Anirudh in confusion
Arvind accidentally got the Nagin book from Mini's room. He is really unaware of who she is.
On other hand Sulochana and Mini are returning from Mahishmathi. Mini is in extreme rage as Avantika cheated them.
Mini: Everything is because of you only budhu! I would have killed her today itself.
Sulochana: Oh meri Kali Nagin, keep calm. What she did is wrong only because we are almost caught by Sumati for doing that. But at the same time she did a good job too. Because of her only we got to know about Sumati. So this good thing compensated that bad thing.
Mini states at her.
Sulochana: Only few more days to go after that nagmani will come to us. So don't worry.
Mini: How it will come? By fly? Idiot budhu aurat! Just now that bee said that she doesn't know the way to nagmani.
Sulochana: Hn, she doesn't know it. But Sumati knows it right?
Mini: What are you blabbering?
Sulochana: As you are 125 years old, your memory power is vanishing i think so. Hey pagal nagin, Sumati's daughter the only heir of Shesha nag clan is going to become our Bahu. And the nagmani chaavi is here only. Let's use that Bondita to get the Nagmani from Sumati.
Mini: Sumati is not a small kid to take and give the nagmani as soon as you ask. She will even give up her daughter to safe guard that stone.
Sulochana: If so, why she is in hurry for her daughter marriage? She really cares for her. I knew everything, you are animal na so only can't understand those feelings.
Mini stared at her. They reached the haveli.
Mini: Park the car in shed. It's time for me to shed off my skin. And mind one thing carefully pagal aurat, no disturbance should come to me during my ritual.
Sulochana: I haven't did watchman only for this nagmani but today I am going to do that too.
Mini: Did you said something?
Sulochana: Hn, all d best meri pyari Kali naagin!
Mini gave a smirk and walked inside the Haveli.
~In Anirudh's room~
Anirudh is going to participate in art competition. So he is very busy in his painting.
Anirudh: Shit! Why nothing is coming good?
He tore that paper and threw aside. His room is full of draft papers.
Anirudh: Oh Anirudh, without even thinking for a concept why did you enrolled in it? Now see, only papers are getting waste.
He thinks for a better idea. He walks here and there, sees out through the window, looks at the road, looks at his own picture but nothing seem intersting for him.
Anirudh: What to do now?
By this time Trilochan entered the room.
He is so weird to look at that nasty room where paper is flying here and there.
Anirudh: Aaaah, this too gone wrong!
He crushed a paper and threw it back, it hit on Trilochan's face.
Trilochan: Aaah!
Anirudh turned back and looked at him.
Anirudh: Oh no, Kaka! I am reading sorry, I didn't noticed you.
Trilochan: Anirudh, mera beta, are you fine?
Anirudh: Why?
Trilochan: Why your room is so nasty?
Anirudh: Kaka, I enrolled in a national level art competition in an enthusiasm but now I am regretting for that.
Trilochan: Why?
Anirudh: Kaka, I don't know what to draw.
Trilochan: Hey baghvan ji! What dharmsangat is this? In this big world my Anirudh do not even have a single concept to use.
Anirudh: Kaka!!
Trilochan: Arey, draw mountain, trees, flowers, rivers... There are lots of things to draw. Even Bihari know to draw a natural scenery. He will cover up all the trees, mountain, sun, bird, river and house in one drawing itself.
Anirudh: Kaka! This is not what you think. We have a topic to draw. Based on that only we should draw.
Trilochan: Oh really? What's the topic?
Anirudh: Never changing India! My mind went to kailash now. Not even getting a single thought. What is never changing in India? Everything is changing, changed and will change. How a nation could be stable and constant? It should raise and change na? I don't know who picked this topic!
Trilochan thinks a while. Anirudh is lamenting.
Anirudh: Idea!
Trilochan: What? What?
Anirudh: Better I am not going to submit my work. Great idea na Kaka?
Trilochan: Anirudh, listen one thing. You should never come back when you decided to reach the other end. Trying is better than quitting. No matter what, you should submit you work.
Anirudh: Hn Kaka but what work? I have only this night. Tomorrow morning I should submit my work. But still now my papers are empty. I don't want to go empty handed and get teased by other contestants.
Trilochan: Shadi!!
Anirudh: Kya?
Trilochan: Shadi is the only thing that never changes in India. Anirudh, see we are developed in technologies. We are now in modern world where all the girls are roaming with shorts and jeans. But think once, when it comes to marriage everyone are in traditional wear. From the past to now this hasn't changed yet. Even actor and actress are wearing traditional wear during their marriage. Even after many years we are still following the same procedures in Shadi. Hn na?
Anirudh: Aww Kakaawww!
He went and hugged him tightly.
Anirudh: You are just, just great! From the morning I am thinking about a concept but you, within a few minutes you got a concept. Wah, kaka ji! Wah!
Trilochan: Enough of praising me go and start your work.
Anirudh: Acha Kaka, tell me onething. If shadi is our concept what should I draw?
Trilochan: What else? Groom-Bride in traditional wear, relatives, Anirudh the whole scenario of shadi mandap should be drawn. Can you do it?
Anirudh: Hn, Kaka. You have just lit my mind. Now see the talent of your Anirudh.
Trilochan: Hn, beta. God bless!
He said and went from there actually he came there just to ask about the phone call but in this confusion he forgot about it.
Meanwhile, Mini is shocked to see Arvind in her room. That too with that book.
Mini thinks: Shiv ji! What I am seeing now?
She started to fear.
Mini: Did he found me? Oh god!
She slowly enters the room with a bit of tension and confusion.
Arvind on seeing her started to speak before she could start something.
Arvind: Aunty, I was searching for you only. Actually, first of all sorry. Without permission i entered your room. I was searching for my glasses. But then I found this gem! This is, this book. Very rare edition, aunty. Where did you got this book? Actually, I was searching for this book only since 5 years. This book could help me in my article about Ichadhari nagin.
Mini is shocked.
Mini: Wh... What did you said now?
Arvind: Ichadhari nagin! This book has this information. If you don't mind can I take this for a night aunty?
Mini: First stop calling me aunty! Just because I am friend of Sulochana I am not old. I am just 20 years old. Can't you see my face? Am i looking like a old lady? Ah leave it, give me that book first.
Arvind: I am really sorry actually ....
Mini: That book does not belongs to me it is my friend's. I will ask permission from her first.
She tries to get it from his hands but he denied to give. Mini's fear increased.
Arvind: Just one night, Ok one hour! Please, I will just check the book only once for the history of Ichadhari Nagin!
Mini: Check once? Means you didn't opened it yet?
Arvind: How can I open it before asking your permission?
Mini gets a great relief.
What will happen next?
Just stay tuned to know about it!❤️
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