*gratsu* fluff~
Title: Dumplings
Sasu-sama POV:
It was a great day in Magnolia. The suns brilliant glaze encrusting the earth. The birds were twittering a melodic song. The breeze stroked the sky and it's direction changing every once in a while. The grass coated in morning dew.
The city was bustling with people. Smiles were printed on everyone's faces. Children were playing along the sidewalks. Parents held conversation with one another. People at stalls yelled out, attempting to persuade on goers to purchase items from there little shop.
A shadow enveloped a few hedgerows. Hands gripped the top as two twinkling eyes peeked over the hedge. (A/N: I just realised that reference. XD)
"Gray-sama, don't worry Juvia is watching you always...!" She breathed the words out pouring out her soul along with it.
A teenaged boy stood, shirtless, in a stance. An Ice Make stance. He was preparing to do a new technique he had learned. A blue-ish aura surrounded his being as he yelled out the words
"Ice Make:..."
A rustling could be heard as Juvia miscalculated her grip and lost her balance.
"Juvia. Come out." He said monotonously. His eyes were blank and emotionless as he was bored of the same routine that had occurred countless times.
Juvia shuffled from behind the hedge and started to twirl her foot innocently. Looking down and then slightly up, trying the 'cute look'.
"Gray-sama... Juvia was only-"
"I don't like you that way! Get that in you head. I've tried being nice about it but you don't get that. What's wrong with you. Don't you know what a rejection is?" Gray spoke so his voice got louder by each word. His eyes were smeared with annoyance and a scowl formed on his lips.
"Of course. But Juvia won't lose to her love rival." Juvia started to nod her head vigorously as she agreed with herself. Gray gave her a confused look since she looked like she was bopping her head to rap music. Next thing you know, she'll probably be getting down on it and twerking. Gray shuddered at the thought.
"I don't love Lucy either!"
"Juvia was talking Natsu, Gray-sama."
Grays mouth dropped as he stood there shocked at the words that had momentarily left Juvias mouth. Of all people how did she know.
The question was answered immediately in Grays head. 'She stalks me, remember. I think she knows a lot.'
"Juvia thinks that if Gray-sama truly loves Natsu-san..." She stopped as a small tear streaked her face. Her face tugged her lips lightly causing a small smile to appear. "If... Gray... Loves him that much... " She didn't use the suffix. 'did she actually stop loving me in the space of ten seconds' Gray thought arrogantly. 'How could someone stop loving me that quick?'
"... Then Juvia shall help him!"
"Hey Lucy? How many dumplings can you fit into your mouth?" Natsu asked as he stood in front of Lucy with a plate full of dumpling. His eyes glimmered as Happy floated behind him. Both eager to see Lucy stuff her mouth with dumplings.
"Natsu. Happy. You do realise-"
The guild doors burst open as A gust of wind blew on the two Mages. Juvia and Gray stood at the door, looking like they were ready to fight. Which was a normal thing in fairytail of course.
"Oh look. It's the two love birds!" Elfman yelled out. The crowd cooed as Juvia blushed furiously and Gray scowled once again.
"Yeah. Those two should just date already. Unless there already doing so." The crowd jeered and screened out comments about the ship now called 'Gruvia'.
"G-guys... Hello!" Gray yelled out as he tried to get everyone's attention. However it was inevitable that the crowd wouldn't stop till they saw some romance between the two.
Gray drifted his eyes to try find a certain pink haired Mage who wasn't among the crowd. He noticed Natsu, sitting alone, munching on a plate full of dumplings.
He was about to walk towards him when Juvia grabbed his arm and dragged him to Natsu.
Natsu slowly looked up as the two stood over him.
"Yo!" He said halfheartedly. He placed another dumpling in his mouth and chewed it with his mouth wide open. The melancholy surrounding him like a sad and pensive aura.
"Gray-sama wants to tell you somethi-"
"Oh. Are you guys going to tell me about how you got together cuz I don't really care..." He said mournfully as his eyes glazed downwards.
"We. Are. Not. Together." Gray said with bulged eyes that had mania pierced into them. (Calm yo tits Gray)
"Then what do you-"
"Gray-sama wants to say he loves you Natsu-san." Juvia said bluntly.
"Yeah, yeah I did." Gray grabbed a dumpling and stuffed it in his mouth.
"Hey. Those are mine." Natsu screeched as Juvia walked off with a smug grin. "And are you serious?" He whispered.
"Ye-yeah... Is th-that... W-wrong, fla-flame princess?" He stuttered as a blush erupted on his face. Natsu grinned as a he blushed slightly.
"Love ya too 'MY' ice princess. And if you want, we can share the dumplings..."
A/N: this is the worst fluff I've ever written. Sorry for the fail guys!!!!
Anyways, any feedback would do me good.
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