I flopped onto Jackie's couch, "AAANNNDD THAT'S WHAT GREELY DID! Then my old fedora crossed my mind again. Then I got depressed. Now I'm here with you. It's better now. What about your day?"
She gave a devious smile and a chuckle, "It's been great, but do you know what will make it better?"
My first reaction was to yell, "NO DON'T YOU DARE!" My second reaction was to hide my eyes under my paws and screamed like a little school girl.
Jackie laughed, "DEN SWITCH!"
I gasped and the blow hit me. Jackie stood her ground while I was pushed back. I have had Alpha training and clearly should more strength than her. Hopefully, she can't read my thoughts. Anyways, WHY DOES THIS DEN SWITCH MAKE ME MOVE SO FAR?!?!?
She ran upstairs, "Hurry up sloooooooooooo..."
I didn't like that she went silent. What could have made her do that? I don't see anythinnnnn....
Two figures stood there. One a bunny, it was like a messed up version of me. Then a messed up version of Jackie. They were like demons. I stalked over to them.
Jackie stared mine down, "That must be you?" Then she turned to hers, "Is this suppose to be me? I don't look like this when I am mad do I?"
I shook my head quickly, "NO! NEVER!"
Jackie looked suspicious, "Are you sure?"
I nodded faster, "YEP!"
She sighed, "Well who is it supposed to be?"
It took me a few seconds then I blurted, "IT'S LIZA!"
Jackie giggled, "No it's not!" Then she sighed.
I tilted my head, "Who did it? Do I need to beat someone up?"
Jackie whispered silently, "Her name is Bailey... I mean she does have a dog name soooo..."
I shot up, "Point me in the direction!"
She laughed, "She's far away from here."
I made a serious face, "Nothing is too far away."
Jackie went silent and then I realized what she was looking at. The Manikins moved. Then the dens switched. I feel flat on my face.
Jackie laughed, "They are gone now."
I shook my head trying to analyze what she just said. She took off so I followed. We went up to the top of the den and I froze. Something didn't seem right. Jackie turned to me and gasped.
I held my breath, "What?"
She muttered, "Don't turn around!"
Me being me, I turned around, "NO NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!"
THEY were there! I growled lowly.
Then Jackie took off running, "EVERY MAN FOR THEMSELVES!"
I growled and ran after her. Then we split off. I laid under some rocks and closed my eyes. If I can't see them, they can't see me.
There was a sudden movement so I opened my eyes, "GO AWAYYYY! JACKIEEEEE!"
I took off and jumped over a spiked fence. Without realizing I jumped early, I cut my leg on the spike when coming back down. A small yelp escaped my mouth.
Jackie laughed, "THAT'S THE POINT! HEHE! GET IT!"
I sighed deeply, "Sometimes I hate you so much and then I realize I do the same to you."
She giggled and then we realized the only protection we had were two fences. Jackie jumped over the fence and knocked down the me devil. I followed and we ran back up to the top where Jackie made two fences appear. Trust me, I'm some kind of special to not realize Jackie can make stuff in her den move.
Jackie quickly said, "Hurry! Make yourself look like them so we can scare them off! That might work!"
I quickly changed and Jackie made sure I looked perfect. How did I not notice she knew every detail?!? We sat there for a while. Finally, they showed up. We sat face to face. Mine with.. mine and Jackie with... hers? Jackie got made and she changed. Her eyes darkened with her fur. A dark version of her I've never seen. The manikins eyes widened and they ran off.
Jackie sighed, "I'm tired so goodnight." She passed out right where she was. On the hard rocky floor.
I chuckled to myself, "That's attractive."
Something hit a rock so I whipped around, "Is that..?"
There was another manikin. Though, this one seemed real somehow... It was an arctic wolf with blue lightning strikes. He was staring Jackie down, and I didn't like it. I growled lowly and he seemed to have got the message. He back off and fixed the fedora he had on his head. There was a long stitching through the middle of the fedora and some other stitchings here and there.
I slowly walked towards him, "Is that, mine?"
A smirk crossed his face as he slowly backed away. I was about to jump on him when I heard movement behind me.
Jackie jumped up, "I'm up! I'm up!"
I turned back to find he was gone, "So, uhm, have you seen my fedora?"
She paused slightly, "Last time I saw it was at the battle with The Alphas..." Something wasn't right, she was hiding something.
I nodded and explained the manakin I just saw to her, "And I think he has my fedora."
Jackie lifted an eyebrow, "He sounds like my brother. Also, I know you remember the location of the one stitching in the middle, but what about the others?"
I grumbled, "I didn't pay attention to the other ones to much."
She smiled slightly and just shook her head, "Have you not noticed yet?"
I looked at her confused, "What do you mean? WAIT!"
Jackie looked amused, "What?"
I flipped around, "THAT THING HAS MY FEDORA! WHERE HE GO?!?"
Jackie was laughing to herself.
I glared at her slightly before searching the area again. WIthout seeing him I sat by Jackie again.
She smiled a little, "You good bro?"
I nodded, "Yes."
Jackie laughed, "Well I'm going back to sleep, have fun searching."
Then she fell over snoring. Let's go back to the fact about her being so attractive.
A robotic noise echoed through the room, "Quest machine activated!"
(Sorry this chapter took so long. I've been so busy >.<)
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