Chapter 25
It was ten minutes past seven when Jonathan finally dropped her off at home.
"You know I'm here for you anytime you need it, right?" Jonathan asked, leaning against the doorway, looking down at Evanee.
"I know, Jon. Thank you."
He helped her bring all her things inside and left with a sad smile. Evanee was pulled deeper into this never ending pit. She had to make a decision.
After Evanee put away all of her belongings, put the fish in the freezer, and took a quick shower, she went to Craig's room. The brown haired boy was sleeping soundly in his tee shirt and boxers.
She smiled softly at him. Craig made a mistake and Evanee knew he didn't mean it. She trusted him. After all this time, he had been helping her. He made sure she wasn't lonely and always went out of his way to make her happy. A single mistake shouldn't affect that.
"Hey, loser. Wake up," she said softly, kneeling by the bed.
Craig's eyes opened slowly. Since he had just woken up, his voice was almost ten times deeper than usual, "Yes, Evanee?"
"We're still on for Pokemon Go or do you just want to sleep in your boxers?"
His eyes opened and he immediately sat up, which wasn't the brightest idea since he was at the edge of the bed. His body toppled over onto Evanee, but he sighed in relief once he heard her laugh.
"Are you okay?" He asked, concerned.
Evanee looked up at him since she was laying flat on her back and his body was directly above her. "Yeah," she said slowly.
Quickly, he helped her up and ushered her out of the room in embarrassment so he could change. He came out moments later with jeans on and his hair combed.
"So what did you and Jonathan do today?" Craig asked, remembering that Evanee told him about their trip.
"We went to the beach. Fishing, swimming, and all that other crap. It was fun," she told him, not knowing if she should tell him about what Jonathan had said to her. She reluctantly didn't.
Once they were in Craig's car, he began driving. "Well, we're going to the beach again. Santa Monica pier to be exact."
Late night adventures were Evanee's favorite, which Craig knew. She turned on the radio and they listened while Craig drove. She appreciated nights like these, which happened often now. Craig and Evanee were the adventurous types and once they both realized this, it wasn't long until they started going out most nights.
"So what really happened at the beach?" Craig suddenly asked, causing Evanee to stare at him with confusion. "Come on, Evanee. I know that look."
"Jonathan told me he liked me. No big deal," she lied.
"No big deal, my ass. I obviously don't expect you to make a decision right now and honestly, I'd prefer if you stayed single. If not, you have to choose Evanee. Its not fair to them to keep them waiting. It's not fair to me," he said quietly, never keeping his eyes off the road.
The green eyed girl knew he was right. It wouldn't be long until another fight broke out or something bad happened.
"I'm sorry if that came off as rude, but life doesn't wait. All I really want is for you to be happy," he explained, glancing at Evanee.
The raven haired girl had been staring out the window, admiring the night sky and the passing lights of cars. Her green eyes met his as he looked at her and she smiled softly.
"For tonight, let's forget about all that and have fun, yeah?" Craig asked, feeling a bit bad that he had brought everything up.
"Let's do it."
"There's no possible way we can get through this crowd," Evanee said with wide eyes.
It had been horrible enough trying to find a parking space. Now the two were forced to walk through a crowd if they wanted to get anywhere. There was no doubt that Craig would lose her in the process, seeing that she's much shorter than everyone else and it would be impossible to hear her over everyone's conversations.
"Get on my shoulders."
Evanee stared at him with a blank expression. "What?"
"Get on my shoulders. I'm not losing you," Craig said, squatting down. Reluctantly, Evanee had abided and carefully climbed onto his shoulders. It was safe to say she almost began flailing around when Craig had stood up, but he calmed her down thankfully. "How's the view?"
"Beautiful," she breathed out, her eyes scanning across the crowds of people and onto the beautiful lights that reflected off the ocean water.
This was adventure. This was excitement and there was no curfew, not until the sun rose again.
The two of them pulled out their phones and Craig began walking around.
"Are you sure this doesn't hurt your back?" The raven haired girl asked, knowing that Craig had a certain back condition.
Evanee had switched from sitting atop Craig's shoulders and was clutching onto his back, her arms across his shoulders and her legs wrapped tightly around his torso.
"I'm fine, Evanee. Plus, you're pretty small," he teased. "Dare me to run?"
Evanee began shaking her head, but it was too late. The crowd had already began to spread out, resulting in a very narrow path Craig could run through.
With a pounding chest, Evanee's arms wrapped around Craig tightly. He kept running and after some time, Evanee found herself laughing and urging him to go faster.
He eventually stopped by one of the rides, panting with a smiling face. Instinctively, he let Evanee down and then hugged her, lifting her entire body up in the air. She began laughing again.
That laugh was something Craig could never forget. It was something he cherished. In fact, he adored a lot of things when it came to Evanee; her smile, her hugs, her everything.
And he was always falling in love with new discoveries, like how he done now. He fell in love with the way her body fit perfectly against his and how her racing heartbeat felt again his own chest.
"Now, how about we go on this ride?" Craig suggested, looking at Inkie's scrambler, a slightly fast paced ride.
The two of them soon found themselves sitting beside each other in one of the metal seats, strapped down and holding onto the bar in front of them.
Then suddenly the ride began moving and they began moving in different directions, the ride moving faster in seconds. It had gotten to a point where Evanee had kept sliding against Craig because she couldn't hold herself up against the force of the ride, causing the two to laugh nonstop.
It felt amazing to laugh like that again. To laugh until the two of them were out of breath and wheezing. Seeing her so happy was something Craig adored. Maybe it was different for Evan and Jonathan, but all Craig wanted was for Evanee to be happy, even if it wasn't with him.
The ride eventually stopped and the two of them got out, still laughing as they exited.
"How about something to eat?" Evanee asked. "My treat."
"Does that mean we're done here?" Evanee asked, referring to the pier. "There's a nice sushi place like three miles from here."
Craig stopped for a moment. "One more ride."
Once again, Evanee found herself getting a piggy back ride from Craig as he walked towards another ride. He wouldn't reveal what it was. She had been enjoying her time with Craig immensely. They had usually just gone to the park or to a nearby cafe whenever they went out at night, but Craig had decided that tonight would be different and Evanee was nothing but thrilled.
Craig stopped. "Here we are."
Evanee's green eyes traveled up, all the way to the top of the ride. Pacific Plunge. She had been on several rides like this, but it still scared her knowing that she'd be that high up off the nearest ground.
"You're kidding?"
"Nope," Craig answered happily. "Unless you're too wimp to go on."
"You're on."
Evanee instantly regretted giving into Craig's teasing once they were strapped in tightly and their seats began moving upwards. They were thankfully near the center, but it didn't do much to calm Evanee down.
The raven haired girl breathed sharply when something touched her hand, but she breathed out slowly once she realized it was only Craig holding her hand.
"It's just a ride, Evanee."
"I'm not the best with heights."
"Well, think of it this way. If you face your fears to get to the top, you'll never experience a sight like this," he gestured towards the scenery in front of them.
The night sky was a deep blue. Not many stars littered the sky, but a beautiful full moon shines brightly in front of them as they neared the top of the ride. Evanee was so distracted by it that she hadn't even realized they had reached the top.
She held onto Craig's hand tighter and screamed as soon a she felt herself drop. A sudden queasiness surrounded her stomach, but it was exciting. The green eyed girl soon found herself laughing as the ride rose back up again.
Now and again, in between his own laughs, Craig would steal glances at Evanee and smile even wider. She was happy.
The ride came to a stop and Evanee was over the moon.
"You liked it?"
"It was great."
The two of them stopped for a while, nearing the parking lot.
"I never really did say how beautiful the full moon is," Evanee said, smiling up at the sky.
"Maybe you understand how I feel then," Craig said vaguely, making Evanee look at him. "You're not just some fleeting star. You're the beauty that lights up my entire night sky, Evanee. You make me happy just by being here and that's what I want. I want to be enough to make you happy just by being by you're side and I'll accept it if I can't, but I just want to see you happy every goddamn second of everyday."
"You make me happy, Craig. Never doubt yourself."
The two of them got into Craig's car and headed to the sushi restaurant. It must have been past midnight. The sky was a lot more beautiful then.
Evanee considered Craig's words. She knew it meant a lot more than what he made it out to be. After everything he's done for in the past, Craig didn't deserve to doubt that he made her happy and she wanted to tell him that completely, but it was difficult to do so.
Her thoughts strayed away, not wanting to think further about it. She thought of tonight, one of the best nights of her life and the most fun she had in a while.
Adventure ran through her body and Craig was always there throughout the excitement and surprise. He was there to witness the beauty and fun with her. She could always rely on him.
Evanee looked at Craig as they stopped at a red light. His brown eyes lit up staring at the moon. It truly was beautiful and she never wanted it's light to fade from his eyes, but the rising of the sun at dawn was inevitable.
Craig deserved a chapter because he's honestly a precious bundle of joy. He also needs a lot of support lately after his stuff was stolen right after he moved to LA. My poor smol baby.
Vote and comment how you feel about Craig and Evanee and who you ship
And as always I hope ye enjoyed(:)
P.S. I honestly can't believe how many Jevanee shippers there are. Also, I'm in Palm Springs and it's hot as balls rn.
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