Chapter 2: New Beginning - Memories
After falling asleep with her in his arms Zack had woken up but didn't move incase he woke Ray up...'Best not move otherwise she'll wake up and most likely fuckin' murder me' his thoughts still in one big mess as he thought about all of the events that had happened to them in that god-foresaken place. Zacks vision soon faded as he looked at the girl lying on top of him "..Ray..." he whispered under his breath falling asleep.
(Flashback - Zacks POV )
"Ugh... where the fuck am I? argh my stomach...shit" I looked down to see a pool of bright red blood on the floor underneath me...'this isn't mine though...Ray! ' I looked around suddenly becoming aware of my surroundings 'fire...smoke...blood...DANNY ' rage built up within me as I staggered back onto my feet desperately trying to lift my scythe up so I could tear this bastard to fucking pieces...'shit I can't support my own weight, I've been shot, stabbed and electrocuted yet I can't pull myself together to kill this fucker...pathetic '.
"AHAHAHAHAHA giving up so soon Zack it's good to see I've finally won now I can take Rachels peepers, her gorgeous blue eyes will be mine " Dannys laugh, no his voice just irritates me I want to kill him, I don't have the strength.
".....You can't have can't have any of her... s-she belongs to me, we swore an oath....and I hate you're not going to make me out to be one...ya hear me!" I managed to cough out some words but I couldn't do much, I collapsed to the ground next to her.. 'fuck I forgot about how he'd shot Ray'...
"Ray...Ray.....RAY!!" I screamed at her searching her half open eyes for a word, a smile, anything.
"Open your eyes..."
"Wake up" at this point I was about to explode, I was the one who was meant to kill her not him.
"AWWWWWW is someone sad that Rachels almost dead, she's gone and I killed her not you..AHAHAHAHA looks like you couldn't keep your promise after all Zack!" that shrill laugh rang through-out my ears...
"Would it kill ya to shut your fuckin' mouth, that annoying laugh of yours is giving a headache!" I snapped regaining enough strength to stand up as I did-
'Fuck..' blood came poring from my mouth as I collapsed yet again on the floor I pulled my self in-front of Ray to make sure that sicko didn't come anywhere near her....blood started to quickly spill out from my gut and create a river of red underneath me...
"" I faint and barely noticeable voice called out to me I turned slightly enough so I was face to face with Ray, managing to sit up I pulled her into my arms holding her as she breathed shallowly..
"Don't die on me okay Ray" I sternly spoke as she nodded and closed her eyes again.
'I need you ' this girl helped me over come my fear of fire, she got me this far, now it's my time to do the same for Ray...
(End of Flashback)
"RAY!! RAY!!" Zack started screaming, he was still asleep but still inside that dreaded nightmare...that memory, Rachel sat up sitting on top of him staring at him in a shocked and worried manner, she stretched out her hand gently stroking Zack hair..
'He's gone into a cold sweat and he's shaking badly..' sighing Rachel was about to get up but just as she was about too Zack pulled her back down into his chest having a really tight hold of her, "..Zack what are y-"
"Don't leave me Ray, I need you, don't die please...we'll be out of here soon..just please try stay awake" Zack was now crying, tightening his hold on Ray while still inside the living hell of a memory.
"Zack..Zack...hey wake up im here It's okay I'm not going anywhere its just a bad dream...a nightmare...a memory you need to forget..." Ray kissed the top of his chest while extending an arm up to place a hand on his cheek.. she felt him twitch slightly at the gesture..'wait we're still outside' she remembered that they were still laid on the ground outside the log cabin..
"...R-Ray..?" Zack started to come out of the deep sleep slowly loosening the firm hold he had on Ray he gazed down a her teary expression...'shit what was I saying in my least I'm back in reality..with her safe and alive, im out of that fuckin' nightmare'...
"Are you o-" Zack was cut off as Rachel kissed him trying her best to not cry too much..Zack surprised at first soon responded with passionately kissing her back trying so hard not to let her notice his cherry red face as he blushed.
Finally pulling from each other they both gasped for air as they both started lovingly into one-anothers eyes..
"Don't you ever do that too me again Isaac Foster you really scared me.." Ray shouted at him as she burst into tears burying her head into Zacks bandaged chest...he moved one of his hands to her head gently stroking and playing with blonde strands..
"Since when fuck did you start using my real name?" Zack stated with a perplexed look on his face as Ray giggled at him..
"Why do you want me to or something huh? Isaac heh" she teased him making Zack even more annoyed..
"No I don't fuckin' want you to call me by that name, Isaac Foster died a long time ago along with the rest of his family...It's Zack know that by now don't ya?" he pouted and turned his head away from Rays prying eyes...
"Isaac?" Ray teasing called out to him
"I told you not to call me that." Zack muttered sitting up and glaring at Rachel
"But why not Isaac?" Rachel repeated his name
"Because I don't like it and I told you not to, now stop freaking calling me by that name Ray!" Zack said with a stern tone obviously getting annoyed but he knew what she trying to do, that's what pissed him off about her but he put up with it and eventually got used to it but he always got her back for what she did.
"If you don't stop i'm gonna tickle you to death!" he played along with Rachels game teasingly poking her 'Got you now Ray I know how much you LOVE being tickled heheh'
"Try me Mr. Foster!" Ray stuck her tongue out at him getting ready to stand up and run to avoid being tickled...but Zack had already read her move and swiftly pinned her down so that he was on top of her..
"Oh really, are you sure about that, especially with the position you're in Ray heh" Zack smirked at the small blonde underneath him...he suddenly got the urge to do something and urge he hadn't felt before..
"Oh aren't you forward tonight hum? Do you want something Zack?" Rachel teasing said while leaning up to kiss him playfully putting her tongue in his mouth tempting him she pulled away she licked her lips sending a cold shiver down Zacks spine...
'What was this feeling?'
"What do I want?" he questioned himself
"You" he seductively whispered into her ear making Ray freeze for a slight second as Zack kissed down her neck making her moan slightly
"I want to make new memories with you Ray...happier ones.." he spoke softly making Ray fall deeper In love with him
"Why don't we go inside and make them memories then?" Rachel whispered into his ear as she nibbled on it slightly
*Rustle* *Rustle*
Zack and Rachel looked at each other in shock the noise they heard wasn't animal it was too strategically timed for it too have been an animal, it also sounded too human like...
"Zack?..." Ray grabbed onto Zacks hoodie looking up at him in horror
"It's okay I wont let whoever... whatever that is harm you okay?" Zack was now pissed off so much he wanted to grab his scythe and cut whatever it was in the foliage to shreds, he needed to protect her...'my scythe? shit it all the way on the stairs...Ah my knife'
"Do you still have my knife on you Ray...I'm gonna need to have it back for a moment" Zacks instincts starting to kick in, kill or be killed.. and he certainly isn't taking 'be killed as an answer'
"Yeah I do... here" Rachel handed the knife to him with one movement...
"Stay here and scream if anything happens.. I won't be long Ray!" Zack kissed her forehead and stood up, that same psychotic expression re-painted on his face.
"I'll give you 3 seconds to run, scream, beg for your life!"
Zack took a step forward as a warning to whoever, whatever it was watching them,
Just as Zack was about to say 'three' he was cut off as a voice spoke and caught him off guard..
"Hello, Isaac"
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