Don't forget to drop me a line!
A. I heard you're moving to New York.
B. Yes. I've got an offer in upstate New York.
A. Oh, that's great! But I'm going to miss you.
B. Me, too. Let's keep in touch.
A. Yeah. Don't forget to drop me a line when you settle down.
B. Trust me. I won't. I'll keep you posted.
A. You have my address?
B. Well, I have your e-mail address.
A. All right! I look forward to hearing from you soon. Good luck!
It's hard to keep up cotact
A. I just received a letter from one of my old high school buddies.
B. That's nice!
A. Well, actually I haven't heard from him in ages.
B. To be frank with you, I've been out of touch with most of my old friends. Only one or two still keep me posted about what they are doing.
A. I know. It's really hard to maintain contact when people move around so much.
B. That's right. People just drift apart! But you're lucky to be back in touch with your buddy again.
We should have a heart-to-heart chat
A. So, how is your new roommate?
B. She really turns me off.
A. What happened?
B. She's always making loud noises at midnight and when I remind her, she always makes rude remarks.
A. Why don't you have a heart to heart chat with her?
B. I tried, but it didn't work.
A. But how many times did you try?
B. At least three times. I guess I'm going to complain to the manager. I hope she can be evicted.
Honesty is the best policy
A. How are things going with you and your roommate?
B. Not very well. We're supposed to share the groceries, but I end up feeding him three meals a day. My grocery bill is huge, you know. I really can't afford it any longer.
A. I know how you feel. I used to have a roommate like that. He never offered to reimburse me for anything.
B. I'm really fed up with his freeloading, but I just don't know how to tell him that he should come up with half the grocery bill, because sometimes he treats me to a meal in a restaurant.
A. Well, honesty is the best policy. Maybe you just want to have a heart-to-heart, friend-to-friend talk with him. If he refuses to mend his ways, then ask him to move out. You can't let him wear out his welcome.
Diet-I'm on a diet to lose weight!
A. Would you like to have some ice-cream? I've got a variety of flavors for you to choose from. I've got strawberry, peach, chocolate, chocolate chip, chocolate brownie, coffee, vanilla, rocky road, butter pecan, and praline.
B. Wow! What choices you have! I wish I could, but I just can't. I'm on a diet to lose weight.
A. Come on, it's just a bite. It really doesn't hurt to have just a bite.
B. I'd better not. Please don't tempt me. Please!
A. Gee! You are really strong-willed.
B. You're darn right. I'm not so easily coaxed into doing something that I think is wrong.
A Well, I'd better not tempt you. Otherwise, if I give you a piece of cake, you might ask for a glass of milk.
Insomnia-I didn't sleep a wink last night
A. Steve, you look pale. What happened?
B. I didn't sleep a wink last night.
A. Did you have something on your mind? You look so concerned! Maybe I can help you.
B. Well, I'm under a lot of pressure. My boss is very pushy. He assigned me three projects. Now the deadlines are near and I still haven't finished all of my projects.
A. Is there anything I can do to help you?
B. Well, I guess no one can help me but myself. For the moment, I just need someone to talk to so that I can relieve my stress.
I was all over the bed
A. Sylvia, your eyes look swollen. What happened?
B. I broke up with Paul last night and I was all over the bed the whole night.
A. Well, it's understandable, but Paul isn't the kind of guy that deserves your heartache. Come on. You'll find a nicer guy soon.
B. Well, I was restless because I was thinking how I was so stupid that I almost trusted the rest of my life to him....
A. Oh, Sylvia....
Cold-I feel like a new person
A. Have you been working out?
B. Yeah, as a matter of fact, I've been going to the gym for half a year now.
A. I can tell. You look really buff. And no more beer belly. Have you been lifting weights?
B. That and I do an hour of aerobics every other day. I tell you, it's addicting! I feel like a new man!
A. Well, you look like a million bucks!
B. Thanks!
You look run down!
A. You look run down, Brian.
B. Yeah. I've been feeling under the weather recently. I caught a bad cold last week, and I still haven't gotten over it.
A. Well, you wanna take sick leave? All you need now is a good, long rest.
B. I guess so. Even though I seem to be over the worst of it, I don't want to give the bug to anyone in the office.
A. Yup. Better not. Good idea!
I think I'm running a temperature!
A. I think I'm running a temperature. My head is spinning, my mouth feels like cotton, and I have a scratchy throat.
B. Let me see. Hmm, you'd better stay at home today. And don't work on the computer! Staying up late with that thing has obviously played havoc with your health.
A. I can't help it. I guess I'm addicted to the Internet.
B. If you want to keep yourself in good shape, you'd better quit surfing the Net deep into the night. I don't want you kicking the bucket!
Other-the cavity is killing me!
A. Hi, Robert, what happened to your face? It looks swollen.
B. I had to go get a cavity filled today.
A. Did it hurt?
B. I don't even wanna talk about it. It killed me!
A. How long were you in the chair?
B. It took quite a while. But the worst part was getting numbed. They had to give me 3 shots!
A. Well, I guess you've learned a good lesson, huh! You have to take good care of your teeth.
B. No kidding. Not only can't I stand the pain, but man dentists are expensive. The bill is going to be humungous!
A. Don't you have a dental insurance?
B. I do, but it still doesn't cover everything.
She poked me in the eye!
A. What happened to your eye?
B. Nothing really. I went to kiss my daughter on her tummy last night and she reached up to stop me. When she did that, her fingernails scrapped my eye.
A. That sounds painful.
B. It wasn't too bad at first, but the next morning it really hurt.
A. What did the doctor say?
B. He said that it should be OK, but there might be a little scarring over my field of vision, so my eyes may be blurry.
A. I'm sorry to hear that.
B. Thanks. Who knew that a poke in the eye would cause so much damage.
My head is spinning now!
. You look tired. Didn't you get enough sleep last night?
B. No. I had a bunch of my friends over and we partied until the wee hours.
A. No wonder you look so bad!
B. I guess I just can't take late nights like I used to. My head is spinning and I have a migraine.
A. I think you need to go home and take a rest.
B. I wish I could. But I don't think I can keep my eyes open long enough to drive home.
A. Don't worry. I'll give you a ride home. But next time, watch the partying, OK?
You have an iron stomach
A. What's going on? You don't look so hot!
B. I have a stomachache. I think I got some bad food at lunch today.
A. Really? But we ate at the same place. How come my stomach is fine?
B. You have an iron stomach! My stomach, on the other hand, isn't as strong.
A. What should we do now?
B. I've got to find a restroom - and quick! I think I've got the royal runs.
It wasn't just any snore!
A. Jane you look bushed. Didn't you get a good night sleep?
B. Nope. John kept me awake all last night.
A. Oh!?
B. I don't know why. John rarely snores, but last night he really started sawing some logs! And it wasn't just any snore. It was more like a herd of elephants running through the room!
A. My grandpa used to do the same thing. Sometimes he would even wake himself up. He snored so loud! I always thought it was funny.
B. Well, I'm certainly not laughing about John. I don't think I can take another night like that again.
A. Have you considered buying some earplugs?
B. You bet! In fact, I'm going to buy some at lunch!
His snoring is getting worse and worse!
A. I'm really concerned about Jason. His snoring is getting worse and worse.
B. Maybe he needs to go see a doctor. I heard that sometimes a bad snore can cause heart failure because not enough oxygen gets to the brain.
A. That's what I'm worried about. Sometimes it even seems like he stops breathing and I have to give him a push to make him start again.
B. I remember one of my friends' father had the same problem. The doctor said it was sleep apnea. Her dad had to get a pacemaker put in so that his heart wouldn't stop in the middle of the night.
A. You're kidding me! That serious?
B. Yes, that serious.
A. That's it! I'm making an appointment for Jason to see the doctor this afternoon. We can't let this go any longer.
I was burnt to a crist!
A. Why are you wearing your bathing suit around the house?
B. Yesterday I went swimming at my friend's house and I forgot to put my sunscreen on.
A. That wasn't very brilliant.
B. Well, the sun didn't feel hot when I got in, but I guess I was wrong. I got burnt to a crisp!
A. So why the suit?
B. I can't stand to wear anything else.
I think school is giving me hives!
A. Hey, Judy. How's it going?
B. Not too great. I'm really stressed out.
A. Oh?
B. Yeah, I think school is giving me hives. See?
A. Oh, my gosh! Your arm is full of bumps!
B. And that's not the worst of it. You should see the bumps on my legs.
A. What did the doctor say?
B. He said to relax and take a break, but we both know I don't have any time for relaxing.
A. Yeah, but if you don't, it's only going to get worse.
B. I know, I know.... Maybe I can relax after this paper.
A. I sure hope so.
I feel like I've been run over by a freight train!
A. Hi, how are you feeling?
B. Horrible. I got a cold five days ago, and now it seems it's getting worse. The cough has gotten deeper, and I feel like I've been run over by a freight train!
A. Well, let me take a listen to your chest. Deep breath in...and exhale. Inhale...exhale.
B. Hear anything interesting down there?
A. It sounds like you have some congestion in your lungs. Have you been coughing stuff up?
B. A little, but not too much!
A. Well, we need to get that junk loosened up. Here is a prescription.
B. What's it for?
A. It'll help loosen your chest up and calm your cough. I want you to take it every 4 hours for a week, OK?
B. Fine.
A. And don't forget to drink lots of fluids.
B. You got it. Thank you.
A. You're welcome. Take care.
My head is stuffed up!
A. I feel awful!
B. You don't look so good, either. What's wrong?
A. My head's stuffed up. I've got a runny nose, and I'm aching all over.
B. Poor guy! What are you taking?
A. Nothing so far. Do you have anything I can take?
B. Let me go look. In the meantime, drink lots of orange juice....
A. (Moan.) OK, but hurry back!
B. (Later)
A. I'm back, Sam. How are you doing?
B. I still feel like death warmed over.
A. Well, I brought you a few things.
B. Great! Bring them on.
A. Here's some cough syrup and I brought some cold and flu medicine. It'll help you sleep.
B. Thanks. I really appreciate it.
I slathered her in sunscreen!
A. How did Anneke like her first time at the beach?
B. She had a great time. She really enjoyed making sand castles.
A. When did you come home?
B. I guess we got home about 3:00. We spent a good 6 hours there.
A. That's a long time! Did Anneke get burned?
B. No, unlike myself, I slathered her in sunscreen. She didn't even turn brown.
A. But you look like you got burnt to a crisp.
B. You got that right! Next time, I guess I ought to remember to put sunscreen on, too!
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