Chapter 4
Tyler and Kelly had kindly offered for Evanee to stay with them until she found a permanent place to stay, but she didn't want to intrude. After they had left, the young woman was hopelessly and utterly bored. She wasn't mad anymore though.
Grudges were pointless and this was Jonathan. This was sweet little Jonathan who held an stone image just to protect himself.
California wasn't the best now that she was back. It used to be late night car rides and spontaneous trips in high school. It hadn't even been a full week but she was already thrown into a bucket full of emotions and self-pity.
All she really wanted to do was go back to Manhattan, but she just sold all her things and wasted money on her plane ticket. It'd probably be easier just to go back to Gemma's. That wasn't what she wanted though. She wanted her own little apartment with a reliable job and to be able to go out whenever she wanted to. That was Manhattan. Manhattan was freedom.
California was filled with people who held her down. She realized that she couldn't act out for Gemma's sake. She never had the opportunity of flirting and one night stands when she had met Evan. And her friends, they wanted her to stay.
Manhattan was what she wanted. Freedom was what she wanted.
Interrupting her endless thoughts, her phone went off. David had called.
"Hey, Evanee. I heard what happened with Jonathan. I'm not apologizing for him, but he feels awful about it so go talk to him when you have time. For now, how would you like to go out and eat somewhere in LA? I'm meeting two of my friends and I figured you'd want to go out," he rambled on.
"I'll be sure to call Jonathan later and I'm so up for going out. This motel is pretty nice but I need some fresh air," She said through the phone, already rummaging through her bags for an outfit. "Casual, I'm assuming?"
Her thoughts were confirmed so she picked out an old college tee shirt, jeans, and white converse. Then decided to go with black converse since her old school colors were black and red.
It wasn't an eyeliner type of day and Evanee didn't make much effort when doing her hair since she only put it up into a high ponytail. But David had told her this was casual anyway. They'd only be meeting his friends. She hoped it wouldn't be awkward.
"When you said casual, I was thinking Panda Express and walking around a bit," Evanee pursed her lips in disdain.
This restaurant was a bit fancy and a tee shirt and jeans didn't seem like the best idea. At least David was casually dressed as well.
"I thought so too. He told me it would be," he said, confused. He pulled out his phone and dialed his number. "Hey. The place you gave me is the right one, right? Cause I'm pretty sure you said casual."
The raven haired girl couldn't hear David's friend since the phone was pressed up against his ear. All she was left to do was to fiddle with her fork and bowl. Maybe grab a few extra sugar packets and eat that for the time being.
David nudged her side and she hadn't realized he already put his phone away. He pointed at the door and Evanee looked to see the two people they would be having lunch with.
YouTube was basically her main source of entertainment before she went to sleep and there was no doubt that she was a gaming fan. COD, CS:GO, and other little games. So when she saw MiniLadd and Terroriser walk through the restaurant doors with happy faces, she was little more than shocked.
Mini greeted them first with a friendly smile. Then he introduced Evanee to Terroriser.
"This is Brian. I'm sure you haven't heard of him," Mini joked.
There was a faint tint of pink on his Brian's cheeks as he held his hand out for Evanee to shake.
"Well, this is Evanee. She recently moved from Manhattan."
The young woman held her hand out for Terroriser and Mini to shake. "It's nice to meet you two. When David said we were going to go out for lunch with some friends, I wasn't expecting two famous YouTubers."
"So you watch our videos?" Mini asked, taking a seat across from her.
"All of them," she said truthfully. "Huge fan."
It was only ten so the four had spent almost two hours in the restaurant; talking, laughing, eating. Terroriser was energetic to say the least and shared a lot of interesting stories. David was surprised that they hadn't got kicked out after the ruckus they all had made.
Mini was different. Evanee watched all of his videos and her absolute favorites were his CS:GO videos. They were absolutely enticing. When she had voiced her opinion, Mini was happy to talk. In fact, he was pretty eager.
Not that Evanee minded. Mini was attractive.
The four of them stayed outside the restaurant for a few more minutes to finish up stories and say goodbyes.
While Terroriser and David were talking about upcoming collaborations, Evanee stood by Mini.
"This was amazing. The best moment I've experienced so far since I moved back here."
She had already explained her story to Terroriser and Mini, excluding her complicated romantic past with their friends. That didn't need to be brought up.
"I'm glad. Hopefully we get to do this again soon. Maybe just us if you're interested," Mini smiled, handing her his number. "And about your living situation. I live alone in my apartment not too far from here and I have an extra room if you're willing."
"Already trying to get me to move in with you?" Evanee joked. "Straightforward. I like it. I'll see you soon, okay?"
They hugged goodbye and she left with David so he could drop her off back the motel.
"How'd you like them?" David asked.
"I just met two of my other favorite YouTubers and one of them was definitely interested. I absolutely loved them. You, sir, are amazing. Did you know that Mini offered me to live with him? Not in a romantic way or anything, but he knows I needed the place and I don't know. I'm actually considering it."
The green eyed girl was excited. More than excited actually.
"Craig is a great guy. I'm not against it. I'm just kind of afraid of what Jonathan, Evan, and Tyler will say..."
"Wait. Evan?"
David sighed. "I know you didn't want him to know that you were back, but Jonathan didn't know that so when you guys got into that argument, he went straight to Evan's house."
She wanted to get mad again. She really did, but Jonathan was looking for comfort and that wasn't his fault.
"You know what? I don't care anymore. That was the past and we've all moved on with our lives. Just do me a favor and don't tell anyone about the possibility of me moving in with Craig, okay? It might not even happen."
"You got it," David reassured her, parking in the motel lot. "Bye, Evanee."
Another short chapter but here comes more YouTubers. I was going to use Markiplier at first, but it was more convenient to use MiniLadd so apologies. Thanks for the ideas in the last chapter and if you have any more, please feel free to share them. Vote and comment who you want Evanee with
And as always I hope ye enjoyed(:)
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