Angie (VO) My story tale continues. But this time, it has some wickedness to it. As I told you before, this story tale isn't unicorns and rainbows. It never was. Everyone has secrets and everyone has skeletons in the closet. But secrets don't say secretive. Eventually, spills the beans.
THAT SAME LATE EVENING, I had taken Sharron to the Arrington General Hospital. She's with Mrs. Benton, Violet's Mom.
And me, I'm sitting in a chair with Sharron's blood stains on my pink sleeveless ruffle top, and with my cut wound on my left cheek. But my mind isn't on myself right now, my mind is on Sharron and the return of my arch-nemesis, Amy Tooney.
So, I'm just sitting here, spaced out. And not noticing The Saunders Gang approaching me.
"Angie?" Yvonne said, walking up to me and sitting down beside me in a chair. "Angie?"
Robyn sits down beside me in the other chair. "Angie?" And gently soothes my hair.
"She's been spaced out like that for a little while now." Mrs. Tasha Benton said, worriedly. And the Saunders Gang looks at her. "She hasn't even said anything much."
"Guys?!" Rowan said, walking up to them, worriedly. "Where's Sharron? Is Angie okay?"
"Angie's gonna be fine, Rowan. And so will Sharron." Aiden said, reassuring Rowan.
"Angie?" My Mom said.
My Mom and Dad walks up to us, worriedly.
"Angie, sweetie." My Mom said.
"You guys need to take Angie home." Mrs. Tasha Benton said.
"Yeah, sure." Rowan said.
After Aiden and Rowan had taken me home, I had changed into my dark pink lounge shirt and a pair of shorts.
I had put a band-aid on my left cheek cut wound so, it can heal.
Aiden, Rowan, Zach, Yvonne, Robyn and I exchange looks at each other. And I glance at a plastic bag with Sharron's clothes on the coffee table.
I slowly walks up to the plastic bag on the coffee table and sits down on the three seat sofa.
"Angie?" Yvonne said. "The guys and I can stay here with you, if you want."
"Yeah, sure." I said, saying something.
"I'll get some food from Jen's." Zach said, walking away.
"I'll go with you." Aiden said, walking after him.
I gently runs my hand in my hair and gently leans backwards on the three seat sofa.
shortly afterwards...
Aiden and Zach had came back to my home with some to-go food from Jen's Diner. I had half eaten a flatbread sandwich. But I wasn't quite hungry.
Aiden looks at me as I go through Sharron's blood stained clothes.
"Angie?" Aiden said. "I can put Sharron's clothes in the washer for you if you want."
"Why are you here, Aiden?" I asked, becoming agitated.
"I'm here for you. You need me." Aiden said.
"Is that so? Because when I came back to Somerville High, and Rowan and I started spending some time together, you had the nerve to get jealous. What was it? Is Gilmore not good enough for you? Is she not intimately enough with you in bed?"
Aiden looks at me, slightly hurt by what I said to him. But I don't care. Not right now anyway.
"You know what you can do, Aiden, you can go back to Gilmore." I said to him, agitatedly.
"Angie?" Robyn said.
Then, I turn my attention to Zach, Robyn, Rowan, and Yvonne. "You guys can leave as well, I didn't asks you guys to come here?! So, just leave. All of you."
I gently puts Sharron's blood stained clothes back into the plastic ziplock bag and gently sets the plastic bag back down on the coffee table.
I look at Aiden, Zach, Yvonne, Robyn and my boyfriend, Rowan, and becomes agitated. "I said leave."
"We're not gonna leave you, Andy." Yvonne said, slowly walking up to me and sitting down on the three seat sofa beside me.
"Yeah. So, go ahead, try to emotionally push us away, or even tell us off." Aiden said.
"Or even fuss." Zach said.
"But we're here for you, AngieCat." Robyn said. "And we love you."
"Very much." Rowan said, sitting down on the three seat sofa beside me.
"Amy was at Somerville High. She wants my attention, so, she stabbed Sharron and cut wound on my cheek." I said.
"Then, don't give Amy Tooney your attention." Aiden said.
"Yeah. And from you told us about her, Amy's a psychopath." Zach said.
My phone buzzes in my shorts pocket and pulls my phone out and looks at it.
Amy Tooney
I answer my phone, gently getting up and slowly walks away. "Amy."
"I assume that you're pissed at the stab wound on Sharron's stomach." Amy said on the phone, in a English accent.
"Where are you?" I asked.
"A nightly caffeine at Jen's." Amy said. "Or perhaps, I visit Sharron Marvell and smother her with a pillow with a sadistic grin on my face as she shrieks." She added with a chuckle.
"I'm gonna get you." I said to her.
"I'm awaiting for you to exact your revenge upon me. It'll be so much psychological fun. See you around, Angie." Amy said, and hangs up her phone.
I turn around and looks at Aiden, Zach, Yvonne, Robyn and Rowan. And they looks at me.
[Song: The Devil Inside - London Grammer]
A gentle knock is on the door. I walks up to it and opens it.
Pedro and Ziandra are there, wearing their Cobra jackets. And they slowly walks into the living room. And I gently closes the door.
"Pedro? Ziandra? What are you two doing here?" I asked them.
Ziandra hands me a Cobra leather jacket. "Sharron wanted me to gift it to you."
I look at Ziandra, gently taking my Cobra leather jacket from her. I look at my Cobra jacket and puts it on.
"How is it?" Pedro asked me.
Wearing my Cobra jacket, I sly smirk. "It fits like a glove."
"Angie?" Aiden said.
I look at Aiden, not saying anything. Nothing but the sly smirk on my face.
[Song ends]
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