Chapter 19
"Evanee, where are you? It's been two days. Come home."
The voicemail ended abruptly, just like the previous five messages Craig left before it. Evanee sat on the couch, staring up at the ceiling. LA was a lot more stressful than what she originally thought it would be.
If she was honest with herself, she really wanted to get away from everything. It'd be easy to just pack her things and move somewhere far. Europe always intrigued her and it looked beautiful there.
Well, it'd be easy to physically move there. Emotionally, it seemed like a challenge. She hadn't even been back to LA long, but so much had already happened; both good and bad. There was a lot she would have to say goodbye to.
It did seem as if it was getting better at first. Lately, everything had just suddenly come crashing down. There was way too much to handle.
"So, when are you going to call him back?"
Evanee turned her head to look at Jonathan who was leaning against the doorway.
"You've said that for the past hour. Don't you have work?"
"I called off. I told them I wasn't feeling well emotionally or physically. So I'm not exactly lying. It's a totally valid excuse."
"For work. But what about your friends? They're there for you whenever you need them," Jonathan explained, sitting next to her.
The green eyed girl turned over and screamed into the couch.
"Some of them aren't, Jonathan. Why do you think I'm laying down on your couch instead of laying down in my bed?"
Jonathan frowned, then stood up and smiled brightly at Evanee.
"Well, you're not going to get any better listening to voicemails on my couch. You said you like going to the gym, right?"
Since Evanee didn't bring that many extra clothes, she had to borrow one of Jonathan's shirts; a tight black long sleeve and adidas joggers. Fortunately, Jonathan had outgrown them and the clothes perfect fit on Evanee.
"After this, you wouldn't mind if I kept these right?"
"They don't fit me anyway," Jonathan said.
The two of them stood in front of the gym. Jonathan was wearing black basketball shorts and a white tee shirt. He had a backpack with him containing snacks and water. Evanee had to pack it for him since he wasn't really sure what to bring. Going to the gym wasn't his thing.
Thankfully, the gym wasn't crowded at seven on a Tuesday morning. Though, Jonathan was lost as he followed Evanee towards one of the many contraptions he wasn't familiar with at all.
He remembered when Evanee was perfectly fine with sitting on the couch, eating chips and watching anime on her laptop. That would've been nice to do, but he had to suggest going to the gym.
Soon after, Jonathan found himself panting like crazy.
"C'mon Jon. Just five more minutes on the treadmill and we'll go back to weights, then sit-ups."
"Totally got this," Jonathan said, out of breath. He continued to jog at the same pace as Evanee and was immediately regretting it.
But he survived, miraculously, and had even endured all the exercises Evanee had managed to include in their workout. Now they were chilling on mats, taking a breather.
"One more thing after this," Evanee said triumphantly, looking at Jonathan who was laying on his mat with his eyes closed and breathing heavily.
"What's that?"
"Squats. Just fifty. I'm not sure if you want to use weights when going down."
"No, no. Let's just get this over with and then get something to eat.
Evanee agreed and got herself some small weights. Her mat was a bit in front of Jonathan's, which only he noticed because once they did start squats, Jonathan had a full view of Evanee's ass.
Not that he didn't enjoy it. It was the exact opposite. It was like when they went to the beach and he made a little comment about wanting to rip off her swimsuit. Of course, he wasn't being literal. It was only a joke, but he visually appreciated the way Evanee had matured.
"Nice ass," Jonathan snickered, almost falling.
Evanee put down her weights, turned around, and stared at him. "I think I've proven that I'm stronger than you."
Jonathan put his hands up. "I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Sure, dweeb. Lets just get some food now."
As they packed their stuff again and headed out the door, Evanee slapped Jonathan's ass and continued walking to his car.
"What was that for?"
"Paybacks a bitch."
"But I didn't even get to touch yours!"
"Sucks to suck. Now get in the car. I'm craving sushi."
"I'm already so sore," Jonathan complained, taking a bite of his sushi.
"It'll be worse when you wake up tomorrow."
Jonathan drove to an all you can eat Asian buffet, which is what he definitely needed after having to be in the gym for three whole hours.
"So, what are we going to do after this?" Evanee asked.
"It's a surprise."
"Give me a hint."
Jonathan smiled at the childish look on Evanee's face. He wished there were more days like this where they hung out together. Ever since she came back, they were limited to a few visits and phone calls. Spending a day with her like this was amazing.
"No hints. You'll just have to wait. Now try this."
Evanee took a bit off of Jonathan's fork and raised her eyebrows.
"Pretty good. What is that?" She asked.
"Grilled squid. It's next to the sushi. Want to get more?"
She nodded and they went to get seconds.
"Buffets are heaven. We should just live here and we'd be able to eat all the food we want," Evanee rambled, stuffing some squid in her mouth.
"I wouldn't mind."
Living with Evanee would be a dream. She did stay for the past two nights, but that was different. Jonathan wanted a home with her by his side. He wanted to wake up early in the morning to cook her breakfast. He wanted to see her walk into the kitchen wearing one of his large sweaters. He wanted to see her smile as the early sunlight shone on her face.
He wanted a fairy tale, but this was reality and in reality, Evanee was constantly under stress. Though, she was smiling now. Jonathan did that. If he could make her smile at a time like this, he could make her happy for the rest of her life and that's what he wanted. He was going to make his fairy tale come true.
An hour later, the two of them were absolutely stuffed.
Once they were out of the buffet, Evanee already began walking towards the car in excitement. She desperately wanted to find out about the surprise.
"Come on, Evs. We're taking a walk. Your surprise isn't far from here," Jonathan said smiling, already walking down the sidewalk.
The raven haired girl followed after him. "Jon, how do you feel about Craig?"
"Well, Craig is a very close friend of mine. I've known him for years now. He's a funny guy, trustworthy from what I can tell, and a bit on the dramatic side. Why?"
She looked off into the darkening sky as they walked. A lot was going on through her head again.
"I thought I was ready to start dating again. I told myself I wasn't for the longest time, but sometimes I just want to feel loved by someone really special, you know? After what Evan did to me, to Sydney, I don't think I can go back to him. Not if he doesn't prove himself. And I know that Craig likes me, but all this time living with him, I don't know if he's the right guy. He's really sweet and considerate, but there's no real spark. Maybe it's because I try not to see him like that since we live together, but everything is so confusing right now."
"And what about Sydney?"
"I've made up my mind on Sydney. She just went through a bad breakup and she's technically my ex's ex. I don't think we'd work out."
Jonathan was quiet. He was close to asking about himself, but he couldn't. He didn't want to stay quiet anymore, but he didn't want to add to the stress.
Thankfully, they made it before any more questions were asked.
"This is it," Jonathan said, staring at Evanee's face as her eyes lit up.
"You didn't?"
Jonathan grabbed her hand and pulled her inside. "Two games for two players."
He paid for the games and put in their nicknames; H2O Delirious and LyteNyx.
"I haven't been in a laser tag game in forever," Evanee said, excitedly.
"Well, you're about to get your ass kicked because I've been practicing."
"Game on, bitch."
"I still can't believe you beat me," Jonathan laughed, driving back.
"Legends never die and I shall forever remain the queen of laser tag, but I have to say, you've improved."
"Why thank you."
The drive went on as Jonathan and Evanee blasted the music in the car and shouted the lyrics out. But all good things come to an end and Evanee found herself in front of her house.
"I thought-"
"It's time for you to go back home. I brought our stuff in the back. I know that you don't want to deal with all of this right now, but you can't run away from all of your problems. You'll be okay. I know it," Jonathan said, taking out her bag from the back seat and handing it to her.
Before he drove off, he planted a chaste kiss to her forehead. "I'll see you soon. Goodbye, Evanee.
"Goodbye, Jon."
And with that, Evanee walked to the door and knocked.
I felt like Delirious didn't get a lot of time with Evanee compared to the other guys so, here you go.
Also, I feel like there's been less comments and comments are what I look forward to when I do update cause it shows that people are actually interested and involved and it makes me happy to interact with you guys.
So vote and comment who you ship and why you ship them and any other things you want to comment
And as always I hope ye enjoyed(:)
P.S. Go check out Closed Perspective on my profile and comment question or thoughts👍🏽
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