Saturday night came too quickly as Katsuki wanted. He wasn't looking forward to this guys night that Kirishima is forcing him to go. But then again it wasn't like he had anything better to do. He looked at himself in the bathroom mirror as he fixed the cuffs of his crisp black long-sleeved shirt. Beside he already know that if he didn't go, Kirishima was just going to come and drag him there.
Tch! I can't believe I'm actually going through with this. That damn stupid Shitty Hair is going to pay for this. Even if my curiosity about this mystery singer is only one of a few reasons I'm even consider going. Doubt that this singer is going to interest me. But can't hurt to at least try and see.
When Katsuki was arriving at headquarters he can see in the distance Deku, Kirishima, Denki, and Lida have already arrived. He rolled his eyes as he walks towards the building.
Kirishima waved at him as he got closer. "Yo Bakubro!! I'm glad I didn't have to make the trip to your place to drag your ass to the club."
"Tch. Whatever Shitty Hair. I already knew that I wasn't going to be able to get out of this." Refusing to look Kirishima in the eye as he went to go lean up against the wall of the building while waiting for the rest of the guys to show up.
After a few moments everyone finally shows up, did they start following Kirishima as he lead them in the direction towards the club. "You guys are seriously going to enjoy this. It says that this club is a life changing experience the moment we walk through those doors."
"Sounds very interesting to say the lease." Todoroki says in a composed tone. That always got on Katsuki's nerves.
When they finally arrive at the club Katsuki can automatically sense the energy around them is very powerful and almost alluring, almost as if it was calling out to him. When he looked around at the other guys he can see that this strange energy doesn't have an effect on them. It has Katsuki confused as to why this energy only has an effect on him.
This is very strange that I seem to be the only one who can sense this alluring energy. But how is that even possible!? Could it be that it only effect men who aren't married?! As much as it really does have my curiosity to find out. This is all just too suspicious to me to just somehow ignore. What could be the meaning behind this?!
He suddenly felt like someone was watching him. So he looked around his surrounds. No one was there even as he looked up towards the roof of the club but again there was nothing.
A few moments after they all walked inside and got sat at a booth seat that was in front of the stage. A waiter came over to take their orders. "Good evening gentlemen. I'll be waiter for tonight. Are we ready to order those drinks or did you all still need a moment?"
Kirishima was the first one to speak up to the waiter. "Well I'm not sure about everyone else. But I'll have a Ruby Margarita."
"I'll just be having a Tequila Sunrise," Todoroki told the waiter.
"I'll be just having a water with lemon," Deku spoke up next to the waiter.
Katsuki rolled his eyes at Deku's choice of drink. Of course he be the sober one out of the rest of us. At least the dumbass Deku will be the one taking everyone home tonight as it seems.
"A Dirty Martini will be alright with me," Lida said to the waiter.
"The Aperol Spritz," said Sero.
Everyone looked over at Katsuki for him to order his drink. "And lastly for you sir?" asked the waiter.
"Tch. I'll just take a Whiskey," Katsuki finally says to the waiter.
The waiter walks away after taking their order.
"So Bakubro are you looking forward to seeing this beautiful mystery singer that has everyone so buzzing about?" Kirishima asked him.
"Tch. Whatever Shitty Hair. It's not like this singer could make me fall under this trans you were speaking about the other day." Katsuki says as he leans back on the booth crossing his arms over his chest.
"Oh come on now. Just have a little faith in this Bakubro."
Katsuki rolled his eyes at Kirishima. "Whatever."
A moment or two later the lights began to go dim as a song began to play. Having everyone look towards the stage. Katsuki can even hear all the people in the room who were talking before suddenly went silent very quickly.
What the hell!?!?! How is it the moment a different type of music began to play that caused everyone to go silent?!?
"Oh look Bakubro its about to start." Kirishima says as he nudge Katsuki's shoulder.
That just made Katsuki look towards the stage only to see the most beautiful women he has ever laid eyes upon. That he finally understood why the whole room went silent suddenly. From the pretty sparkly off shoulder red dress curving over that perfect figure hourglass body to that beautiful strawberry blonde hair that hanged down across the center of her back until his eye met with the most gorgeous pair of silver eyes he has ever seen. It felt impossible for him to look away from this women as the spotlight shined upon her.
She's so beautiful. I don't understand why but I can't seem to look away for this beautiful women. What the hell is going on?!? Why the hell am I even saying all this stuff when I don't even know her!?!
Suddenly, the music began to play as he saw how she gently places her hands on onto the microphone stand as she began to sing with the most angelic voice he has ever heard.
You had plenty money in 1922. You let other women make a fool out of you, why don't you do right? Like some of the other men do. Get out of here and get me some money, too, you're sittin' down wonderin' what it's all about, you ain't got no money that will put you out. Why don't you do right? Like some of the other men do
Katsuki couldn't believe what he was hearing. Before he even realize what he was doing, he was leaning his head onto his arm while he continued to watch the woman sing. As it felt like everything around him began to fade away as if it was just him and this beautiful singer.
He suddenly saw that the singer was facing in his direction now, almost as if she was singing to him for a moment before looking back at the audience.
Get out of here and get me some money, too. If you had prepared twenty years ago, you wouldn't be wanderin' now from door to door. Why don't you do right? Like some of the other men do, get out of here and get me some money, too, I fell for your jiving and I took you in. Now all you've got to offer me is a drink of gin. Why don't you do right? Like some of the other men do. Get out of here and get me some money, too. Why don't you do right? Like some of the other men do, Like some of the other men do....
The moment the song ended everything around Katsuki was still blur as if it was still him and the beautiful women. Until he felt someone shaking his shoulder causing him to snap out of his daze only to see it was just Kirishima. "Yo man, you good?? The waiter brought our drinks but you seemed so focused and zoned into the singer you must've not heard us or something."
He rolled his eyes at Kirishima before taking a drink of his whiskey. Then he suddenly felt like someone was look in his direction. But the moment he turned his head only to realize that he was staring at a pair of silvery eyes that held him captive causing him to blush at her. She suddenly gave him a small smile that made him melt a bit in a way he never felt before and cause his erect to get hard.
What the hell is going on with my body?!? How can something as simple as a smile from that singer cause me to get hard. There's just something about her that isn't normal. This has never happened before so why now?!?!?
Note from Author: Hey y'all, now I'm just wanna let y'all know that I'm going to be doing some POV's in this story just so you know what both characters are thinking about in whatever scenario they are in. Again keep in mind I don't own any of these songs. Now back to the story.
Artemis's POV:
Artemis was leaning against the wall on the roof to look down at all the people who began to come into her older brother Hercules's club.
"Dear baby sis what's with the long face??" someone asked behind her.
"Because brother this is the same thing everyday. I mean don't get me wrong I love singing but-" she sighs sadly. "Its just I don't feel connected to the music as much as I use to before. Almost as if I've lost the true meaning or point to singing." She says without turning round to face her brother.
"Ah, come on now sis don't be like that. You are after all the goddess of music, voice and song. It's always been a passion and gift of yours that the other gods and goddesses have blessed you with, since you have a voice of an angel. Not only that but even since I've open this club a couple years back and having you be the main entertainment, business has been going through the roof. Especially when it comes with these single men that waltz in here with no knowledge that they fall under your spell with every song you sing."
She sighs. "Its that all I really am to you, just an entertainer for you to make profits off of. You've seriously changed over these years since opening this dumb club. Now instead of wanting to save people who have been wronged in justice, you're too focused in your own greed for money that's coming out of this club that you're not thinking about my happiness or wellbeing." she says as she was about to walk pass her brother until he grabs her arm and forced her to face him.
"Hey!! Hey now!! Listen here little sis!! Lets not forget that I was the one who rescued you when you were in danger of getting attack and about to get drags into Tartarus for something you could not handle when it came to our uncle Apollo trying to make disgusting ass moves on you to force you to be his mistress even though you are his niece and doesn't know when to keep his grimy-ass hands to himself. And have kept you hidden safely and out of his reach because knowing him, he's too much of a lazy-ass to wanna leave his temple to go look for you-" He lets go of her arm and starts walking back to the door before stopping to go in by saying. "So don't you ever think for one sec that I have stopped caring for your happiness and wellbeing. When its always be my number 1 priority. Now get inside and get ready you're about to be on, in a couple of hours." Then he goes inside furious at her.
Leaving Artemis to stand there for a few moments processing what had just happened between her and her brother. She sighs before leaning against the wall again only this time did she see a group of very handsome men walking closer to the doors but there was one in particular that caught her attention. With his ashy blonde hair, to his very muscular figure in that black long sleeve but what intrigue her the most were his fiery-red eyes that seem to have to capture the most but as she was trying to get a bit of a closer look at him did she notice that he was looking around his surroundings before looking up that cause her to quickly move away from the ledge before he could see her.
Feeling breathless and her heart beating fast against her chest left her speechless for a few moments. While she tries to ease her breathing.
That was a close one. What is wrong with me!?! Why did I just do that?! I normally don't react like I just did. Especially towards a guy so why was it just that ashy blonde guy that cause me to react like this. I just don't understand.
"Artemis!! Lets go!! Now!!" she heard Hercules shouting from inside down the stairs. "I'm coming!! So how about you hold your groin in a twist, would you!!" she shouted back as she walks towards the door only to stop for a moment looking back at the wall thinking about the man she saw over the wall.
I wonder if I'll see him in person someday soon or something. He could sure possible make things around here more bearably interesting. But then again its just hopeless dreaming for me.
With that in mind she goes inside to get ready for her performance.
An hour after getting ready did Artemis looked at herself in the mirror not fully sure about the dress her bother had picked out for her because it felt a bit exposing to her. Suddenly someone knocked on her door. She sighs. "Come in."
When the door opens in came in her brother. "So how does it look Artie?? Because from my angel it looks perfect on you."
"I'm not so sure about this dress Hercules. Its a bit exposing on me. And you know as well as I that your taste in style and mine are very different from each other."
"Yes I know that sis but this will definitely get all their heads turned the moment you enter that stage. Plus tonight is a special night because we have a group of male heroes coming in to eat, drink and hear you sing. So lets get you out there and make this the best performance." He says as he gently pushes her out the door and towards the curtains where the stage is before walks away.
She gently pulls the edge of the curtain to create a small opening for her to see the crowd. And just as her brother had said there were definitely a group of heroes tonight who were sitting in the booth seating in front of the stage. It looked like to her that they just finished putting in their order but as soon as the waiter moved did her eyes go wide as she saw the ashy blonde hair.
So he is here!?! And not only that but it seems that he is also a hero. Who would have guess? I wonder how he's going to react the moment he sees me?? Though he does look dashing in that all black suit of his. I wonder what he would look like without it, even to feel that body of his pressed up against mine?? Wait!? Why am I have such thoughts when I don't even know him!?!? God!! Get a grip girl!!!
"So Bakubro are you looking forward to seeing this beautiful mystery singer that has everyone so buzzing about?" she heard the guy with red hair say to the ashy blonde.
She can see that the ashy blonde one was irritated at the guy next to him. "Tch. Whatever Shitty Hair. It's not like this singer could make me fall under this trans you were speaking about the other day." she heard him say that made her bit her bottom lip a bit. Because it sounded like a challenge to her that she fully intends to accept.
A moment or two she sees the lights began to go dim as a song began to play. As she can see it has everyone look towards the stage. She took a deep breathe. Here goes nothing. Hopefully I might change his mind the moment he hears me sing.
She begins to walk on the stage. She could see right away the ashy blonde was instantly looking at her full of confusion, admiration and she wasn't sure if she was imagined it or not but she saw what looked like a fire of desire in his eyes. That made her feel a bit weak in the knees but she refocused on what she was doing as she reached for the microphone.
You had plenty money in 1922. You let other women make a fool out of you, why don't you do right? Like some of the other men do. Get out of here and get me some money, too, you're sittin' down wonderin' what it's all about, you ain't got no money that will put you out. Why don't you do right? Like some of the other men do
For some reason she felt the way she was singing was different than before. Until she looked at the ashy blonde did it finally make sense as she felt like everyone and everything around them began to fade away. It felt like she was reconnected to the emotions of the song.
Get out of here and get me some money, too. If you had prepared twenty years ago, you wouldn't be wanderin' now from door to door. Why don't you do right? Like some of the other men do
She looked at him for a bit before snapping out of her trans of looking at that ashy blonde to look back at the audience as she continues to sing.
Get out of here and get me some money, too, I fell for your jiving and I took you in. Now all you've got to offer me is a drink of gin. Why don't you do right? Like some of the other men do. Get out of here and get me some money, too. Why don't you do right? Like some of the other men do, Like some of the other men do....
When the song ended had the whole audience go wild for her performance. She looked back at the ashy blonde to see him blushing at her. So she decided to give him a small smile that only cause him to blush some more. Artemis just thought his reactions were cute. He sure is a cute mortal. I'm not sure why I feel this way towards him but I'm kinda curious on what other reactions I can get out of him.
With that in mind she walks over to the DJ and whispered to him. "Can you please play-" she told him the song she wanted to sing next before going back on the stage after switching the microphone for one that she can have hang against her ear. Then the song begins playing.
Days seem sometimes as if they'll never end. Sun digs its heels to taunt you but after sunlit days, one thing stays the same. Rises the moon, Rises the moon
She begins to walk off the stage at walks around to audience seductively. As if purposely trying to get the ashy blonde's reaction and attention. Which in truth she was but he doesn't know that. As she leans against a tablet that was on the left side of the stage.
Days fade into a water-colour blur. Memories swim and haunt you
The gentleman at the table was leaning on suddenly raised her hand up and place a gently kiss upon her hand.
But look into the lake, shimmering like smoke. Rises the moon, Rises the moon
Artemis looked from the corner of her eye to see the ashy blonde was staring a deadly glare at the gentleman who's table she used that gave her a kiss on her hand. Even if it didn't mean anything nor did it impress her. But it seems to have cause the ashy blonde to have a reaction by a simple small gesture. Very interesting, I wonder what will happen if I walk over to his table and be seductive towards his hero friends. Maybe I might mess with him a bit as well. She then got off the table she was leaning on and began walking towards his table.
Oh-oh, close your weary eyes I promise you that soon the autumn comes. To darken fading summer skies
When she reached reached over to the ashy blonde's table, she looked over at the green-hair guy. She gives him a small wink. The guy with green hair blushed a tiny bit at her wink.
Breathe, breathe, breathe. Breathe, breathe, breathe
As she can feel the intense emotions of the Ashy blonde waving off onto her as she already knows that he's giving the same glare that he was giving earlier to the gentleman she borrowed the table from, towards his friend. Which really interested her to wanna know more about this ashy blonde hero behind her. As she now turn towards the guy with red and white hair.
Days pull you down just like a sinking ship. Floating is getting harder, rises the moon, rises the moon
She gave him a sweet but a tiny bit seductive smile only to see this guy with red and white hair's reaction when his eyes widen at her simple gesture. But she kept going as she looked at both gentlemen with with black hair only difference is one of them is wearing glasses.
Days pull you up just like a daffodil. Uprooted from its garden, they'll tell you what you owe, but know even so
Just looking at the two gentlemen cause them to react by fainting by her voice or maybe was by her beauty. Either way it didn't matter to her since they simple weren't the ones who reaction and attention she was trying to get. Which seems to be working because she can feel his eyes were completely focused on her, the more she turns her body as she moves from each of his hero friends who kept getting a lot of intense glares for their reactions and she can easily tell that all these male heroes were married except for the ashy blonde. But she turn towards the red hair gentleman who was talking to the ashy blonde earlier before her performance.
Rises the moon, Rises the moon
The reaction she got from the red head was just a jaw drop when she gave him a small twinkle in her eye. She gives a tiny giggle before turning to finally face the ashy blonde who she decided to gentle sit onto his lap. As she continues to sing but make it feel like she was whispering to him.
You'll be visited by sleep, I promise you that soon the autumn comes. To steal away each dream you keep
She began to get up from the ashy blonde's lap while she simple slide her hand very gently across the bottom of his chin. As she can see his eyes never left hers even as she was simply was sitting on his lap or from her little gesture as she was getting up and walk back up onto the stage.
Breathe, breathe, breathe. Breathe, breathe, breathe
The audience clapped like crazy but she wasn't paying attention to the them. Her attention went straight to the ashy blonde to see him so star-struct and in a daze from what she did. Hmm...I wonder what his reaction will be when I ask Hercules if he could bring him to my dressing room in a bit. More importantly is how am I going to convince Hercules to actually bring the ashy blonde to me.
A moment later her brother came onto the stage to stand next to her. Speak of the devil. She saw Hercules grab the microphone the DJ handed him. "Thank you, thank you all. My sister here is indeed a very talented singer as you all can see. But don't worry everyone she'll be back in the meantime please enjoy the food, drinking's and the rest of the evening. Like I said my sister will be back to preform in a few hours. Thank you and have a wonderful evening." He then hands the microphone back to the DJ before going past the curtain with Artemis following behind him not long after.
The moment she and her brother arrived in her dressing room it was silent for a bit until Hercules broke it. "Artie what was going on with you out there earlier. I never seen you act like that before."
Artemis rolled her eyes and went over to her changing drape that she was thankful her aunt Aphrodite gave her in case someone ever came in on her getting changed. "I honestly don't know. I just suddenly felt confident in my performance. Afterall you did say that I had to give the best performance for these special guest heroes so that was what I was doing but for some unknown reason there's just this one certain guest hero who seemed to somehow manage to give me the confidence to do something unexpected and out of my character." she says as she takes off the dress and puts on her robe. Then she comes out and goes to her vanity mirror and takes off her makeup to change it. She can see her brother's reflection from her mirror as he was processing what she had told him. "Now what is going through that head of yours that has cause you to space out into your thoughts??"
"Honestly dear sister I'm just trying to figure out how a simple mortal was able to have been able to make that kind of affect upon a goddess. Its something I'm not even sure if it was simple ever heard of. But if what you're saying is true maybe we should possible bring this mortal back here to get a better understanding of what is happening." He explains as he crossed his arms against his chest as he leaned against the wall.
"That's funny. I was kinda thinking the same thing but wasn't sure if I should even ask you. Knowing you and what your answers are normally are."
"Well you might as well tell me which mortal it is so that I can go get him and bring him over here to you so that you can speak with him for some answers."
She smiles a bit and then she put down her makeup brush and turned to face her brother. "Very well. But he must be unharmed. Not a single scratch and wrinkle on him. DO YOU UNDERSTAND." She said very sternly.
"Tch. Fine!! I won't touch him if that would make you happy. I'll just go get him and simple bring him here to you." He says very pissed off and annoyed.
"Thank you!!" She says then turns back towards her mirror. "He's actually one of your hero guest. He's the only one with the ashy blonde hair who was wearing a black suit. He's not that had to miss." she picks up her makeup brush again and went back to applying her makeup.
"Alright. I'll be back with this mortal you spoke of." Then he leaves the room.
Artemis stops applying her makeup after her brother left the room. She was starting to feel nervous on meeting that ashy blonde mortal. What is wrong with me!?! Why am I getting nervous about meeting a mortal when I've met countless of them before with no problems. So why am I so nervous to meet this particular mortal?!?
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