Bionic Action Hero P.1
- Chapter Nineteen -
You were in the Hydra-loop area with the Davenport siblings, along with Leo as you saw Douglas skipping down the steps, happily. You looked up with an eyebrow raised, knowing that Douglas was happy for a certain reason. Why? You didn't know, but you knew he had some news.
Would it be good news? Probably but his good news didn't mean that it was good news for you guys.
"Guess who I just got off the phone with? Giselle Vickers," Douglas smiled wildly.
You looked up as Bree spoke, "The big Hollywood filmmaker?"
"She is legendary!" Leo exclaimed, "She made all the Killer Zombie Trucker movies. Because of her, I can't be at a truck stop."
"That's right, and get this. Her next blockbuster is gonna be called Bionic Action Hero," Douglas replied.
"Awesome! What's it about?" Adam asked.
"A bionic action hero," Douglas answered, as if were the most obvious thing in the world.
"Huh. Save your money. It sounds like a flop," Adam stated.
"The best part, it's based on you guys," Douglas pointed to Adam, Bree, and Chase.
"Woah, woah, woah. The same person who makes those lame zombie movies is gonna make our movie? No way," Chase shook his head.
"Must you ruin EVERYTHING!" Leo exclaimed, as you patted Leo's shoulder.
"Settle down little man," you smirked.
"Relax, Chase. Giselle's an old college friend. We spent a lot of time in the robotics lab together before she switched careers. We even dated a bit," Douglas chuckled, causing you to raise a brow.
"What happened?" Bree asked.
"Sometimes people grow apart," Douglas stated.
"She dumped you, didn't she?" Bree questioned.
"Worst day of my life!" Douglas cried, "And I've been to prison four times!" Douglas sighed as he stood, "Anyway, she wants the film to portray the bionics accurately, so she's coming here to research with the actor that will be playing you guys."
You looked up as Chase spoke, "Uh, I think you mean actors?"
"No, In the film, they aren't three bionic super humans. To simplify it, there's just one with all your abilities," Douglas explained.
"So, who's the actor?" Bree asked.
"Oh! I bet it's Dame Judy Dench!" Adam exclaimed as he did an accent, "Look at me, I'm bionic!"
Douglas shook his head, "No. It's some new up-and-comer named Troy West."
You slightly scoffed hearing the name as Chase spoke, "So they're just going to throw some rookie in the leading role? I don't want any part of this."
"I hate to say it, but I agree with Chase. You only have one to have your life turned into a movie. It should be done right," Bree stated.
"Exactly. So who's playing me? Denzel? Will Smith? Oh, who am I kidding? Those guys can't bring the Dooley," Leo smiled.
"Sorry, Leo. There is no character based on you, or you," Douglas pointed at you and Leo.
"I'm fine with that," you shrugged.
"What?" Leo asked in disbelief.
"It's called Bionic Action Hero not Kind of Bionic Sort Of Action Hero," Douglas explained.
"Look, if they want someone to play a bionic action hero, why don't they use me? I'm an actor. I starred in a school play," Adam stated.
"You had one line, and you forgot it," Bree stated.
"Just because it's in a script doesn't mean you have to say it," Adam said to Bree as he turned to face Douglas, "Plus, I can do my own stunts. The guys who played Superman can't stop a real locomotive, but I can."
"Oh, yeah? Well, the Hydra-loop is closing. I bet you can't stop that," Chase challenged.
The Hydra-loop doors began to close as Adam sprinted forward, blocking it with his arm, "Ha! I did it!"
"Uh-uh, you stopped the doors, but you didn't stop the Hydra-loop," Chase pointed out, as he pressed a button.
The Hydra-loop then shot forward, taking Adam with it, causing him to hit the wall and fall, "Did it stop?"
"No, but I think that made my day," you smiled.
You were in the Hydra-loop area, talking to the Davenport siblings as Douglas came rushing in.
"Is everyone ready? Troy and Giselle will be here any minute," Douglas explained franticly.
"You seem kinda nervous," Bree pointed out, "If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were trying to get your old girlfriend back."
"That's ridiculous," Douglas chuckled, "How's my hair? Too spikey, not enough spike? Just the right amount of spike?"
Chase chuckled as you rolled your eyes as Bree spoke, "Never mind the spike. What are you gonna do about the grays?"
"GRAYS?!" Douglas exclaimed.
The Hydra-loop then opened to reveal the one and only, Giselle Vickers and Troy West themselves.
"Woah, look at this place." Troy breathed in awe.
"Hey, Troy. Welcome to the Bionic Academy," Douglas greeted.
"Thanks, I'm really happy-"
"Giselle!" Douglas cut off Troy, causing you to smirk.
"Douglas. Nice to see you," Giselle smiled.
Douglas went to kiss her hand but she pulled it away before he could, "Still rocking the same old spikes, huh?"
"I can change. What do you like? Side part, middle part, mullet?" Douglas asked.
"He must be desperate," you mumbled to Bree, who nodded as Giselle turned her attention to you all.
"Hi! I'm Giselle. So honored to be telling your story, and this is Troy West, the actor who will be playing you in the movie," Giselle explained.
"Hi," Bree waved, with a dazed look on her face. You scrunched your nose in disgust, she had that love sick face on.
"What's up guys? It's really nice to meet you," Troy nodded as you rolled your eyes.
"I get it now. You got my body, Bree's hair, but I'm not seeing Chase, he's perfect," Adam smiled.
"Oh, c'mon. You seriously buy that this guy is bionic? I mean compare to me-"
"Dude, you really don't wanna go there," Adam cut Chase off.
"Hey, thanks for letting us come here to do our research. I can't believe I'm actually standing here with three bionic heroes," Troy stated.
"Ahem," you coughed, glaring at Troy.
"Oh, sorry. What's your name?" Troy asked you.
"[Name]," you replied, glaring at him.
"I'm not seeing anyone!" Bree exclaimed, running up to Troy, "Uh...that's not normally what I lead with, but I'm not seeing anyone," Bree smiled, causing you to roll your eyes.
"We won't get in your way," Giselle stepped forward, "I'm just here to check out the academy so I can make the movie as real as possible."
"And I'm here to learn about your bionics so my performance will feel authentic," Troy informed.
"Totally get from where you're coming from, Troy. I'm a big-time actor myself," Adam smiled.
"Really? Movies?" Troy asked, stepping forward, your gaze never wavering from him.
"Uh, school plays. But I did see a mom filming it on her phone, so it's a matter of time before it hits theaters," Adam shrugged.
"I see, so what did you feel was the key to your character's inner life?" Troy asked.
"I got to wear a cowboy hat, and ride a wooden pony," Adam replied, as he galloped away, clicking his tongue.
"And that's all you need to know about Adam," Chase nodded, as Leo walked in.
"Why, hello. You must be Giselle. I'm Leo, the forth and most important member of the team," Leo stated, shaking Giselle's hand.
"Of course," Giselle nodded, "I know all about you, Leo."
Leo then pulled Giselle forward as he spoke, "Then you also know that my fascinating life will make a fantastic sequel. Or we can just forget about the little cocktail weenies and focus on the main course. Me," Leo motioned to himself.
"Why..." Douglas then shoved Leo away, "Don't you guys go show Troy some bionic moves? That'll give Giselle a chance to walk around this place, and remember how adorable I am."
Douglas wrapped an arm around Giselle as she chuckled nervously, "We are going to be walking for a really long time."
You were all in the training area. You were leaning up against the wall bored, watching Adam and Bree talk to Troy.
"So you really think you have what it takes to be a bionic superhuman?" Adam questioned.
"I hope so. Check this out. It's one of Chase's abilities," Troy stated, as he demonstrated. He pointed to his temple as he squinted his eyes ever so slightly.
You were bored, so you being the little rebel you were, decided to rile up a certain someone, "Wow, I honestly have to say. That is the worst impression I have ever seen," you smirked as Troy glared.
You smirked, knowing that your planned work as you saw Chase run over, "What was that?"
"That was your bionic eye scan. Hey, don't worry. Once they add some special effects, it'll look really cool," Troy replied.
"No, it won't, cause you're doing it wrong. It goes like this," Chase stated, as he demonstrated the real way.
"Oh, thanks man. Yeah I totally get how that's different," Troy said with slight sarcasm.
Bree then pushed Chase aside, "Okay, so now who's helping out with the cheesy movie?"
"I am not helping! I am critiquing his mediocre performance!" Chase explained.
You smirked, knowing that your planned worked. You knew that if you said something, that Chase would get riled up and criticize Troy's performance. You smirked as you walked out of the training area.
After some time, you walked into the cafeteria, seeing Leo talking to Giselle. Luckily you were out of sight, so they didn't see you.
"Now the T-shirts, they would say Leo Dooley's Bionic Army get it? Army?" Leo motioned to his bionic arm, "Cause I have a bionic arm."
"Leo, would you please give this woman her space?" Douglas asked.
You noticed that Douglas' hair was flat, causing you to raise your eyebrows. He looked different; and it wasn't the good kind. Your guess was that he was trying to impress Giselle. Leo quickly muttered something as Douglas shoved him away.
Giselle shook her head, unimpressed as Douglas tried to flatten his hair more, if it was even possible.
"That kid," Douglas chuckled, "He would do anything to impress you," he stated as he pulled out a chair.
"Wonder what he got that from," you muttered sarcastically under your breath, as you walked to the counter to get a water.
"You know, Giselle. It's too bad that you couldn't see all the other brilliant things that I created outside of here," Douglas stated, as you rolled your eyes.
You used your bionic hearing as you waited for your water.
"You can make a whole movie about Marcus," Douglas explained, as you tensed up.
"Marcus," Giselle nodded.
"My greatest invention. A advance android with all of Adam, Bree, and Chase's bionic abilities. Believe it or not, he was even more powerful than they are," Douglas smiled.
"Well where is he? I'd love to see him," Giselle replied.
"You can see parts of him. They're buried in a huge pile of rubble in my old lair," Douglas explained.
"I'm sorry. Your lair?" Giselle questioned.
"Yeah, technically it's a suburban basement, but by law, you have to call it a lair if you use it to torcher people," Douglas explained.
"Well, I have to use the restroom," Giselle stated as she stood.
"I'll take you-"
"I'll, take her Douglas," you stated, walking over. You then motioned Giselle to follow you down a hall.
When no one was around, Giselle spoke, "What is taking so long? You should've eliminated them a long time ago."
"Well, I'm sorry I'm taking so long. Do you want me to rush it half fast?" you asked sarcastically, causing her to roll her eyes, "Look, no one has been able to eliminate the Davenports before. They all have failed, but I'm going to be the first. If you want them gone, let me do my job. Don't forget that you sent me on this mission alone."
"They got to you, haven't they?" she snarled as she grabbed your wrist, "You shouldn't speak to me like that."
"They haven't gotten to me. You can't punish me because we're not in your lab, so you can't do anything," you stated, as you boldly ripped your hand out of her grasp.
"They changed you. You never spoke to me so boldly before," she glared.
"Maybe I wouldn't if you wouldn't have gotten in the way, now what's up your sleeve? I know you didn't come here to shoot a movie, and why the hell did you bring Troy?" you asked.
"I told you. If you wouldn't do the job, I'd do it myself and Troy is going to help me," she replied.
"Please, with that hunk of junk? This is my mission. my job, let me handle this. You sent me here, because I am the best, and I'll tell you right now, don't be surprised when Troy fails you. You know that I'm much more better and powerful than he'll ever be, despise him being an android. Don't be disappointed when I told you so," you stated, as you walked away.
A few days later, Giselle had taken you all to the set. There, they had a replica of the bionic academy. It looked exactly the same. Bree was heartbroken that she got stood up by Troy, you of course wanted to know what happened, so she showed you. Bree only showed you that Troy left, you knew that there was more to the story, but you decided to not push it.
"I'm so glad that you guys could come to the stage and watch us film," Giselle stated, as you all entered the building.
"Just so you know, I tried keeping the hair flat, but it won't stay down," Douglas stated, as you rolled your eyes.
"And this is our Hollywood version of the Bionic Academy," Giselle motioned to the stage.
Everyone looked around in awe as Leo spoke, "Looks awesome!"
"No, it doesn't. The walls look fake. The floor looks fake. Nothing in here looks like the real academy," Chase said, crossing his arms.
"But your complaining is very authentic," Bree spoke, as a man came and whispered something in Giselle's ear.
"I gotta take this call from my other movie, Killer Zombie Orthodontists," Giselle informed.
"Orthodontists?" Leo questioned.
"Yeah, I know. We're pretty much out of ideas," Giselle spoke as she walked away, as Troy walked in.
The boys split as Bree ran up to Troy. You couldn't help but use your bionic hearing to eavesdrop, as you walked over to a table.
"Hey, Troy," Bree greeted.
"Oh, hey," he greeted, as he walked forward with his script in hand, as Bree followed, "Hey, so, what happened? You said you were going to meet me at the pool, then you left the island without even saying goodbye."
"What do you want me to say? Not much of a water person," Troy stated as he walked away.
You looked over at Bree, just seeing her standing there with a down casted expression. You clenched your jaw, knowing that later you were going to give Troy a piece of your mind.
Then Giselle walked in, "Great news. Since you were all so helpful, I'm putting you in the scene we're about to shoot."
"You want us to be in the movie?" Bree asked in disbelief.
"Yep, but instead of playing bionic heroes, you get to play the bad guys. What do you think?" Giselle asked.
"I think Leo Dooley better have a line," Leo stated, as Douglas nudged him.
"Cool. We're gonna be in a movie! We're gonna be in a movie!" Chase repeated excitedly.
"Oh, so now you're on board," Douglas stated.
"Hey, Troy starring in a bionic movie? Lame. Me starring in a bionic movie? Awesome!" Chase smiled.
"Great, so then it's settled. Any questions?" Giselle asked.
"Just one. What time will this be on tonight?" Adam asked.
You knew that something was up when Giselle said that she was putting them in the scene to shoot. You had no idea what she had up her sleeve though, so you had to wait. Everyone got ready, dressing in all black, and now they were just getting their finishing touches.
"This is so cool! I finally get to play the bad guy!" Chase then stood, looking at himself in the mirror, "Chase Davenport international bad boy."
You then walked up from behind him, leaning your chin on his shoulder, as you looked at him through the mirror, "Oh, that's total bad boy. Keep doing what you're doing."
You patted his shoulder as you moved to stand in between Leo and Douglas.
Chase then began posing as Leo spoke, "Settle down, bad boy. Your mascara's running."
You chuckled as Bree spoke, "I don't get it. Troy won't even talk to me. It's so weird."
"Not really. Boys blow you off all the time," Adam stated.
Bree gasp, "What if he's got another girl on set?"
"So what?" Douglas shrugged, "You just met the guy."
"We had a connection! I'm not crazy!" Bree exclaimed as Douglas motion her to calm down, "Okay, look, all I'm saying is that if he's seeing someone else. I need to know about it. So I can go sabotage it!"
Bree stomped off as Douglas chuckled, "Girls. Always going to that desperate place."
You shot him a look as he continued, "I hope Giselle's not seeing someone else!"
Douglas then stood as he ran off.
"Doulas is clearly a girl that goes to that desperate place," you stated, causing all three boys to nod.
"You're not like that, why?" Leo asked.
"Because she's different," Chase answered.
"Is that a bag thing?" you asked.
"No, it's a good thing. There's a lot of girls like that, and I'm just glad you're not like that," Chase said, as you nodded, as you began to walk away.
"Where are you going?" Adam asked.
"Just wanted to check out the set," you shrugged, walking off.
After a few minutes of wandering around, you finally saw him alone in the hall, looking down at his script. You walked over, knocking the script out of his hands as you pushed him against the wall.
"Listen here, Troy. If I ever see you speak like that to Bree again, I will I rip you to shreds," you growled.
"Oh, so you're siding with them now? Wait till Giselle hears this," Troy chuckled, as you pulled him forward and slam him against the wall, before pulling him forward once more. His face just centimeters from yours.
"You got some nerve talking to me like that. I'm not siding with the Davenports, and Giselle will not hear about this because if you ever tell her. I swear I will make your death slow and painful, or I can kill you right here, right now. No girl should be treated pathetically by you, especially Bree. If one word gets out about this, I swear I will hunt you and kill you."
You then pulled him forward, whispering in his ear, "I am stronger and powerful than you'll ever be. Don't you forget it."
You slammed him against the wall once more, before letting him go by his collar, walking off.
You watched the boys as they prepped themselves up for the scene. You had no idea what Giselle was up to, or what she was going to do, but you knew that it wasn't gong be good. You watched as Chase did his vocal exercises, Leo reading the script, Adam galloping around, and Douglas making weird hand gestures.
Giselle then walked in, "Okay. Everybody, we're about to start filming. Positions, please."
As the boys walked to the other side, you walked up to Giselle, "What are you planning?"
"Just stand back and watch the show," Giselle smiled, as she walked over to Troy. You rolled your eyes as you walked far away as possible, leaning up against the wall.
Then a bell rang as Giselle spoke, "Okay, Just like we rehearsed. Douglas, you and the kids will say your lines, then Troy will shoot you. Lights. Camera. Action!"
You tapped your foot on the floor as Douglas ran in with the boys, "Any sign of the bionic superhuman?"
"I think we lost him!" Chase exclaimed excitedly.
"Told you we'd..." Adam then looked at his palm, "Get away with it."
"Great work everyone," Leo smiled, looking at the camera.
Troy then walked in, "I agree. Thanks for making it so easy."
As Troy lifted then gun, realization hit you like a bullet. Before you could take action, Bree super sped and knocked the gun from Troy's hands.
"No!" Giselle yelled, as Bree grabbed the gun.
"What are you doing?" Douglas asked Bree.
"You just ruined the scene!" Chase exclaimed.
"And my take was perfect!" Leo stated, looking at the camera.
"This is all a trap. Giselle lured us here so that Troy can take us out with this," Bree referred to the gun.
"Bree, that's a prop," Chase informed.
"Really?" Bree shot the camera, causing it to explode.
"Woah! What just happened?" Leo asked.
"Wait!" Adam exclaimed, "I'm lost are we still doing the scene?"
"No. This isn't even a real movie," Bree answered.
"What? Giselle, what is going on?" Douglas asked, as Giselle walked forward. You stayed behind, watching.
"Go ahead, tell them," Bree stated, as Giselle chuckled.
"With pleasure. The only reason I've been making movies all theses years is to fund my army of advance android fighting machines. And just when I was about to unveil my brilliant creations, along came Adam, Bree, and Chase to steal my thunder. But of course, I had trained someone for years to help me take all you out," Giselle explained.
You shifted in your spot and as you were about to speak, Leo spoke, "And Leo. Why do people always forget about Leo?"
Then the androids began to file in as Giselle spoke, "I gave all my androids all of your abilities. The only one I couldn't crack was super intelligence."
"Why didn't you just ask me for it? We could've worked together," Douglas smiled.
"I don't want to work with you. My technology is far superior. You're my competition, and the first rule in business is to eliminate the competition," Giselle firmly stated.
"Really?" Adam asked, "I thought it was location, location, location."
"This is crazy. There is no way that you android technology is that advance," Douglas stated as Giselle chuckled.
"Oh, really? Troy, why don't you show them?" Giselle then clicked her watch, as she transformed them to look as their android selves, before turning them back to normal.
"Troy is a killer android?" Leo asked in disbelief.
"You really know how to pick'em Bree," Chase commented, looking at Bree.
"Now that I have the schematics for Chase's chip, I can give all my androids his intelligence," Giselle smirked.
"Wait, how do you have my schematics?" Chase asked as Bree looked down guiltily. Now you knew why she didn't show you much of what happened with Troy.
"Bree gave them to me," Troy answered.
"What?" Chase asked in disbelief.
"I'm sorry! he tricked me," Bree explained.
Troy then snatched the gun from Bree, pushing her aside. Chase went to lung as Troy pointed the gun at him. You fidgeted slightly, but stayed still watching.
"Nice work, Troy. Finish them off," Giselle commanded.
"Wait!" Bree stood as Troy pointed the gun at her, "If you destroy me, you destroy Giselle's laptop. With Chase's schematics. That's right. I switched them."
"Oh, who cares? I've got back ups all over my servers," Giselle stated.
"Not if we create a virus that takes out your entire network. Quick! Hand me the laptop!" Chase exclaimed, as he ran and took the laptop.
"We need time to field the virus, cover us!" Douglas exclaimed, running over to Chase.
"Take them out!" Giselle commanded her androids, as she walked away.
You went to follow but an android blocked your way, "Move, I'm on your side."
The android shook it's head as you sighed, "Okay, you asked for it." You then stuck your fingers up the android's nose, shooting an electric bolt, frying it's chip as it went down. You then took out another android that came in your way as Chase spoke.
"Got it! The virus is out!" Chase exclaimed, as Douglas laughed as he spoke, "We just fried all your servers, just like you fried my heart!"
Chase smashed the laptop as Giselle spoke, "Surround them!"
You quickly jumped back, as all the androids surrounded Adam, Bree, Douglas, and Leo. Troy then came up from behind Chase, knocking him out as he lifted Chase over his shoulder, walking out.
"Hey! Where are you taking him!" Adam asked.
"Since you destroyed my network, there's only one way to get Chase's chip. I'll have to rip it out myself!" Giselle explained.
"Not if we stop you," Leo stated.
"That's not going to happen. This entire set is rigged with explosives," Giselle explained, as she showed the explosives, "And once they detonate, the world will think it's an unfortunate accident that claimed the lives of the bionic not-so-super-humans."
Adam went to lung forward, but was quickly knocked down by an android.
"Goodbye, Douglas. And thanks for giving me my last piece of the puzzle," Giselle stated, walking out, as the time flashed on the screen.
Bree looked around until her gaze landed on you, seeing you outside of the wall of androids. You gave her an assuring nod as you followed Giselle out.
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