Angel With The Radio
{My friend lorrie (her nickname ) helped me a lot on this so please give her credit, she helped a lot on this and if she is reading this, thank you so much}
~Angel's POV~
Just as I was walking down stairs I saw someone walking in, "Now who the f*ck would want to come to this place?" I thought.
But I just went to the kitchen not caring, until I saw the hottie… Vaggie called him Alastor and that made me a little... excited. He was known but I barely knew anything about him.. he had a red strawberry like colored hair and his suit was just a little darker with black pants.
He held a red staff in hand, I think that was the darkest thing that he was in, and he had pail, yellow, skin and it looked so cold...But who would care? I sure didn't .
"Hey cutie, what you here to do?" I said. I could tell he had a permanent smile that was partly creepy, but at the same time...cute.
But I could tell he didn't like being called 'cutie' just by looking at his face. But his ears...they were so cute and fluffy I just couldn't help it! I wanted to touch his ears so bad! But he would need to let me get to touch them, which I thought would be easy!
~Alastor's POV~
I looked at the spider, I knew who he was, he had quite the reputation.
"Hello!" I said "I'm Alastor the Radio demon!" I tried to sound delighted (which I did) but I was disgusted!
I didn't want him anywhere around me, I want my entertainment at this hotel.
But, there was something else wrong with him that triggered me inside, so it was annoying when I couldn't tell what it was...until night…
He was at the bar and drinking wine, I was used to seeing demons drink, but he drank it is if he was holding something back.
So that's what annoyed me! Maybe I should find out and use it to my advantage… but as I was leaving the room, someone touched my shoulder.
I broke my neck to look back to see the surprised Angel Dust. I fix my neck and 'sly like' said "Now, how are you doing!" He looked at me awkwardly and said "Well hello sexy~" he then got up and it surprised me that my head was only to his neck.
"Hah! Don't call me that Angel!"
I could hear the anoyance in my voice, but I could tell he didn't get the picture.
~5 hours later~
~Angel's POV~
So me and Alastor talked to each other, I flirted a little, but not as much as I usually do.
I think he knew that and was relieved by it. But something got at me, I felt he was hiding something… But it's not like I would tell him anything, people can't get my trust that easily...right?
But I'm at my room now. But then I hear a knock at the door, when I open it, it's Cherri!
"Hey Sugar Tits!" I said, she looked happy and then said, "Why didn't you tell me this place had a bar? And it's packed!"
I was confused and didn't know what to do because just at that moment I thought of Alastor
"Well Alastor does work fast, I'll give him that, and he's cute!" As I said that Cherri Bomb looked confused for a second and then realised who I was talking about." NO WAY! That'S TOO COOL! YOU SHARE A HOTEL WITH ALASTOR THE RADIO DEMON?!" she said.
"Yeah, but I doubt that he'll fall for me anytime soon." I said in a flirty way.
"Come on, let's go drinking at the bar!" She said excitedly, I of course said yes!
~at the bar~
As we were leaving the bar I saw Alastor, and I was sure he would tell Charlie and Vaggie… so I went up to him. Just when I was about to speak, he said that he wouldn't he was reading my mind, and I swear I blushed just a little.
~Alastor's POV~
I was trying to mess with his head, it worked of course! The only time that my plans fail to work is if I'm resisting to hurt someone. So I followed him to the hotel, more of less like I walked with him. Although he did flirt...Which was annoying…
So we got to the hotel and we walked to his room. "Goodnight Angel!" I felt relieved that he was gone, "Night Alastor." he said. I could hear disappointment in his voice and I don't like it… For some odd reason that disappointed voice just me and gave me an urge to stay… I had no idea why…
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