as well enjoy it! This will be fun!
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