Flash Back
~5 Years Back~
Anirudh and Bondita returns from London after getting her Barrister certificates.
Trilochan wanted to celebrate it in a grant manner and they invited Bondita by bursting crackers and by starting charity on diwali.
Tupur who was sent as saniyasini due to her crimes, was more irritated to see Bondita and Anirudh happiness as she thinks that they are the reason for her dark life.
She wanted to vow revenge.
Trilochan tells Bondita that she wanted to fly, she flew. She wanted to get educated, she got. She wanted to become Barrister and then she became. She became good grahlakshmi and good wife. Now she should concentrate in her marital life. She should focus on how to become a good mother.
Anirudh tells Trilochan that that will be Bondita's wish. He have moulded her life on his own choices and Bondita never hesitated to do those things. He adds on that Bondita fulfilled his dreams and now that's her choice on becoming mother now or later.
Trilochan refuses to accept him but Anirudh said it stubbornly. Thaku ma asks Bondita's wish on becoming mother. Bondita says that she is not yet prepared for that stage and firstly she wants to get a job and to earn on her own.
Anirudh accepts it and gives her job in the court where he was working as head of Barristers.
Years went on, Thaku ma wanted to arrange a marriage for Tapur. So they searched for good alliance.
On other side Tupur is high on revenge mind, she tricks Batuk with her medicines and asked him to get closer with Bondita. But it failed.
Finally Das family finds a alliance for Tapur.
Virender, a trader wanted to marry Tapur. Das family accepted it, Tapur too.
But Virender was not god. He is an alcoholic, he doesn't have belief in marriage life. It was unknown by Das family.
Trilochan asked Somnath to get married again atleast for Chintu's sake. However he refused it, later on accepted regarding Chintu's future. Later, Roy Chaudharys searches an alliance for Somnath.
Kanaka, sister of Virender falls for Somnath and wanted to marry him.
Roy Chaudharys denied that proposal as Kanaka is illiterate but Somnath is a doctor.
But Kanaka didn't want to give up.
Roy Chaudharys and Das family announces Tapur's marriage. And everything went good.
But a day before marriage, Virender put forth a condition that he will marry Tapur only if Somnath accepts his sister Kanaka's proposal.
Somnath is not interested in second marriage but to save Tapur's marriage he accepted to marry Kanaka. He thinks that only for name sake she will be his wife and Chintu's mother. He may divorce her after Tapur enters her marital life.
Tapur's marriage and Somnath's marriage happened in same mandap.
Kanaka went to RC haveli as Somnath's second wife and Tapur went with Virender to his house.
On that auspicious day, Bondita finds herself that she is pregnant. Roy Chaudharys and Das family are in extreme happiness. Tulsipur and Krishna nagar considers it as a great day.
But it was a worst night for Tapur. From the day one of their marriage Virender started to abuse and Harrass Tapur.
Tapur thinks that everything will be fine but No.
Virender used to return home with bottles in his hand, fully drunk and abuse her.
Tapur was afraid to tell this to anyone as no one will consider it as a rape as it was done by her husband.
Months rolled on, Tapur tolerates extreme pain on living with Virender. She also found that Vikash had affairs with many girls. She asked Virender about his affairs but he beaten her. He also stopped to give money for daily expenses.
Bondita enters into her 6th month, Trilochan wanted to celebrate it.
They arranged a baby shower ceremony, invited both Tulsipur and Krishna nagar people.
Tapur attends the ceremony but hides her bruises and pain.
Anirudh asked Tapur to apply haldi on Bondita. But she refused to do it in name of menstruation. But the real reason is her hands are wounded. Bondita grows suspicious on her.
She understands that Tapur is hiding something and she will ask her after the ceremony gets over.
But Tapur left the place before the completion of ceremony without informing others.
Bondita's doubts grows stronger and she tells to Anirudh that Tapur didn't took return gift, so she herself will give it to her.
Anirudh accepts.
On that day night, Virender again harrassed and abused Tapur and leaves the home.
Tapur cries aloud in pain and wanted to commit suicide. She hangs herself but was saved on correct time by Bondita.
Tapur informs everything to her. Bondita gets furious. She promises her that she will punish Virender.
Later she informed Anirudh about it. Roy Chaudharys and Das family were shocked to know Tapur's condition.
Kalindi takes Tapur to her house. Virender searches for her but was trapped by Anirudh.
Anirudh tells him that it is a crime to touch a woman without her permission.
But villagers laughed and says that Virender is Tapur's husband and he can do anything with her.
Furious Bondita tells that she will file an harassment case on Virender. And he will be punished.
Thaku ma tells that court will not take this seriously so they can deal it with panchayat first.
Panchayat was gathered in the border of Krishpur and Tulsipur.
Bondita claims that Virender is a criminal. He abused Tapur and he had affairs with many other girls.
Panchayat laughed on hearing her and says that Virender is Tapur's husband and touching her will not come under harrassment.
Anirudh refused it. Virender says that Tapur is his wife and he has all rights on her.
Bondita says, "yes but upto a limit, If you really love her then why did you stopped giving money for her daily expense?"
Virender says it's his wish.
Anirudh asks Panchayat to give justice for Tapur.
Panchayat tells that this case is silly, not this Panchayat even court will laugh by hearing this.
Panchayat head asked Trilochan whether court will accept this case.
Trilochan worries and nods no.
People shouts that Zamindar itself said no then why to waste the time.
Virender claims that Bondita is wasting his time. And he also adds fake comment that the reason behind why he stopped giving money to Tapur is she had affair with a man and he himself witnessed it.
Tapur cries and asks Bondita to call off the panchyat.
Bondita tells that if not now then never. If we stop the case now then upto her death she should tolerate the pain.
Tapur cries. Thaku ma calls off the Panchayat for Tapur's sake.
Anirudh and Bondita worries.
On that night Virender abused Tapur and told that she made his honors to flew. He compelled Tapur to drink and then beats her with the broken bottle.
Next day morning, Tapur goes to river and jumps in to do suicide but was luckily stopped by Tupur.
She learns everything and gets furious on Bondita.
Tupur says to Tapur that Bondita snatched her colors and sent her as saniyasini and now she is aiming to snatch Tapur's life.
Tapur refused it and tells that Bondita saved her.
Tupur protests in front of RC haveli asking justice for Tapur as they were the reason for her marriage. Some people joined with her.
Anirudh promises her that he will file a case in court and he will get her justice.
Flash back will be continued....
Just stay tuned to know about it!❤️
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