The court's decision!
Bondita is sleeping on sofa and Anirudh is sleeping in the floor to save her from falling down.
Soon it became 4 a.m.
Bondita wakes up and was shocked to see Anirudh lying in floor.
Bondita: Why he is sleeping here?
She thinks and goes to get ready.
After freshing up herself she went down to do Puja.
By hearing her chants, Anirudh woke up. He looks down at Bondita who is doing Puja.
Anirudh: You don't need alarm Anirudh. Her voice is enough.
He looks at clock, its just 4.45 a.m. he yawned and went back to his bed.
~At 8.00 p.m~
Anirudh comes down for breakfast, Bondita is eagerly waiting to serve him. At the same time, Chandini also came there.
Anirudh sat down to eat. Chandini sits next to him.
Anirudh: You need special invitation to sit?
Bondita: I will eat after serving you.
Anirudh: Why where is cook?
Bondita: She is absent today as her son is ill.
Anirudh: Then who cooked these?
Chandini: Ordered from hotel?
Bondita: No, I made it.
She said in a lower voice.
Anirudh looks at her.
Chandini: I don't want to risk my life. I'll eat in hotel.
Bondita: Excuse me, I made this for my boss not for you.
Anirudh: Stop! Morning itself hn?
Bondita stared at Chandini.
Anirudh: You know cooking?
She nods no.
Chandini: Then how did you made it?
Bondita: By watching YouTube!
Anirudh thinks: Khuub baalo!
He gave a fake smile.
Anirudh: Bondita, if you don't know cooking then how did you survived in that house?
Bondita: Neighbour aunty gave me.
Anirudh: Okay, if my fate is to eat this then I'll eat.
Bondita with a warm smile served him dhal and rotis.
Chandini refused to eat.
Anirudh with much enthusiasm kept one piece of roti with dhal in his mouth.
Bondita: How is it? Is it tasty?
Anirudh with a fake smile nods yes. He tries to control his face reaction.
Because Bondita added sugar to dhal instead of Salt.
Anirudh: The taste of this dhal is ultimate! Wow!
He gave her fake credits and manages to eat it.
Bondita: If so, then eat it more.
She adds on more dhal to his plate.
Anirudh: Shiv ji!!
Bondita: What happened?
Anirudh: Nothing! Nothing! I will eat it!
He pretends like it is tasty. Bondita is very happy to see it.
Chandini on seeing Anirudh's eating gets tempted. So she took a plate and sat to eat.
Bondita: Your orders are cancelled? It's ok eat this. Look, how he is enjoying it.
Bondita served rotis and was about to add Dhal to her plate.
Anirudh: Noo!!
He stopped her.
Bondita: Let her also taste this.
Anirudh: No, no! I won't allow this, huh, I mean I love it. So, I'll eat fully. Chandini, I am so sorry go get Nutella from fridge and eat it.
He gets the bowl from Bondita's but she refused to give him.
Bondita whispered: Don't behave silly, I'll prepare it another day. Now allow her to eat it.
Anirudh: Nahi, Bondita.
He grabbed it from her hands and took it to kitchen.
Chandini looks him weirdly. Bondita feels awkward.
Later, Anirudh and Chandini went out.
Bondita is last to come out of his house as she switched off all the lights and fans.
She is in kitchen now.
Bondita: I know my cooking is tasty but he shouldn't have done like that. See, how sad chandini was without tasting my preparation.
She looks at the dhal bowl. Some amount is left.
Bondita: Even I didn't tasted it.
She took and tasted it. Her face reaction changed.
Bondita: Arey, Bondita!! What you have did? Added sugar instead of Salt!
She spits out the dhal in dustbin but thinks of Anirudh who ate it patiently with a smile.
Bondita: Why didn't he said anything about this? That's why he didn't wanted Chandini to eat?
She thinks on. Anirudh gives an horn. Bondita got jerked and walked out of house.
Later they three went to office.
~In office~
Chandini is busy making papers for court. Anirudh gets into his works.
Bondita is thinking about Anirudh without concentrating in her works.
Anirudh is busy in his laptop.
Chandini entered his cabin.
Chandini: ARC, We have hearing at 2 p.m. I am going now itself to produce the papers. You should be presented there at sharp 2 o clock.
Anirudh: Sure!
Chandini leaves to court. While Anirudh gets back to his works.
Bondita slowly entered his cabin. She stepped slowly towards him.
Anirudh is speaking in phone but on looking at her he cuts the call.
Anirudh: Ah, Bondita. I was about to call you but you itself came here. Postpone my afternoon meetings to tomorrow because we are going to court today.
Bondita: Sir!!
Anirudh: Hn, Bondita. You want to say something?
Bondita: Wh.. why.. why didn't you tell me the truth about that sugary dhal?
Anirudh smiled.
Bondita: What does your smile mean?
Anirudh: You told that you cooked it for first time. And I don't want to embrace you by telling the truth. More than that you said that you cooked it for me. That's why I ate it.
Bondita: But it was so sweet to eat. Even I couldn't eat it.
Anirudh looks at her silently, Bondita is waiting for his answers.
Anirudh: You cooked it with love, that's why it didn't tasted bad. Leave it, now go do what I said.
He gets back to his work.
Bondita thinks: Love??
She went out from cabin with a blushing face.
~It's 1.30 p.m~
Anirudh and Bondita are ready to go to court.
Anirudh drives the car. Always Bondita sits at back but this time she sat next to him.
They reached court after some minutes.
~In court~
Chirag is waiting with his lawyer with over confidence.
Anirudh and Bondita entered the court.
Chirag smirked at Anirudh in turn he stared at him. Chirag notices Bondita.
The hearing started. Both the lawyers are giving tough to each other.
After hearing, judge thinks on for decision.
Chandini: My lord, i hope justice will always be in truthful side.
Opposite lawyer: My lord, apologise me. I forgot to submit the papers of that Haveli. See, here. My client Chirag has papers of the haveli which means he only can own this haveli.
Anirudh and Bondita are shocked.
Anirudh: How is it possible? My lord, I think it is a fake papers. Check it once.
Chirag smirked. Bondita is looking on.
Chandini: My lord, the Haveli is in auction but how did he got the papers?
Chirag: Why should I get it when I already own it?
Anirudh gets angry.
Anirudh: If it is the original papers then show it to me.
Chirag: Why should I?
Judge: Silence, silence, silence. Chirag has the papers, it looks original but ARC is claiming that it is fake. So, to clear these doubts I am giving stay order. Within 2 days ARC should prove this documents are fake. Order, order, order.
Anirudh went out of the court in rage. Bondita followed him.
What will happen next?
Just stay tuned to know about it!❤️
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