Asking permission
Bondita is worried about excursion as she can't go with them.
Jovi: Pranavi, we told you that idea na usse it.
Khushi: Hn!
Bondita stands still.
HOD: Okay, students. School disperse.
Everyone moved on.
Anirudh: Shit, why this college is like this? Don't they have any other place to go?
Arvind: Anyhow da, I am so happy. I think this trip will help me in my research.
Anirudh: Better you marry a snake. It will be more useful then.
Arvind: Anirudh, you are bored of snakes because you don't know anything about them. That's why.
Anirudh: I don't want to know anything. I am not coming to this excursion. Today evening my aunty's family is coming to Gorakhpur. I am going to enjoy party with them.
Arvind: With that boring Sayesha and Tharun?
Anirudh: Hey, they are better than your snakes. Sss..ssss.. boring...
Arvind: Anirudh, I know why you are not coming. Don't cook up some stories.
Anirudh with a lite blush asks what.
Arvind: You are in crush with Sayesha. Right? That's why you are ignoring this excursion to stay with her.
Anirudh blushed widely.
Arvind: Hn, enjoy. Enjoy. But you must come to excursion. Please da. It will be boring without you.
Anirudh: Let me think!😜
They said and went out of college.
Sumathi, as usual, waiting in the corner of that road.
Bondita, Jovi and Khushi goes out together.
Jovi: There your mum is.
Bondita goes near Sumathi.
Sumathi: Shall we go?
Bondita looks at Jovi and Khushi. They signs her to tell about the excursion to Sumathi.
Bondita: Maa...
Sumathi: Hn, beta.
Bondita: Let's go.
She said with a fake smile. Jovi and Khushi stares at her.
Anirudh reaches home with Arvind.
Arvind's parents are in abroad that's why he is staying with Anirudh.
Anirudh throws the bag as like and tries run inside the room.
"How many times you want me to say? Books are like Saraswati and you are throwing it like something else. Idiot, come and pick it up". A bold voice came from behind.
Anirudh: Kaka, you are there only na. Then you take it and keep it somewhere.
Trilochan: Now a days, this generation don't know the important of studies. That's why they are like this.
He takes Anirudh's bag and keeps it on the sofa.
Bihari: Ji, have this tea.
Trilochan: For whom these two cups are?
Bihari: One is for Arvind another one is for Anirudh.
Trilochan: Give to Arvind only. Let Anirudh come here and take it by himself.
Anirudh: Bihaaariii, bring tea to my room.
Trilochan: Kyun Beta, your legs and hands are broken? Can't you come here and have it by yourself?
Anirudh: Kaka....
Trilochan: Arey, come out. Have this tea, go to railway station. Pick up your Chachi family.
Anirudh rose up in enthu and runs to hall.
Anirudh: Bihari, where is my tea? Kaka, give me the car keys.
Trilochan: Hn, once I said your Chachi name you got your strength?
Anirudh: Nahi Kaka, we only have to take care of them as they are our guests here.
Arvind: Ahem, Ahem....
Anirudh stares at him.
Trilochan: Hn,hn. Before few weeks your masi family came, did you spoke with them? You didn't even came out if that room. But now as it's your Chachi you are flying high?
Arvind: Kaka, that's not because of Chachi. It's because of...
Anirudh closed his mouth and took him out.
Trilochan laughed at them.
~In Bondita's house~
Sumathi: Meri jaan, what you want for dinner? Shall I make pasta?
Bondita is thinking on excursion.
Sumathi: Bondita, I am speaking to you only.
Bondita: Hn, ma. Tell me.
Sumathi: Where you are lost my dear? I asked you something.
Bondita: Maa, actually I was thinking about my studies. That's why.
Sumathi: Oh!!
Bondita: Make anything maa. I will eat it.
Sumathi smiled and started her work in kitchen.
Bondita thinks: How can I lie to mom? She will found it easily. But how will I tell her about excursion? She will not allow me for sure. Let me use Jovi's idea? But... Okay, i don't want to lie to my maa. I'll say the truth. Then rest is her choice. I know she will not allow me but that's okay. I don't want to hurt her by telling lies. I will tell her about this during lunch.
She switches on the tv.
Sumathi: Meri jaan, a new film of Kapoor is released in OTT. Let's see it during dinner.
She shouted from kitchen.
Bondita: Theek hai maa.
Bondita keeps on changes the channel, at last she keeps news.
Some of the random news are running and there by comes a news about Snakes.
News: People found 2 Big Snakes near their colony. Some of them told that they had never seen such kind of snakes before. Will it be a Ichadhari Nagin? Question arises over the colony people.
Sumathi hears this news.
Bondita: Ichadhari Nagin?
Sumathi: Bondita, change the channel.
Bondita: Maa, no snakes will come through the TV and hurt me. That's just a news.
Sumathi comes out of the kitchen, took the remote and changes the channel.
Bondita: What maa?
Sumathi: Bondita, will you help me in making pasta?
Bondita: Okay!
She got up and went to kitchen with Sumati.
Bondita: Maa, in news they told about Ichadhari Nagin. Is there really those kind of snakes?
Sumathi: Bondita, cut the onion very nicely. Then only it will give you good taste.
Bondita: Maa, I am asking you something.
Sumathi: Okay, now bring the water.
Bondita: Maa....
Sumathi: Bondita, there is many thing to know about other than these snakes in this world. You will get nothing from knowing those things. Channels will cook up their own stories for money.
Bondita: Means there are no Ichadhari Nagin?
Sumathi didn't responded.
On other hand, Anirudh's Chachi family reaches Ghorakpur.
Anirudh is waiting eagerly to meet Sayesha. She is his crush since childhood.
Arvind: There they came.
Sayesha, Tarun, Sulochana(Chachi) got down from the train.
Anirudh looks at them and waves hai.
Tarun comes running and hugs Anirudh.
But Anirudh's eyes are in Sayesha.
Sulochana: Aww my beta, how well you are grown.
Anirudh: Chachi, how are you?
Sulochana: Hn, we are fine. It's been a years I visited this Gorakhpur.
She smiled wickedly.
Anirudh: Shall we go now? Kaka is waiting actually.
Sulochana: Sure, beta.
They all got into the car. Anirudh switched on love songs.
~In Bondita's house~
Sumati: Bondita, it's ready now. You eat it on time. I'll come back soon.
Bondita: To shiv ji temple?
Sumati: Hn, already it's getting late.
Bondita: Maa, i want to ask you something.
Sumati: Soon, i need go.
Bondita uses her friends idea and lied to her mom.
Sumati: Going to stay in college?
Bondita: Hn, maa. Everyone will do it. Just only one day.
Sumati: Ok, then pack my dress too.b
Bondita: Maa....
Sumati: I can't leave you alone honey!
Bondita: Come on, maa. Nothing will happen to me. I'll be staying inside the college only. Please...
She keeps her face innocently.
Sumati: Ok, after I come from temple let me decide. Now you take care.
She said and went out. She locked the door from outside.
Anirudh and his Chachi family is coming in forest road, Sumati is also going in that way only.
What will happen next?
Just stay tuned to know about it!❤️
Note: Reading count is very low. Please inform your friends to read this book too. Your supports are needed much❤️
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