🌺 (My Hero Academia) Izuku Midoriya ~Please... Don't Tell Anyone!~
This plot idea actually comes from tiktok.
The tiktok itself is from @nixilia.
In the comments, someone asked people to write a ff about it.
So, I promised to make a one shot.
I hope you enjoy.
(Y/n)'s quirk is called is called 'clairvoyant'. She has the ability to see into parts of people's lifes by touching them. No matter past or future. She doesn't really have control over when it happens and when it doesn't. It just activated whenever it wants to.
By the way, this takes place just after izuku met allmight and started his training. So you guys are still in middle school.
(Y/n)'s POV
I was on my way to a small Cafe, since I heard their new pastry is hella good. The sun was already beginning to set and I was absolutely exhausted from the school day. I spent the entire day studying in the school's library.
You see, I always wanted to go to UA Highschool, not to necessarily be a hero, I'm more interested in the support department to be honest. I'm also very skilled with machines, if I may say so myself. My quirk is not very flashy like the other kids in my year. I can see parts of people's past and future life's when I make skin contact with them. But it wouldn't give an advantage in a battle, that's why I accepted at a very young age that being a hero is not something I would be able to do but I still wanted to help in the best ways I could.
So I grew an interest in inventing gear for heroes. It might not be fighting dangerous villains, but I can still help capture them by supporting heroes with my inventions and making it easier for them.
I dug inside the pocket of my uniform jacket, pulling out a USB-stick. It contained all information and calculations for the invention I needed to get accepted into UA. To get accepted into UA's support department, you needed to present an unique invention, entirely created by you and you had to also sent in the blueprints for it. If the people, that rate your project, see potential in it, you're in.
I had stayed at the library, calculating everything I needed to know, now I just needed to make these numbers into a reality. That might be the hard part because now I have less than 8 months to do so. 'Wow, I spent way to much time on the blueprints... But it will be worth it.' I thought with a determined smile.
As I was admiring the USB in my hands, I failed to watch were I was going. The next thing I know how I bump into someone, the two of us practically tripping onto the floor. I lost my grip on the stick.
After I recovered from the surprise of hitting an unforeseen obstacle, I began to panic, realising that I had lost grip of the stick but soon relaxed, seeing it laying infront of me completely unharmed. "Oh gosh, are you ok?! I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention! Please forgive me!!!" I heard a panicked voice call out. Looking up, I came face to face with a cute boy my age with dark green hair and green eyes, giving me a concerned and pleading look. His face was completely red from embarrassmrnt and he kept stammering different attempts of apologizing. 'Aww, how cute x3'
"Oh no, it's alright, I didn't watch where I was going either. I was lost in thoughts, hehe" That seemed to have calmed him down a little.
"Still, I'm truly sorry about that. H-Here, let me help you up." He said as he held his hand out to me. I smiled at his offer, greatfully raking his hand.
But once I did that, I felt an all too familiar tickle go through my arm. 'Oh no, not now!' But it was to late. My quirk already activated itself and my mind filled with different pictures and sounds.
Things you see and hear.
I saw the greenhaired boy, who was helping me up just now, in a green hero costume. He was holding his hand out with a sweet yet determined smile.
I saw the boy standing infront of Allmight at a beautiful beach. The hero was offering him a string of his blond hair.
"Eat this..."
I saw the boy fighting against a guy with half red and half white hair. The greenhaired boy's arms didn't look good at all.
"It's your power, not his!"
He was jumping into the air. His locations were unclear but it looked like a destroyed building. A little girl with blue hair fell in his direction. She looked very desperate as the boy reached out to her, ready to catch her.
I saw him fight alongside a blonde guy with spikey hair. There was an incredible aura coming from them.
Then a deeper voice started speaking as colourful lights filled my vision. Silhouettes of past heroes forming from them.
"The power that's handed to another person. It continues to grow. This cultivated power allows me to save those who are in need of a hero. And it's graced with the name...."
You snap out of it
"Uhm, hello? A-Are you ok? You zoned out for a second." I just stared at him in absolute awe. I was still holding on to his hand, which got a little sweaty, indicating he was nervous. "Uh.... Mis--" I caught him off. "One... for all..." I whispered out. The blush faded from his cheeks and he looked kind of pale. "W-What?"
"One for all... I saw it... I saw you... with my quirk..." The boy looked down on our hands and he must have figured out what had happened because he started panicking. "Oh no, oh no, oh no!! You were not supposed to know about this!! No one was!!" He started beating himself up, hitting himself and pulling on his dark green locks while muttering "Stupid, stupid, stupid. Stupid!! Izuku! You had one job! Not to tell anyone!! Allmight is going to be so disappointed!!"
He paced back and forth while I watched him do this, still processing what I had just found out. 'This is... amazing. I didn't know a power like that existed. And now I'm looking at the next holder while he's freaking out.'
"Oh, I-I need to bring you to Allmight! He will know how to handle this! Forgive my forwordness!" I grabbed my wrist and started dragging me. In any other scenario, I would have screamed bloddy murder that I was being kidnapped. But this is kind of a special case. I might just have found out about the most important secret that ever existed and I can understand why he is freaking out.
~small timekskip~
We ended up at a beach that looked exactly like the beach were Allmight offered his hair. It's just, a lot messier. There was a lot of junk and garbage everywhere but there were some places that looked cleaned up. An old skinny man came up to us in a hurry. "Young Midoriya! I got your message, what is the emergen--" He stopped in his tracks once he saw me. I gave him a shy wave. He slowly returned it before turning back to the boy, who I now know as Midoriya. "What is the meaning of this, my boy." Midoriya took a deep breath before explaining what had happened.
~after explaining~
The man, who I realized was Allmight in his actual form, put his fingers to his chin in thought, then he turned to me. "What is your name, my dear?" He asked. I jumped since I wasn't addressed this whole time these two were talking. "I-I'm (Y/n) (L/n)..." He nods.
"It's nice to meet you. Uhm...Could you please explain how your quirk works?"
"Oh, of course. My quirk is called clairvoyant. I can see parts and bits of people's life's while making skin contact. When doing so, I can see and hear things. To me, it isn't always clear if what I'm seeing is the past or future. I don't really have control over when it happens. I'm sorry if I'm causing an inconvenience." I explained, bowing in apology at the last part.
The man put a hand on my shoulder.
"It's alright, young (L/n). It was unintentional but I do need you to realize the weight of what just landed on your shoulders. Only a few are allowed to know about this. It's up to your decision now. If you feel like you can't handle it, I can ask a friend of mine to erase your memories of your incounter with young Midoriya. But if you wish to keep your memories, then you have to swear to never tell a soul. It's your decision. "
I thought for a moment, glancing at Midoriya from the corner of my eye. He gave me a gentle reassuring smile, almost making me blush but I held myself together since this was an important moment. I looked up at Allmight with determination in my eyes. "I promise to never tell anyone on what I saw!" The two males smiled, relieved that that was settled. "Very well then. So be it."
Midoriya and I said goodbye to Allmight and he insisted on walking me home so we could talk on the way. "Thank you so much for keeping this a secret. I almost had a heart attack." He nervously laughed while clutching his shirt where his heart was. "No problem. Really. So... I'm guessing that you want to apply for UA, right?" I could see his face lighten up and his green eyes seemed to shimmer in the setting sun. "Yeah! Right now, I'm training to take over Allmight's power and become a hero. Do you want to go there too?"
"Yeah, but not in the hero department. I'm more interested in the support department, to be honest." We turned into a street and we weren't too far from my house now. "Wow, that is so cool!" I shrugged my shoulders. "Of you say so. I'm rather good with mashines and since my quirk isn't that impressive, it's my best option to still help people, even if it's indirectly." All of a sudden, he stopped walking and laid his hands on my shoulders. "That's not true. I think your quirk is amazing! With that kind of quirk in the support department, you can get a good picture of how other quirks work. I mean, you managed to figure out on for all within a few seconds of us holding hands. I'm sure you will be amazing in whatever you do! "
I could feel my face heating up. 'Noone ever saw my quirk as an asset.' Everyone were always scared to touch me, fearing that I could reveal something they won't like. I smiled jp at him. "Thank you for saying that. I never looked at it that way before. Maybe we will walk into each other in UA when the commission approves my inven--" I caught myself off, my face paling when I didn't feel the USB in my pocket. I started searching all my pockets in a panic.
"NoNoNoNoNoNoNono! NO! It's gone! I lost it! How could I lose it! I worked so hard on it!" I hit my head as a form of punishment. "Uhm. Are you alright? What's wrong?" Midoriya asked me.
"I lost my USB with all my calculations I did for my invention. I need it to get into UA! I must have lost it when we crashed together! Ugh!!" I continuesly mumbled insults at myself under my breath. Midoriya watched me do this for a moment before he lightet up and pulled something out of his pocket. "Are you looking for this?" I looked his way and there was my USB in his hand. "You have it?!" I snatched it from him. Not to be rude, just out of relief. I looked it over and it was completely unharmed. "Yeah, i saw it on the ground after we crashed together. It looked like it was important so I grabbed it. With all the excitement, I completely forgot about it though, hehe" He nervously laughed while scratching his head, which I thought was adorable.
Without thinking, I threw my arms around his neck, hugging him still in excitement and relief. "Oh my gosh, thank you so much! You litterly safed me just now! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I squeeled. And slightly kissed him on the cheek. I was probably going to far there but I couldn't help myself. He just saved my process and he's just straight up adorable. With his green hair and eyes and his freckled cheeks. X3
Midoriya went stiff as a board and his face expladed in red. I could practically see the steam coming from him as he mumbled. "So close, So close, So close, So close!!!" I chuckled.
"Well, it was nice to meet you, Midoriya. I hope we see each other at UA. Bye.~" I waved before making my way to my house. After I went inside and the door was closed, I leaned against it and felt my burning cheeks. "Damn it..."
Meanwhile Izuku's POV.
After she left, I continued to stand there like a dumbstruck idiot. 'Did... Did that really just happen....?'
I very slowly lifted my hand to my cheeks. The cheeks she graced her soft and warm lips with. The spit was burning and still tickled. I could have exploded. 'Oh God, it did actually happen!!! Oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh!!!! She kissed me! A girl actually kissed me! I mean, it was just on the cheek, but still!! And from a beautiful girl like that no less!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
And then Deku died from embarrassment
~The end~
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