Bondita's master mind
~It's morning~
Chandini came down and looks at Bondita. She smirked.
Bondita: May I ask you one thing?
Chandini grows doubts and nods yes.
Bondita: You told me na that he tried to misbehave with you then why you are still handling this case? If he really threatened you then why you are here?
Chandini: It's getting late. Let me explain you afterwards.
She gave a fake smile and walked out. Bondita looks her with doubts.
Time is moving on, but there is no sign of Anirudh opening his room doors.
Bondita went to upstairs and knocked the doors. No response from his side.
Bondita: Open the door! It's getting late for the case.
She knocks it loudly. But no response. Bondita is afraid.
Bondita: Why he is not opening the door? Is he alright?
She calls to Krishank and informed about this. Krishank arrived there after few minutes.
Bondita: Krishank, he is not opening the door. I am scared. Please do something. Please!
Krishank too knocks the door but no response from him.
Krishank: What happened to him?
Bondita thinks on the events that had happened in that Haveli and remains silent.
Krishank: Let me break the door. Move back.
Bondita moved back. Krishank managed to break the door. And it opened.
Anirudh is lying unconsciously on the bed.
Krishank and Bondita rushed in and tries to wake him up.
He splashed water on Anirudh's face. He regains his conscious but started to murmur without opening his eyes.
Anirudh: Why you are not believing me? How can I treat you like that? Why? Don't believe her, believe me.
Bondita understood that he is murmuring about herself only.
Krishank: Sir, Sir, what happened to you? Open your eyes, look here. Look at me.
Anirudh opened his eyes slowly and looked at Bondita even though Krishank is sitting before him.
Krishank: Sir, are you fine? What happened to you?
He slowly rose up from the bed but couldn't stand steadily. He stumbled to walk.
He feels some what giddiness, he stepped forward but was about to fall down. Bondita caught him. They both looks on.
Anirudh: Why you are holding me? Am I drunk? Leave me, I can walk on my own.
He rose up from Bondita's arms and tried to walk but stumbled.
Krishank: Yes, he is drunk!
Bondita: No, today is case hearing. He has to be presented in the court.
Anirudh: Case hearing? What case? Our divorce case, arey Bondita we are not married yet.
He laughed.
Krishank: Oh god! He started to blabber, how will you take him to the court in this condition? Whole of our company's pride will fly in air.
Anirudh: Fly in air? Flying in air will be so jolly. Make me also to fly.
He jumped on his bed and was about fly in air but Krishank stopped him.
Bondita worried because she knew that she was the reason behind his drinking.
Krishank: Without any reason why did he drunk like this?
Bondita: Now what will we do? It's getting late to the court.
Krishank: I'll inform holiday to the office. But who will take him to the court in this condition? Bondita, you alone go. I'll stay here and will look after him.
Bondita: But...
Krishank: There is no time to think. Go to the court.
Bondita nods no.
Krishank: Why?
Bondita: He is the main opposition in this case. Without him how will this case move on?
Krishank thinks on.
Krishank: We have only one way. Let us take him to the court. But we should not allow him to open his mouth there. No one should find his drunken condition.
Bondita: Will it work? He is not even in his conscious.
Krishank: No, I will take care. You stand in the witness box let him sit with me. You do something and try to get a stay order. Where is our lawyer?
Bondita: She already went there. Getting stay order is not possible but still let's try. Anyhow we should end this case today itself.
She looks at Anirudh and walked out.
Krishank: Sir, come. Come get ready, let's go to court.
He managed to make him ready. Now Anirudh is ready to court.
Krishank: Sir, give me the car key.
Anirudh: Why you are calling me Sir? Who are you first?
Krishank: Oh, god! I'll tell it afterwards first give me the keys.
Anirudh: Keys? What keys? Hn, I have keys.
He gave him the toy keys. Krishank is worried on his condition. Later he took him out of the apartment. Bondita is waiting down.
Krishank: Bondita, where is his car keys?
Bondita: Hn, it's with me only
She gave him the keys. Krishank made Anirudh to sit in back side. Bondita sat beside him to control his drunk behaviour.
After some time, they reached the court.
~In court~
Hearing was already started, Chandini and opposition lawyers are prosecuting.
Anirudh, Krishank and Bondita entered the court.
Chirag looked at them weirdly.
Judge: Why you are so late? Is there any valid reason for your delay?
Chirag thinks: Wow, he is drunk!
Bondita: My lord, please apologise us. My boss is ill somewhat. That's why we were late.
Judge: Then who will stand in witness box?
Bondita: Let me stand.
She went inside the witness box.
Chandini thinks: Without proof how will she win the case? How will I allow to win this case?
She smirked to herself.
Judge: Ok, proceed.
Hearing went on. Anirudh, Krishank are looking on. Chirag is in opposite witness box.
Bondita thinks: What I will do now? I am confused a lot. Will I make him to win or Chirag? In my point of view no one should win this case. That Haveli is not the place for business. It's a holy place and I have only that Haveli as my family's remembrance. Even though I didn't own it, i will live with peace atleast.
She thinks deeply.
Judge: I asked ARC to prove that Chirag's documents are fake. So are you ready with the proofs?
Bondita is in deep thinking so she didn't listened to judge.
Chirag: Why you are asking for the proof your honor? For sure I know, they would have brought some fake documents to waste this court's time.
Bondita thinks: I can't see strangers owning this haveli. I will neither help Chirag nor ARC. I will not allow this case to end.
Judge: Don't you have any proofs? Then let me end this case.
Chirag smirked. Chandini too.
Bondita: One minute! One minute, your honor.
She took the Haveli's documents from her hand bag.
Chandini is shocked.
Bondita: Here you have the original documents of that Haveli.
She hands over it to Chandini.
Chandini thinks: How is this possible? From where did she get it?
She looks at it shockingly. Anirudh too looking at them.
What will happen next?
Just stay tuned to know about it!❤️
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