Chapter 26
Everything seemed a bit numb. Though, it was just another ordinary day.
Each day had been perfectly fine in the past few weeks. Evanee always made time to hang out with all her friends, individually and in groups. She maintained her healthy lifestyle as well as working part time.
Nothing was wrong, so why did it feel as if something was missing. Something felt wrong. Chills went through her body.
She was about to call out Craig's name, but she remembered that he was going to be gone a few days for comic con. Craig had offered for her to accompany him, but she knew he'd be a bit busy there and just hadn't felt like going in general.
So she was alone in the house. The atmosphere was a lot more gloomy than what Evanee imagined it was the night prior. Her fuzzy socks kept her feet warm as she walked on the cold, wooden floor downstairs.
Today was an off day. She hadn't planned anything for today; no work, no gym, no going out. Maybe she needed time to herself. There hadn't been much of that lately. It was either she was at work, at the gym, or out with friends. Maybe alone time would calm down her angst.
It was a bit too cold for a smoothie, so Evanee settled for hot chocolate and also made waffles with a side of fresh fruit and Greek yogurt. She set the food on the coffee table in front of the couch. Then went upstairs to grab her blanket and phone off her bed and brought it downstairs.
Only recently had Evanee realized that she could actually watch anime on the TV when Craig had said he could download Crunchyroll and Netflix. She wasn't sure what to watch and being an indecisive person, she knew it would take the longest time to settle on a new show so she decided to rewatch RWBY.
The raven haired girl took her time eating and drinking her hot chocolate, enjoying the show.
Suddenly, her phone rang. She fumbled with the food she was holding and tried to set it down as carefully as she could on the coffee table. Then she paused the show and answered her phone hurriedly.
Drew's voice seemed foreign. She hadn't heard it in quite a while. A smile lit up her face.
"What's up, Drew? I haven't from you in a while."
"Evanee," he repeated. "We need you to come home. Gemma was in a car accident."
Her heart stopped. Accident. Gemma was in an accident.
"I'll be there as soon as I can."
With shaking hands, she ended the call. She should have been moving. She should have been grabbing all her things and heading out the door.
But she couldn't. She was shaking so violently and sobs threatened to escape her mouth. Her breath quickened and she broke. She was in hysterics. Her sobs wouldn't stop.
She needed to calm herself. She needed to for Gemma's sake.
Slowly, she tried to regulate her breathing. Her hands were clenched at her sides but they still shook. She had to be strong.
With a heavy heart, she quickly cleaned up and then headed upstairs. She grabbed a bag and stuffed a few necessities in it including her laptop, clothes, and toiletries. She would probably be staying there for a while.
By the time she was packed, everything in the house seemed untouched by her. It looked as if nothing had happened. She wished that it had been like that.
It was mid-afternoon when she finally arrived at the hospital from her hometown.
She despises this place. It took her mom away and later on, her dad. Now it might take away Gemma.
Despite her anger, she walked in and asked to check on her aunt.
"Gemma Pierce. Room 403," she was told. The receptionist gave her a sticker that she put on her shirt. "Stay positive, dear."
Evanee did her best to muster up a smile, but she couldn't and went up the elevator with an unenthusiastic wave at the receptionist. She took her time looking for the room. She wasn't prepared.
Her breath hitched when she stood in front of the room.
It looked exactly the same as her mother's room, which was to be expected. Though it brought back many unwanted memories; memories she had refused to think about for the longest time.
But she relived them. She saw her mother in the front seat with a bloodied face. She saw herself holding onto her father's hand as they stood in front of her mother's hospital room. She saw herself with Gemma at her parents' home, the front door opening to reveal her dad on the floor unmoving. There was a lot she didn't want to remember.
She opened the hospital door and was met with a heart wrenching sight. Drew looked up at her with puffy eyes. He sat next to Gemma's bed. She seemed so peaceful. Evanee hated it.
Gemma wasn't like that. No. She was happy, full of excitement. She was this passionate, beautiful woman that Evanee looked up to.
"It's okay, Evanee," Drew said through the silence, seeing tears stream down the young woman's face. "It's okay."
It sounded as if he was mainly trying to convince himself of that. Evanee knew to be realistic. She had to be or it'd hurt a lot more when Gemma was gone.
"What did they say?" She asked, simply, trying to stay calm.
"She's not going to make it. They said it'd take a miracle. There was too much damage to her head."
Everything hurt. Evanee's chest physically hurt, staring at her aunt.
She wished she could kneel by her bed and tell her to wake up, but she didn't want to get her hopes up. She learned not to do that when she was younger.
For so long, she had hoped that her mom would somehow come back. She was convinced she would. The pain was almost unbearable when she grew up and realized that her mother's return would never happen. Though, she still kept her hopes up for her father. She hoped he would be happy again, but that never happened either.
There was no way she'd get her hopes up now. She couldn't. She couldn't be positive. She had to accept this and as much as it hurt now, at least it wouldn't hurt a lot more later.
"It would take a miracle, huh?" Evanee asked, standing by Gemma's bed and holding her hand in her own.
Drew nodded, letting more tears escape his eyes. He didn't want to lose her. He hoped for a miracle.
But miracles didn't happen, not for Evanee.
Short, really sad chapter because it's 2am and I'm really sad. If you guys are actually interested in what happened, go ahead and check out Crush:2 on Closed Perspective in my profile cause I don't want to explain it here.
For any of you wondering, I'm still working on Rogue but the updates will take longer than usual since the chapters will be 30+ pages and Angel Wings is my main priority. Vote and comment as many times as you want
And as always I hope ye enjoyed(:)
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