Chapter 8
"Can you repeat that?"
"I said you have to come with me and Sydney and the other guys to La Jolla Beach today. You can bring Kelly if you want," Evan said hopefully. It wasn't much of a request, more like a subtle command and Tyler wasn't all that amused.
Evan could hear Tyler's frustrated groan on the other end. "So what you are telling me is that I have to go with you, Sydney, Nogla, and Jonathan to some stupid beach? And you called me at two in the morning just for that? We go places all the time Evan and I talk to you almost everyday. Leave me the fuck alone."
Anybody and everybody who was acquainted with Tyler knew that his for of sentiment was expressed through insults and cussing so Evan wasn't all that affected by Tyler's pissy mood. Plus, he had a point. Calling him at two in the morning was a bit stupid but this seemed like an emergency to Evan.
He'd finally be able to apologize to his ex-girlfriend and hopefully make up so that he wouldn't regret losing a best friend. Even if he was with Sydney now, Evanee was his best friend before his girlfriend and he didn't want to lose that friendship. It might have taken three years, but he finally would attempt to fix everything.
"Tyler," Evan pleaded," do this for me. Evanee wanted all of us to be there like old times and I want that too."
"Why didn't you tell me this was for Evanee, dipshit? I'll go, just text me when and where exactly. Kelly has work all day tomorrow so she won't be able to go though."
"Wait. Hold up. Not that it's important, but I don't remember you being so kind just for Evanee."
Tyler didn't say it aloud, but he could practically sense the slightest hint of jealousy. It infuriated him. It had been three whole years of Evan absolutely not talking to her and being mad at Evanee, but now that she's back, he seems to get all protective again. He already had a girlfriend for fucks sake.
It wasn't long before Evan apologized for that odd comment, to which Tyler kind of forgave him. "I haven't exactly talked to her much, but Kelly has. She hasn't been in the best of moods, Evan. Ever since she came back from Massachusetts, she's been really distant. Not only that, she looks really different. Something happened in Massachusetts and Kelly has been trying to coax Evanee into telling her, but she hasn't said much about living there. Just be careful, Evan. She just came back and I don't want to see her leave again."
"Yeah, I'll text you about the beach later. Tell Kelly I said hi."
"I'm not waking her up. Night loser."
"Goodnight, Tyler."
Apparently Craig was a lot less chill whenever he was forced to do things in a limited amount of time. When Evanee woke up at five thirty for her usual morning jog, she wasn't expecting Craig to be awake.
"When did you leave? Where did you go? What kind of note is this?" Craig repeatedly asked questions, holding up the sticky note Evanee left on his computer screen.
"If you haven't noticed Craig, I've been running two miles every morning at five thirty and I shower before you even wake up. And that note clearly states that you have thirty minutes to pack your things for the beach. We are going to La Jolla!"
She began walking to the bathroom to wash off the icky feeling of sweat covering her body.
"What do you mean thirty minutes? I haven't even eaten yet. Who else is going?"
"Evan, Sydney, Tyler, David, and Jonathan."
Craig opened his mouth to ask about Evan and Sydney since he knew a bit about their past from David. He quickly shut his mouth though and did his best to get everything ready for the beach while Evanee took a quick shower.
Much like how he took care of his videos, Craig was efficient and he quickly made a list of necessities they needed for the beach. Then he began searching for all of those things.
Evanee's shower was a lot quicker than what Craig had though, because of the stereotypical idea that girls take longer in the restroom. He didn't mean to think that way but that's how the Internet seemed to paint women. It didn't even take long for her to dry her hair since it was so short and because of that, gathering all of their items was easier.
Before they left, Evanee changed into a neon blue triangle bikini that she ordered online years ago but never had the chance to wear. It was one of the only swimsuits she didn't get rid of when packing her stuff from Massachusetts. Over that, she wore jeans overalls that were easy to slip off when they would go swimming.
Craig dressed up casually. He wore one of his Whisky tang tops so that his arms were showing. With that, he wore regular white swim trunks and black flips flops. To top it all off, he also had a matching pair of aviators of his own so that he could match with Evanee since she was going to be wearing hers.
"Are you sure you got everything?"
Craig nodded. "Everything's in the backseat and sorry about the small space. This car is just temporary until I have enough to buy a new one. Just buckle up and you're the DJ for the next three hours."
"Off to La Jolla we go."
"Are we there yet?"
"We still have an hour left."
Evanee was actually pretty excited for this car ride, but that feeling wore off and she was left utterly bored in the passenger seat. She tried going on her phone a couple of times but it would only result in a mild headache. So instead she took a nap, which also didn't last very long.
Which left the only option of listening to music while staring out the car window. Craig just continued driving, not bothering to talk since Evanee was obviously lost in thought as she watched the trees pass by.
Suddenly, her phone rang and she answered it without checking the caller ID.
"Hey, Evanee. Are you there yet?"
It was David.
"We'll probably be there in another hour. How about you guys?"
There was a bit of conversation in the background before someone actually responded. "Probably an hour and a half. I brought Berenice, but Tyler couldn't bring Kelly. And if you're wondering, no I am not driving right now, Berenice is."
"I can't wait to meet her. Tyler probably went with Evan and Sydeny, yeah?" David said yes. "So there'll be eight of us."
"I think you miscounted. It's just Tyler, Jonathan, Sydney, Evan, me, Berenice, and you," David laughed a bit. "I thought you were the smart one."
Craig glanced at the green eyed girl from the corner of his eye to see her smiling softly. Just talking to one of them was already improving her mood and he was grateful for that.
"I still am the smart one, dingus. I brought Craig along."
There was silence at first. "Sorry, wasn't expecting that. I guess tell Craig that I said hi."
"Psst," Evanee looked at Craig. "David says hi and that he misses you at night."
It was hard for the two of them to keep straight faces after hearing David's random shouts of protest through the phone.
"Just kidding, David. We'll see you there, okay?"
He ended the call after he said his goodbyes, leaving Evanee to go back to listening to music.
Craig couldn't help but glance every so often as she carelessly stared at the blue sky above them. She was beautiful. He wasn't able to compare her from now and back then with longer hair and less defined features, but he was pretty sure that she was beautiful either way. It was very odd. He hadn't known for very long at all, almost two weeks at the most. Though Craig couldn't help but be so interested in her.
Maybe it was because she didn't look like other girls with her boyish hair and her past. It was different and exciting. The feeling urged him to protect her. After everything he's learned about her, he didn't want her to be hurt again.
The fresh breeze of the ocean immediately encompassed Evanee as soon as she stepped out of the car. It was slightly chilly since it was only around eight thirty, so it would probably heat up later.
Evanee took out her phone and rang Evan. "Evan? You guys here yet?"
"We're actually trying to find a parking spot right now. We'll meet you up at the park first if you know where that is. We're just going to eat and walk around first so you don't have to bring your towel and all the crap."
"Got it. I'll find the place."
She put her phone swag and told Craig what Evan had told her. Thankfully, Evanee didn't forget her purse and they walked towards the park. Craig apparently knew this place so it wasn't difficult to find it.
"There they are," Craig pointed out, looking at the three people sitting down on a tree branch. It was a large tree that didn't go that high up off the ground and was miraculously strong enough to hold their weight.
The two started walking towards them and Evan had seen them when they came closer.
His first realization was that Evanee wasn't alone and the person accompanying her was Craig. His head wouldn't put two and two together and he was left very confused.
That didn't stop him from staring at Evanee. She really did look different. The curve of her body and her facial structure were more defined. Her hair was what got to him. The long flowing hair he used to practice braiding sometimes or running his hands through. The raven black hair that tickled his nose whenever she slept close to him. It was mostly gone.
"Evan," the green eyed girl said respectively, unsure if she should have hugged him or greeted him a different way.
"It's great knowing that you're still as short as ever," Evan said after an awkward second of silence. He lightly hugged her, keeping a slightly large distance between them as the hugged.
"It's great knowing that you're still a noob. It's fine if I brought Craig, right?"
"Yeah, of course." Evanee watched as Craig and Evan did that boyish handshake that all men seemed to know. "Well, I guess I'll introduce you to Sydney."
"If you don't remember, I've met Sydney and I guess I left on relatively bad terms. Can you give me a second?"
Craig and Evan watched as she approached Sydney. Tyler had also walked over to the other guys, silently waiting for what would happen. They couldn't exactly hear from this distance, but Tyler claimed he could read lips and body language so that he could interpret what they were saying.
Sydney looked at Evanee with interest and concern. She jumped off the tree branch in front of the raven haired girl.
"Before you say anything, I honestly want to apologize. It's been three years and the last time I saw you was horrible and I regret doing that to you. I admit it felt good to get you back at the time, but I guess I grew up and I felt horrible. When Evan told me that you also invited me to the beach, I was happy that I would have a chance to apologize. So I'm really sorry for everything I did in high school."
"And I completely forgive you. We're not the same people from back then and Evan looked pretty happy when he was sitting here with you. As long as there are no rough feelings and you guys are happy, I'd be very happy to start over as friends."
Apparently Sydney was a hugger because she squealed and squeezed Evanee, repeatedly saying 'thank you.'
From afar, the three boys watched them in shock.
"Tyler, I thought you said they were fighting. Why are they hugging?" Craig asked, since Tyler had said that the two were fighting according to their body language and lip movements.
"Hush," Tyler swatted Craig in the arm. "They're not hugging. Sydney is trying to choke her."
"Wait, what?" Evan said with wide eyes, staring at the two girls near the tree. "Shouldn't we go there before she kills her? What the fuck?"
A random dude came running through the park and in his rampage, he grabbed Evanee, threw her over his shoulder, and kept running.
Once the three boys saw Sydney running after the man, they began running too, unsure of what had just happened.
Then they heard the man laugh and they all stopped.
The blue eyed boy turned around with a cheeky smile. "Got you guys!"
Needless to say, Tyler tackled him to the ground and so had the other boys while Sydney and Evanee watched with mild amusement. Two other people arrived behind them.
"What's going on there?" David asked slowly, holding onto his girlfriend's hand.
"A public orgy. You're welcome to join. I'll take care of your girlfriend for you," Evanee joked, earning a noogie from David. "Okay, okay. They're just playing. Are you going to introduce us to your girlfriend?"
The girl next to him was much shorter and she had the most adorable smile. She was covered from the sun with a cute white floppy hat and a white sundress. David was a lucky man.
"I'm Berenice," she held her hand out for Evanee and Sydney to shake.
Sydney smiled. "I'm Sydney and this is Evanee. Nice to meet you."
Once the boys stopped fighting, everyone got acquainted since this was the first time Berenice had ever gone out with them. Evanee's day was going alright.
But it was only early morning. There was always time for something to go wrong.
Long chapter because I appreciate you guys so much for all the comments and vote. Like comment whatever you think about the sorry or the the characters as many times. I love it. Do you guys trust Sydney? She basically said the same thing as Evan. And who do you guys ship Evanee with and what do you want to have happen at the beach in the next chapter? Vote and comment
And as always I hope he enjoyed(:)
P.S. Here are some examples of Covers I've made if anyone is interested
(The two covers without words are available if anybody wants them, but it's first comment first serve I guess)
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