Note from author: Hey y'all just letting you know there is a bit of lemon in this chapter but not a lot because there will be a lot of it later on in the story. Please bear with me! Anyways hopefully you like this story so far and if you want to see something that you liked to be added then please leave a comment. And now back to the story....
Katsuki was still processing what had just happened before that mysterious singer left the stage with the owner of the club, who apparently claims to be her brother. But for some strange reason when she was leaving the stage, he just felt the urge and need to follow her and protect her. Its strange to him, because that's never happened before for him.
What was all that about that just happened?!? I can't believe she actually sat in my lap!! It felt like she was meant to be there. Fuck what is wrong with me!! Why is this happening to me!?!?! I think I'm either possible broken or just starting to lose my mind. But then again, that scent of hers is so alluring and addictive I just wanted to soak into that scent of maple and strawberry. Ugh!!!!! It literally took all of my strength that I had not to pull her back into my lap and to kiss her when she was getting up from my lap as she was performing. What the fucking hell is wrong with me!?!?! Oh, what I'd give to just taste those delicate taunting lips of hers!! Fuck what is happening to with me!?! Why can't I seem to shake off this desperate desire I feel towards her!?! It felt like she was calling to me in a sense that I never known before. UGH!! Why the hell is this so confusing and so frustrating to me!?! I fucking hate feel this way!!! Damn these fucking thoughts!!!
He suddenly felt someone tap his shoulder that broke him out of his thoughts. He turns his head to see it was just Kirishima. "You good bro?? That was some performance that singer gave us so far. It looks as if she was casting a spell or something onto all of us. She somehow manages to even make Sero and Ida faint. But what was more surprising is the fact she sat on your lap, and you didn't get irritated, annoyed and pissed off by her. It was almost like you were falling for her then again I could be wrong, maybe it was just part of the performance." Kirishima says while shrugging his shoulders before taking another drink of his Ruby Martini.
"What it looked like to me is that the singer seemed to be interested in the angry Pomeranian. From the way she kept glancing at him during both performances. I think she purposely trying to get a reaction out of him with each man she sang to for that second song which basically worked. Because our angry Pomeranian here, wouldn't stop giving everyone a death glare including us. The only reason he instantly stopped glaring at everyone was because she sat on his lap that changed his whole dimeter from wanting to kill someone to wanting to hold her and kept himself calm and distracted when he looked at her." Todoroki explained while crossing his arms against his chest and leaned back in his seat.
"I agree with Shoto. Kacchan, you were like a totally different person when it came to that mysterious singer. As if someone were to touch or hurt her you possibly wouldn't hesitate to hurt that person. Its very peculiar and strange behavior coming from you especially since you don't even know her."
"SHUT THE FUCK UP DEKU!! AND THAT GOES WITH THE TWO OF YOU AS WELL!!! BESIDES ITS NONE OF YOU ALL DAMN EXTRAS BUISSNESS!!!" Katsuki says then just chugged down the last bit of his whiskey.
A few moments later Katsuki saw someone walking over to their table from the corner of his eye. When Katsuki looked over, he saw that it was the owner of the club and the brother of the singer. "I do apologies for interrupting your evening gentlemen, but I've been asked by my sister to bring your friend here-" Looking over at Katsuki for a sec then back at the group. "To her. It would seem my sister would like to talk to him about something. And on what it is she wants to talk with him about I honestly have no clue." Katsuki's eyes widen at what the club owner said.
What the hell!!! She actually fucking wants to talk to me!!!! Fuck how will I be able control myself around her in the same room when I barely was about to when she was performing not that long ago. But what could she possibly want to talk to me about??
"Oh!? It's no problem at all. If your sister would like to speak to Kacchan, we completely understand." Deku replied with everyone nodding in agreement except for Lida and Sero since they were still unconscious. Katsuki glares at Deku for a moment for speaking for him when he could have done just fine doing it himself.
"Thank you. It's very much obliged." He says before moving to the side so that Katsuki could get up from his seat. After Katsuki got up, he looked over at the club owner who simple sighed. "Follow me please." Then leads the way with Katsuki following him with a quick glance back at his friends as they gave just nodded and gave him the thumbs up that made Katsuki to roll his eyes at them before he quickens his pace to catch up with the club owner.
After a long awkward silence did, they finally get to his sister's dressing room. Just as they stood in front of the door did the club owner turned towards him. "If you hurt my sister in anyway. I will be your worst nightmare. Do we understand!?!"
Tch. Who does he think he is to talk to me like that!?! I'd say something back to this punk if I wasn't so distracted to want to see his sister again. But still, there's just something about this guy that feels powerful, ancient and deadly from this energy of his.
Normally still, Katsuki would have said something back if someone was to talk to him like that or tell him what to do. But at that moment he just bites his tongue because he can honestly tell that this guy is more powerful from the energy he can feel as it waves of the club owner. So, Katsuki just stood quiet and just nods at him.
"Good then. Consider yourself lucky that you somehow manage to peek my sister's interest." He then knocks on the door.
"Come in" someone says on the other side of the door. The faint soft sound of that voice on the other side was just enough to make his heart skip a beat. The club owner then opens the door for Katsuki as he enters the room.
"As promised dear sister, I brought the guy and is unharmed as you asked. Now I'm going to make sure everything is ready for your next performance that's to be happen in a few hours so don't take forever."
At that moment Katsuki when heard her voice. "Yes, yes. I know that big brother. No need to remind me. Now please leave and close the door behind you. I'd like to be alone with my guest." Katsuki's heart skipped another beat even as he saw that the club owner was glaring at him again then walks out and closes the door behind him. "I apologies for my brother Hercules. He's just being annoying and everything but mainly too overprotective." He turned around to face her. His eyes widen as soon as he saw her wearing nothing but a rode that made him go hard in an instant. "Please have a seat." Katsuki walks silently over to the couch and sat down. She gave him an innocent smile that made him blush some bit.
Suddenly he watched as she came over to sat next to him. "Well, there's no need to be so quiet or get so flustered each time you're look at me."
"S... Sorry its just I never been around a gorgeous woman like you before. So, it just kind of took me by surprise." He puts his hand on the back of his neck as he looked away from her.
Artemis POV:
Artemis laughed at his embarrassment and finds it cute. "Now there's no need to apologies. It's honestly perfectly normal." She scooted a bit closer to him. "But if anything, I should be the one to apologies because I haven't quite introduced myself yet, due to getting a bit caught up in how cute your expressions are-" She paused for a moment and blushed a bit at her speaking that last part of her comment out loud. But clears her voice before speaking again. "My name is Artemis Novak." She holds her hand out to him.
He looked over at her and gave a slight smile that made her heart skipped a beat. Then felt his hand in hers. "I'm Katsuki Bakugo-" She thought he was going to shake her hand but instead he the just lifted her hand to his lips to place a gentle kiss upon her knuckles. That was something she didn't quite expected.
Katsuki?? Well, that's quite a name that not a lot have heard before. But it honestly suits him quiet well especially now that I got a better up-close personal look at this man in front of me. Must say he is quite muscular for a mortal. It'd be no wonder if a lot of girls were to fall for him. I'd wonder what it would be like if he was a god himself. Ugh!! Snap out of it!!
She smiles at him. "Well, aren't you quite the gentleman Katsuki. Tell me how it is possible for a man like yourself would want to come to a club like this??"
"Honestly, my friend Kirishima kind of had me be dragged here for this guy's night he had planned for him, me and a few of the other guys. He actually heard about this club a few days ago from some of the locals when he went out patrolling. As it was his way to get me to let loose and to live in the moment." He explained.
"That's quite an interesting friendship you must have with him for allowing him to convince you to come to this club. Especially to have chosen this club in particular out of all the others."
"Yeah, I guess. But I'm honestly quite happy that I end up getting dragged here by him." he says then looks away from her again.
"Oh, and why is that??" She looked at him very curiously.
Katsuki POV:
Because I'm getting to meet the most gorgeous woman that is right in front of me.
Was what he wanted to say but didn't want to be too straight forward. Then again it surprises him that he's even telling her the reason why he was even here. But also, the fact that he feels a bit at ease just by being next to her besides the fact every fiber in his body is hard and is wanting him to kiss or touch her and knowing that just behind that robe was nothing underneath it.
He cleared his throat. "Be...Because in some ways it's kind of did help me relax a bit even when I get to listen to your beautiful voice as you sing-" He paused for a moment as he pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "I honestly couldn't take my eyes off of you the whole time as you were singing. It made me feel something that I never felt before."
He sees her scooting a bit closer towards him without breathing eye contact. "What exactly did it make you feel when you were listening to me sing? Will you please tell me??"
Before he realizes what, he was doing he leaned in closer to her as he gentle places his hand against her cheek. "As if it was a familiar feeling or something. Like I somehow belonged."
"As if we're somehow.... connected??" she asks softly leaning a bit closer to him. As she places her hand on his chest.
Katsuki was quiet for a moment before saying softly without hesitation. "Yes." closing the gap some more between them.
Both of their lips now only just a few inches close to each other. But she quickly pulled her face and hand away from him but didn't move away from him. "Would you still feel that way if you were to know the truth about who I am or.... what I am??" she says under her breath before she sighs as she broke eye contact from him.
"What do you mean??" he asked looking at her both curious and confused.
She ignored his question. "I'm sorry, I'm not even suppose to be feeling this way. But from the moment that I first saw you. I instantly felt drawn to you and I don't even understand why. It was true with what you said about this somehow feeling familiar even though we don't even know each other. Even as I was singing with you gazing at me, made me feel connected to the songs I was singing when I haven't been able to do so in so long or made me feel more confident than I'd ever felt." she explains as she was getting up from the couch but Katsuki gentle grabs her wrist before she could take a step away from him.
Artemis POV:
"Artemis," Hearing him say her name from his lips make her feel hot and a bit weak. When she looked back at him. As he also got up from the couch as he uses his other hand to gentle put on her cheek again. Before she knew it, her lips were locked with his in a sweet and gentle kiss that left her breathless. She suddenly wrapped her arms around his neck and started kissing him back. Then he gently pulls his lips away from hers as he placed his forehead onto hers. "I've never felt like this for anyone all my life as I feel for you. It doesn't matter who or what you are, you're the only one who can make me feel like this."
"Even when you don't know anything about me??"
"Yes. Because I feel.... like I...I... I belong with you. When you left that stage earlier it took every strength in my entire body not to go after you and to keep you in my sight or when you were getting off my lap when you were preforming to keep you on top of my leg and kiss you. Even right now it's taking a lot of my strength not to do more to you than that kiss I gave you. You have this effect on me that no other could be able to accomplish. Honestly I was about to start thinking that I was broken or something if I hadn't seen or met you."
She giggled a bit at his comment. "Well, I wouldn't consider you broken. It just seems to me you were just looking and waiting for the right one to come along."
"And so, it would seem that it just had to so happen to be you. But I'm not complaining, like I said you're the only one who could have this effect on me. To be honest I wouldn't want it any other way." He pulls her closer to him until both their foreheads were touching each other.
She sighs sweetly at him. "As do I. But what we possible have is forbidden because of what I am and knowing my brother he's not going to allow this as well." she says as she looks away and a bit at the floor before a gentle hand raised her head by her chin to look up at his gorgeous fiery red eyes.
"Artemis, please if you don't mind me asking. But why do you keep saying 'because of what I am'?? What are you and why do you believe that what we possible have is forbidden??" He asked.
Should I really just tell him the truth about myself?? If I did then would he still want to be this close to me?? We may have only just met but it feels like we've known each other longer than this. But I honestly don't want to lose him now when I only just found him.
She suddenly pulls out of his arms and doesn't answer his question again. "You should go. I should finish getting ready for the next part of the performance. Maybe we should just forget about all of this that has happened."
"Artemis, why do you want to keep trying to push me away. Listen if you want, I won't ask you that question again until you're ready to tell me, but I don't plan to let you go or pretend that what we possible have never existed not after I've only finally found you-" he says as he turns her head to look at him. "And I can tell that you don't want too either. So, if it'll be alright with you, we can take things slow and get to know each other first."
She gives him a genuine smile. "I'd like that...Katsuki."
Katsuki POV:
The way she said his name made him feel breathless and a bit weak in the knees. Without thinking he locked his lips into hers again only with more intensity and passion. He suddenly felt her kissing him back as she opens her mouth to allow his tongue access as she deepens the kiss between them. He lifted one of her legs as she wraps it around his waist with one hand while the other gentle slides into her hair to bring her closer to him.
As he lifts her up into his arms and gently lays her down on the couch without breathing from her lips then slides his hand up her thigh as his lips trailed from her lips down slowly to her neck. Suddenly there was a loud knock on the door causing them to freeze and look towards the door "Artemis!! You're to be on that stage in half hour!! You better be ready by then!!"
He saw as she rolled her eyes and scuffs at the person on the other side of the door. "Tch!! Alright Hercules, I'll be there soon!! You don't need to remind me!! Now get the hell away from my dressing room door!!"
"Whatever little sis!! Just don't be late for that stage you still have to finish your performance!!" then Katsuki heard the footsteps on the other side of the door beginning to fade away into a distance.
He looked back down at Artemis into her beautiful silvery eyes as they look back at him softly and full of so much love. She suddenly peeks his nose that caught him by surprise that made him blush a bit as he slowly got off of her to sit next to her. "I'm sorry about Hercules. Like I said earlier he's very irrigate, annoying and now apparently he has bad timing on things." she says as she sat up.
"Yea I can see what you mean about him. Can't say I blame you for having to deal with a guy like him on a daily-" he pushes a bit of her hair behind her ear before leaning close to her ear. "But it seems you're more pissed off with him interrupting us than about being reminded about you having to perform." He saw that she was blushing to what he said.
"Maybe," she mumbles under her breath with a pout and broke eye contact from him.
Katsuki laughed a bit at how she was acting towards the situation. He gentle lifts her chin up to him as he looks into those gorgeous silver eyes before giving her a peek on her temple. "You really are cute when you do that little pout. You know that?" he says teasingly.
"Well as much as I want to have some more time alone like this with you. I think I should really get ready for the next part of my performance." she says shyly and a bit disappointed.
"Then how about you go out with me on a date or something. I would really enjoy getting to know you better."
"My, aren't you quite the catch on making a move like that and even if we've only just met today. I must say that tonight has definitely been quite an intriguing night and by far a better one than any other. But to put it quite simple to your question it would have to be a 'yes' because I too would like to get to know you more. As I said before there is just something about you that fascinates and interreges me very deeply like none other."
"Then whenever you're available to go on this date with me. Just leave a signally message to my hero's name and I will come for you."
"And what is your hero's name so that I may be able to leave this signal of a message? If you don't mind me asking?"
"I go by the name of 'Dynamite Ground Zero' when I'm out on patrol for villains."
"Well, that's quite the hero's name you have there. So how about the moment you hear me sing a sirens song that only you can hear will you know where I would be, so that we may meet."
"So, you'll try to reach out to me by using your quirk??" he asked confused.
"I guess in some way, yes you could say that. But I don't necessarily call my power a quirk."
"Alright. But how will I be able to know or feel this sirens song you are talking about when I'll probably be in a different part of the city on patrol?" he asked very confused and curious.
He sees her biting her lower lip as if she was thinking for a moment. "If it'll be alright with you there is a certain symbol that everyone in my family is able to place on a person that they'd like and so that the person with whosevers symbol they have is able to sense when they are in danger or if the one who gave that person their symbol to wish to see the person again and would send out a location in their mind on where to go. It also allows a person to be blessed with a similar gift as the one who gave their symbol, but it can unfortunately be used for that certain person alone." she explained.
Katsuki raised an eyebrow at her. "It seems very strange to me about what you just said-" he paused for a moment then he sighs. "But if it means that I can see you again then I got nothing else to lose."
She smiled at him. "Alright good. Now I'd like to place my symbol someplace where you can feel it most and so that its hidden-"
"And why must it be hidden??" He asked.
"Because in some sense its technically forbidden for a person to place a symbol on another person that they hardly know and its only to be used once in a lifetime. So, in other words there would be no undoing it once the symbol is completely on-" she sighs. "So, I'll ask you again. Are you sure that you want to carry my symbol on you??" she asks.
{3937 Words}
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