Back home!
Finally, after a long years Tapur arrived at Krishpur.
Kasturi: Barrister Babu, what's happening here?
Anirudh: You will soon understand everything. But before that we should leave this place because as you know Virender is out of jail, this place is not safe for tapur.
Kasturi: Yeah, I just want to ask about it. How you let this to happen?
Anirudh: Many things had happened without my concern and I am not in the situation of handling it. For now my attention is totally on Bondita only.
Kasturi: What happened to her? She is fine only right?
Anirudh keeps quite.
Tupur: Okay, that's fine. Anirudh Roy Chaudhary thank you for your warm welcome for my sister. That's so sweet. Now it's time for you and your family to say good bye to my sister because I am going to take her with me.
Anirudh: Whaat?
Tupur: Yes, I can give her a good life. So let her be with me.
Tapur: Didi, this is not fair.
Tupur: My dear, you please be quite. I will take care of you. Here after you will live with me only. I'll give you a better life.
Tapur nods no.
Kasturi: Tupur, what you are doing? From the begining till now it's all Bondita's money which cured her. Now you are restricting her from meeting Bondita. This is totally unfair. Leave her, she will be happy only in RC haveli.
Tupur: I never restricted her. Let her meet whomsoever she wants. But she can't stay with them.
Anirudh: Why?
Tupur: Because Tapur is my sister.
Tapur: Didi please stop arguing. Please!
Chandrachur looks on.
Kasturi: Let Tapur itself decide it. Tapur, where you want to go?
Anirudh: Whether you want to stay with us or with Tupur?
Tapur: I want to stay with both of them.
Tupur: Ah?
Tapur: Why can't you come with us to Haveli?
Anirudh's eyes widened.
Tapur: You want me to stay with you but i want to stay with you all. That's why I am asking you to come with us. Let's go to RC haveli. I think jamai babu will not scold us if we go with him. Am I right?
Anirudh: Absolutely right. Even we too want it.
Tapur: Really?
Anirudh: Hn, ofcourse.
Tupur stands quite.
Chandra thinks: Say okay, say okay. Say okay, Tupur.
Tapur: Didi, say something. Will you come with us?
Tupur: Tapur, listen. You have returned to Krishpur after so many days. You know very well I am saniyasini. How can I re enter RC haveli?
Tapur: Didi, I am just asking you to enter RC haveli but your build up is like you are going to enter your sasural home. Why?
She laughs.
Tupur: Shut up.
Anirudh: Okay, ladies. How long you all will stay here like this? Everyone is waiting in haveli. Especially Bondita.
Tapur: Jamai babu, I am always ready to come there but what to do my sister's silence is confusing me.
Tupur: You go Tapur I am not coming.
Tapur: Oh? Then I too will not go.
She sat down adamantly. Anirudh laughs.
Tupur: See, you have changed a lot. You are so stubborn.
Tapur: I am not asking about those things. My question is only one. Will you come or not?
Tupur takes a deep breathe.
Chandra: Tapur, if she is not willing then leave her. Don't have to compel anyone.
Tupur stares at him.
Chandra: Why you are staring at me?
Tupur: These are my eyes. And I will do whatever I want.
Chandra: Ahan?
Tupur: Now why you are trying to speak with me?
Chandra: Excuse me?
Anirudh: Oh come on yar!
Tapur: Jamai babu, let them fight. Come let's go.
She gets onto the jeep. Anirudh and Kasturi followed her.
Chandra: Hey, wait. You forgot me.
Anirudh: I thought you will not come as you are busy with your...
Chandra: With my?
Anirudh: With your... That you only know.
Tupur: Shut up, Anirudh Roy Chaudhary.
Chaya: Ji, why you are getting angry when he is scolding at Chandrachur?
Tupur blinks.
Anirudh: Good question Chaya!
Chandra: Anirudh, enough. Come on let's go.
Tapur: Didi, you also should come with us.
Tupur nods no.
Chandra: Khub balo, don't come.
Tupur: You don't have to say that.
Chandra: I only will say.
Anirudh: Ah God! Again they started.
Tapur and Kasturi laughs.
Chandra asks Anirudh to start the jeep.
Anirudh: Okay, Tupur if you have any idea of coming back to haveli then please inform us. Don't get hesitated. We are always happy to welcome you back.
Tupur looks on. Anirudh started his jeep and moved on.
Chaya: Tupur ji, again you missed a good chance. You should have gone with them.
Tupur: Come on let's go.
Chaya: To RC haveli?
Tupur: Arey, to our Ashram.
Chaya nods yes.
~In RC haveli~
Bondita is walking here and there. She is very curious.
Kalindi: Bondita, enough. Come sit here. How long you will walk here and there?
Bondita is so much excited, she didn't even listened Kalindi.
Kalindi: Bondita... I am speaking to you only.
Eventually, band baja started to play outside the Haveli.
Sashwati and Saraswati ran out enthusiastically.
Bondita: Came... She came... Hayee...
Kalindi: Bihari.. bring that aarti plate.
Everyone went to the entrance to welcome Tapur.
Tapur looks at kids and smiled.
Sashwati: You are my mom's sister right?
Tapur nodded.
Anirudh: Is this the way you welcome someone to our haveli? First greet her then you can ask your questions.
Tapur: That's fine. They are kids only.
Bondita came running and hugged her tightly.
Bondita: Taaaappuuurr... You are back. You are back home.
Tapur couldn't control her emotions. Kalindi parted them.
Kalindi: First of all, we should show aarti to those who came to haveli after long time. Theek hain?
Tapur smiled and got blessings from Kalindi and Trilochan.
Tapur: Krishpur have changed a lot. I feel like I am standing in a city.
Bondita: You too changed a lot. See, you didn't speak to me.
She blows her cheeks and turned aside.
Tapur: Hn didi, everything, everyone changed except your bunny face.
Everyone laughed. Bondita took Tapur inside the Haveli. She looked around the Haveli and took a deep breathe.
~In forest~
Kanaka is packing her luggages to go to Kolkata. However, Virender don't have interest in it.
Ambika: Did you heard it?
Kanaka: What?
Ambika: A new guest has arrived in Haveli. I think she is very important to them because they welcomed her with band baja.
Kanaka thinks on.
Ambika: Do you know her?
Kanaka: Shut up. See, I warn you. Dont spy that senseless family. I want to live happily hereafter. For that I should go to Kolkata along with my brother. So until then you keep your mouth shut and focus in your works. And one more thing, my brother should not know about that guest at any cost. If so, then I'll kill you. Mind it.
Ambika is confused, Kanaka continued to do her works.
What will happen next?
Just stay tuned to know about it!❤️
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