Everyone cleared their dishes away back into the kitchen. After that everyone slowly began to file out. Faux and Tru dawdled a bit with Evabelle standing rather near them she heard them arguing. "Come on, Faux. You need rest. You can't always stay up for no reason."
Faux shook his head. "I don't stay up for no reason. I'm not tired. If I'm not tired then what's the point of trying to sleep?"
Tru looked exasperated. "Oh, I don't know, because lack of sleep in damaging to your body."
Faux waggled a finger at her. "Ahh, but forcing the body to do something it does not wish to do is damaging to the soul."
"You're impossible." Tru said, shaking her head. "Look, Calandra won't go to bed until you do, so..."
Faux turned away from his cousin to Calandra who was still in the kitchen with her nose in the small book Evabelle had seen her with that morning. "Oi, Callie," She glared at him. "Okay, Calandra," Faux amended. "You can go to bed. I'll only be staying up doing who knows what around your house."
"That's reassuring." Calandra muttered.
Evabelle slid out into the entry and headed for the stairs. Aza and CJ must already be up there getting ready for bed. She was nearly to the level with her rooms when she heard a door creaking open. She paused and turned back to catch sight of the secret library door closing behind someone and the wall sliding back over it, hiding the existence of the library. Evabelle wondered if it was Faux doing his 'who knows what', but she hadn't heard him and Tru leave the dining room. Her hand tensed for a moment on the hand rail, but she shrugged off the uneasy feeling and continued up to the rooms.
When she reached the top, the lights were out once more, but the moon shone through the windows even brighter than the night before. It had to be a full moon. Evabelle took the chance to admire the beauty of the night. Unfortunately, the intensity of the moon washed out most of the stars, but the lunar shower that bathed the field of green was something to behold.
A small scratching sound met Evabelle's ears and then a long mewling erupted from behind her. Evabelle turned away from the gorgeous garden. Jewels cry came again along with the sound of more scratching. It was coming from Kai's room. Evabelle went over and nervously pressed her ear against the door. She didn't hear anything besides the cat's whining. "Kai," Evabelle murmured. She knocked softly. "Kai, are you in there?" There was still no response.
He could be sleeping. Evabelle reasoned. Jewel's cried out again. Maybe if she was really quiet she could just let the cat slip out. Finally Evabelle rested her hand on the door knob and turned, praying it wouldn't squeak. Luckily it didn't, but the moment the door had begun to open, Jewels bounded forward bumping the door as she darted from the room. "Shhh." Evabelle hissed. "Silly cat." She shook her head and reached out to close the door once more, but then she saw that Kai was not sleeping. He appeared to be arched over his bed. "Oh, Kai, I'm sorry." Evabelle said in a rush. "I didn't realize you were awake. I didn't mean to barge into your room. I was just..." She trailed off as the moonlight poured into his room through the open door and a scene of upmost horror unfolded before her.
Kai was not arched over his bed, but Gem. Blood streaked down little girl's collar from where Kai's mouth was pressed. She saw the muscle in Kai's own neck gulping the blood from the defenseless elf girl, who was limp as a rag doll.
Evabelle had sense of dread filling her, rooting her to the spot. Kai released his hold on his sister and the little girl fell against the white sheets, splattering them with her own blood. Kai raised his head and looked up at Evabelle. He did not seem to recognize her at first, but then as his eyes were returning to their usual color of washed out gray from an intense unmistakable crimson, they flashed in alarm. The ruby liquid dripped down from the corners of his mouth. Quickly, he reached up to wipe it away with the back of his sleeve and that's when Evabelle saw the fangs. Fangs. Long needle-like canines to penetrate the skin and feed on the life of innocent people.
Kai was staring at Evabelle with an expression that mirrored her feelings; complete and utter shock and dismay. "Evabelle," He murmured.
The sound of her name seemed to call her back. A terrified sound escaped her lips, feeling the horror race through her body causing her to quake. She took a step back. Kai shoved himself off the bed, away from his limp, unmoving sister and came at her. "Evabelle, wait I—"
"NO!" Evabelle shrieked, spinning around and racing down the hall toward the stairs. She had to get away from him. She had to.
"Evabelle, please!" Kai yelled.
For some insane reason Evabelle paused. What was she doing? A monster had asked her to wait, and she was listening to him. Perhaps it was the sound of desperation in his voice, even though she knew it was no excuse.
The stairs were just feet away, yet she stood staring at them, waiting for Kai to speak. "Evabelle," He whispered.
Leave now! Reason screamed in her mind. He will kill you, just like his sister! Gem! Evabelle whirled around. "You..." Evabelle's entire body was trembling violently. "You monster!" The outburst came out high and panicky, but a swirl of anger was also forming. "You liar! You claimed that you were an elf, a creature of good, but you're...y-you're a-a-a vampire! I read from the library that vampires are the beings of death!" Evabelle shook her head and felt the burning sting behind her eyes. "I thought you seemed nice and polite, but th-then you k-k-killed a poor innocent ch-child! Y-y-your own sister!" She sobbed.
Rarely did Evabelle get angry, but that little girl with so much life had had it taken from her by her own brother. Tears flowed freely down Evabelle's cheeks as she thought of her own little brother with that light and energy that surged through him giving Evabelle a feeling of love that she could not bear to be without. For some reason she didn't see Gem lying on the white bed; she saw Chi with blood running down his neck, his eyes wide with fear as the life left them. Evabelle shook her head again, a raw sob echoed in her throat.
"Evabelle, I..." Kai began, but he could not go on. He swallowed. "Gem isn't dead. I-I would n-never...I..." He was choking up, feeling remorse as he should, but then what he said registered in Evabelle.
Gem isn't dead. Evabelle's eyes widened. Suddenly she darted forward, toward Kai's open door. If she was alive she had to get her out. She needed a doctor and to get as far away as possible from this creep before her.
Evabelle tried to run around Kai, but he was fast. He reached out and caught her. Evabelle struggled and screamed. "Let me go! Let me go!" She twisted and pulled, but it was no use. The long slender fingers, wrapped around her arms were iron bars, unyielding. "No!" She wailed. Now he was going to drink her blood, kill her. He was going to kill her in the Sanctuary, the place that was supposed to keep out evils and keep people safe. "HELP ME!" She wailed and pulled again. This time he let go.
Evabelle tumbled forward on her hands and knees to the carpeted floor. She spun around to face the vampire to spit at him some more, but for a moment she paused for the absolute shattered look that swam in Kai's eyes.
Evabelle pushed herself to her feet and bounced on the balls of them ready to run at any moment. "You are a child of the night," She said softly, quoting the book of Day and Night. "A child of darkness and death, a creature that should never have existed. You—"
"Stop it!" A high voice suddenly cut through Evabelle's words. "Stop it, right now!"
Gem, alive and well, strode out of Kai's bedroom. Another shock wave passed through Evabelle as well as a wave of relief as she saw the girl, appearing to be perfectly well. However, Evabelle's gaze was instantly drawn to the blood stain on the neckline of the pretty white dress and above that where two puncture wounds marked where Gem had been bit.
The little elf girl marched between Kai and Evabelle, her blind eyes absolutely furious. She stood in front of her brother, and though her eyes were not directly on Evabelle's face, they were glaring at her nonetheless. "How dare you be so cruel to my brother." She snarled. "How dare you judge him when you do not know what he has been through. I know I know more than you. I know that he hates being a vampire more than anything. I know he hates drinking blood, but it's the only way he can live. I know if it were his choice he would starve himself. He practically does. If it weren't for me pressing him to do it, he wouldn't do it. I know he would rather die than take my blood, marking him as death's child, but I would rather die than live in a world without him." She paused to take a deep breath before continuing. "Wouldn't you do that for someone you loved, Miss Evabelle? I know that he is my brother, who was turned into a vampire against his will. I know. So, how dare you say he should not exist. H-how dare you say such h-horrible things, when you do not know." Her glassy eyes were filled were angry tears that spilled over her round cheeks as her little body shook with terrible grief.
Evabelle stood with her mouth agape, first from shock that the girl was alive and then from the words that now rattled Evabelle.
Kai, who had closed his eyes as his sister had spoken, opened them now and stared at Evabelle. "I am sorry." He whispered. "I do not wish to do such horrible things, but..."
Gem grabbed her brother's sleeve and began to march back to his room. "Come on, Kai."
"Gem," Kai's voice was strained. "It is enough. Let's just go and clean you up."
The little girl's grip tightened on Kai's cuff. "Are you sure?"
"Yes," Kai responded and took the small hand within his own. He didn't look at Evabelle as they returned to his room, but Evabelle's gaze followed them right up till the door closed. Before Evabelle even looked away she could feel the eyes of the other occupants of the Sanctuary on her. She swallowed and looked up at their dark forms watching her in the hallway.
Faux and Lucis stood by each other, gazing at Evabelle with varying degrees of sympathy. Del stood in the door frame of his own bedroom, watching her, his face completely devoid of emotion. Aza, her friend, had a blank look, her eyes not even seeing Evabelle. CJ looked rushed with his hair tousled and his eyes wide. He looked about the same as Evabelle felt. Tru was the only one not looking at Evabelle. The blue Anahalian stood with her arms folded, her eyes glinting like a cat's at the door that the two siblings had just vanished behind.
"I..." Evabelle whispered, but she had no idea what to say. She felt sick, a different kind of sick than just moments ago. "I..." She was still shaking, still a bit from fear, but mostly it was a mixture of shock and overwhelming guilt. How dare you judge him when you do not know what he has been through.
From a young age Evabelle's mother had taught her that judging others was wrong. You didn't always know their situation. If someone was cruel to you, it could be because that was the way they were treated, and therefore it was all they knew. You didn't know. That's why you had to let God be the judge and make sure you are kind to that person even if they don't treat you with the same care.
Now it was a young child who had reminded her of that. Evabelle had instantly judged Kai on what she saw. Then she had said the most ghastly, brutal, and despicable things Evabelle had ever said before. Tears welled up in her eyes again. "I... I'm...s-s-sorry...I-I'm...sorry...s-s-sorry..." Her knees buckled and she collapsed, putting her face in her hands as she sobbed. "I-I-I...am...s-so...s-s-sorry..." She was a complete and total wreck. She felt the horrification inside her of what she had just done and now how she was completely breaking down in front of everyone.
"Evabelle!" It was Aza who got to her first. Evabelle felt her friend's arms wrap around her. "Evabelle, it's okay. It's okay. You don't need to cry."
But Evabelle continued to bawl relentlessly into her small friend's shoulder. Soon she felt the hand of CJ on her shoulder. "You couldn't have known." He whispered. "You couldn't have known."
Evabelle sensed others circling around her, but she was so caught up in her own guilt to care to hear what they were saying. However, she did look up when CJ moved his hand and Aza released her. Lucis was gently urging them back to bed, saying he would talk to her. Evabelle caught Aza's gaze. Don't leave me! Evabelle screamed inside her head, but as her friend could not read minds. Aza turned away to go back to her room.
Slowly everyone returned to their rooms until it was just Evabelle and Lucis. Lucis extended his hand to her. Evabelle wiped her filthy face on her sleeve; feeling absolutely disgusted by herself and stood on her own without Lucis, who dropped his hand.
Evabelle returned to the window and stared out it, not seeing anything beautiful out of it this time.
"Evabelle," Lucis said calmly. "You were afraid."
Evabelle clenched her fists. "That's no excuse." She murmured. "Fear is no excuse for inflicting pain on others. There's no excuse for what I did." She shook her head, her eyes still burning; more tears that Evabelle prayed would not spill over. "This is why I cannot be your princess. I cannot save anyone. My own fear gets in the way of everything. My fear is my demon."
Lucis raised his head to the glowing orb in the sky, its shine bleaching his skin to an eerie pallor and his yellow hair to gleaming silver. "What are you afraid of?"
Evabelle's vision momentarily clouded over with the tears, but she shoved them back. "Everything." She whispered. "I am afraid of looking like a fool. I am afraid of letting others down. I am afraid of monsters. I am afraid of not living up to be what you expect of me, Lucis."
Lucis looked at her, sadly. "What exactly do you think I expect of you?" He murmured.
Evabelle felt herself trembling again. "To be a hero." She heard the sob in her voice again. No, no more crying!
"No, not yet." Lucis said even more quietly. "I expect you to do what you believe is right. I expect you to try, for that is all anyone can ever ask."
While you doubt yourself, I refuse to. While you do not believe in yourself, I will believe in you for you. Those words had been repeating through Evabelle's mind ever since Lucis spoken them to her. Now he said. Not yet. But that only meant that he does eventually expect her to be their great hero. He believes in vain.
"Evabelle, no one is perfect. You cannot hold onto this. This was a mistake, and mistakes can be made up. If you hold onto it, you will never be able to forgive yourself."
"I think I just need some rest." Evabelle said abruptly. She couldn't take it anymore. She knew she shouldn't be so rude, but she just had to be alone. "I'll feel better in the morning...I..." She could feel herself choking up again. She turned away from the window and headed for her room. "Good night, Lucis." She didn't even wait for him to respond.
Evabelle sat on her bed staring at the wall across from her. The piano music started up again. It was so lovely. This time Evabelle didn't instantly fall asleep to it, but instead took the time to really listen to its delicate beauty. The song did calm her down, but that seed of guilt still stabbed her heart. She had to talk to Kai, but she felt too ashamed to face him.
Day and Night, sat on her bedside, the place where she was, marked. She had no drive to read it now. Usually books could calm her down, allow for her to escape, but she knew she did not deserve an escape. She deserved this guilt with Gem's tear stained face in her mind.
The piano music was a luxury that she didn't deserve either for it did give her that sense of peace.
Evabelle thought about going to find this piano and its player; perhaps they could help her. Evabelle lied back onto the pillows and closed her eyes. You don't know. Gem's words cried in her head. Evabelle turned over on her side. "No," She whispered. "I don't know anything at all."
~(A/N: Sorry! I know I'm getting this up so late!! Anyway, I'm really curious to see how you take this chapter. What did you think?? Please vote and comment! And HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!)~
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