Chapter 18
As the doors opened, Evanee couldn't help but freeze completely.
Sydney was standing there at the door, with hollowed eyes. She was taller than Evanee, but her posture was a bit off. Her hair was up in a ponytail and she was wearing leggings and a gray sweater.
"Evanee," her voice cracked and her arms immediately wrapped around the shorter girl.
Evanee's heart ached. "I'm here. It's okay."
She led her into the house and locked the door. It wasn't a surprise to see the house a bit empty with boxes of things piled up near door. Evan probably left abruptly, which made this even more horrible.
Sydney had calmed down a bit, but she was still sniffling. "Where are the other girls?"
"They were both busy, but I did bring ice cream and horror movies. And Sydney, about all of this, he told me why he left and I had no part in it."
"I know. You're not that type of person. I was kind of expecting this and I convinced myself I wouldn't be mad at him, but it's been the opposite. I've been alone here, angry. I might have even trashed a lot of his stuff."
"And you know what? He deserves it. I don't support what he did at all. Today, we'll forget all about him. Sydney and Evanee, the dynamic duo," Evanee shouted triumphantly, jumping up on the couch, holding up the tub of ice cream she brought.
Without a second thought, Evanee jumped down and hugged Sydney tightly.
"You deserve the world. The past is the past and right now, you are free to do anything you want."
Sydney couldn't help but tear up again. They had only been together for fifteen minutes, but it had been a very emotional moment.
While Sydney set up the movie and made some hot pockets, Evanee was upstairs finding some extra clothes that Sydney said she could wear while they watched a few movies. The house wasn't as big as she expected, but it was really spacious; something Evanee liked.
After looking through a few clothes, Evanee picked out a plain white tee shirt and sweatpants that were a bit big on her since Sydney was taller.
She came walking into the living room where Sydney was sitting on the couch with a bowl of popcorn in her hands and hot pizza rolls on the coffee table.
"That looks great on you," Sydney complimented.
"Thanks. It's a Sydney original, very authentic," she joked, smiling as Sydney laughed. "Which movie did you put in?"
"Dead Silence. I heard it was really scary. Exactly what I need right now. Can you also grab two spoons and the ice cream in the freezer?"
Evanee nodded and grabbed the ice cream, turning off the lights in the kitchen, and running to the couch. She jumped right next to Sydney, almost making the taller girl throw her bow of popcorn into the air.
"I closed all the blinds."
"No wonder it's so dark," Evanee said, going under the big blanket Sydney was using. "Let's start the movie."
"I'm never going to sleep again."
A tub of chocolate mudslide ice cream, a bowl of buttered popcorn, and two trays of pizza pockets later, the two girls were shaking underneath their blanket.
"I'm not sure which is worse; the nightmares I'll have from that movie or the fact that I ate twice my weight in junk food," Evanee mumbled, staring at the ending credits on the TV as every music continued playing.
A sudden scream erupted and Sydney and Evanee screamed as well.
"There's more," Sydney said, terrified as pictures of the dolls came onto the screen. "Imagine being turned into a puppet. That's some scary shit."
"Well, I actually brought a few comedies so do you want to watch Scary Movie? That way we can make fun of scary movies and hopefully be able to sleep tonight."
Sydney agreed as Evanee went to put in the next movie.
"Yes?" The green eyed girl asked, crouching next to the DVD player.
"Thanks for this. I know how weird this must be for you since I was horrible to you during high school and Evan was your ex and everything. It's just really nice to have a friend around."
The raven haired girl jumped back onto the couch as soon as she put the movie in, afraid that something would grab her feet if she wasn't fast enough. Unfortunately, she ran way too fast to stop herself and ended up falling onto Sydney's lap.
She smiled shyly, looking up at Sydney who was about to burst out laughing.
"So, you come here often?"
"No. This is my first time alone with a really pretty girl," she laughed.
Before either of them knew what they were doing, Sydney's lips were on hers. Evanee's heart raced and she had no idea what was happening. Everything screamed at her to stop and take a step back before anything got out of hand.
And this was Sydney. Poor Sydney who changed her ways and was dealing with heartbreak. Evanee couldn't take advantage of her like this.
"Sydney," Evanee breathed out, pulling back. "This is about Evan, isn't it?"
She looked confused. "I'm- I'm not exactly sure. I didn't mean to- Honestly, I didn't think."
She stopped, trying to find the right words. This was all new territory for the both of them. Everything about it was unexpected and it was too much of a shock to know if they liked it or not.
"You know what, let's forget about it. After this blows through, we'll see what happens. For now, we're helping you with your heartbreak by watching some dumb ass movie."
"Agreed," Sydney smiled, her heart warming.
"Thanks for this," Evanee said hurriedly. "It was on such short notice and I know we haven't been the closest lately-"
Two arms wrapped around her. "No need to apologize, Evs. All I really need to know is why did you come here all of a sudden. Did something happen at home? Did Craig-"
She stopped him. "Evan broke up with Sydney because of me and now he's staying at the house. I went to go see Sydney today and we hung out and might have kissed. Then afterwards, I went home, but the boys were acting like complete dicks so I told them I was leaving until they got their shit together and I thought I'd be okay here."
Jonathan froze completely, slowly taking all of this new information in. "Wait. Evan broke up with Sydney. Evan and Craig are basically fighting. And you kissed Sydney!"
The green eyed girl's silence confirmed everything Jonathan had just said and he paced back and forth in his own living room. This was a lot to handle for one night.
Evan hadn't even told him that he and Sydney broke up. He should've been one of the first ones to know. That stung, but what angered him even more was that Evan had the audacity to go to Evanee's place right after he and Syndey broke up. And now, Evan and Craig were fighting, obviously over Evanee which she seemed clueless about.
"It's good that you came here instead of trying to to reason with those idiots, but the thing about Sydney," he lightly tugged at his hair. "Why?"
"It was the heat of the moment kind of thing. I don't know. I've never kissed a girl before. I've never done anything with a girl so I'm just as confused about it as you are. We didn't talk about it for the rest of my visit, but I told her we'd talk about it once everything between her and Evan settled?"
"So you like her?"
"I don't know."
Jonathan groaned. "What do you mean you don't know?"
Evanee shrugged. It was difficult to explain. Everything about the past two days was difficult to explain. She really just wanted to get away from it all.
"Can we talk about this another time, Jon? I've just been really stressed lately."
Something about him changed and Jonathan immediately looked guilty. "Of course, yeah. We'll talk about this another time. It's late. The guest room is cleaned so you can go there. I have some leftover Thai food in the fridge if you want to hear that up and some tea there too. Go get some rest."
Evanee was still wearing the clothes Sydney had let her borrow. She needed to return them soon.
It was almost midnight, but she couldn't sleep at all. Maybe it was because of the movie she and Sydney watched earlier.
"Hey, Jon?" She called out through the open bedroom door. "Are you still awake?"
Jonathan came walking in with disheveled hair and baggy pajamas. "I was on my laptop. What happened?"
"Nothing. I just wanted to talk. We haven't really hung out in a while," she smiled.
Jonathan smiled too, taking a seat on the side of the bed. "Well, I'm sure you're not willing to talk about recent events, but tell me, how was Manhattan?"
As the night continued, Evanee explained her life in Manhattan to Jonathan. Though, she didn't tell him about her suicide attempt or the constant loneliness. She made sure to tell him about the shops she passed and the beauty of the university.
"What about you? Still skating?"
"I gave up on skating a long time ago. Too many teenagers crowding around skate parks now, always fighting and making drama. Reminds me of this really cool girl in high school. I forgot her name but she came with me to one of those skating parks, years ago. She defended me in front of a guy who could have beaten her up with a single punch, but she stood her ground and she beat his ass. I missed her."
Evanee smiled softly, remembering that time in her life.
"Well, where is she now? Is she any different?"
"Yeah, she kind of is pretty different. I'm getting used to it, but I know that she's still the amazing girl who stood up for me, no matter what. Things change, but her love for everything around her never will."
And so different conversations went on for hours and somehow, the two of them fell asleep. Jonathan woke up around four in the morning, his eyes still droopy from the exhaustion, but he glanced up at Evanee, laying down in the bed, the hint of a smile on her face.
She'd always be the adorable, fun-loving, and caring girl knew in high school, no matter what anyone said now. All he had to do was help her to be happy again.
And after last night, Jonathan couldn't help but stop denying that he was still in love with Evanee Pierce and this time, he wouldn't stay quiet.
I started a new work, which will probably just include rants and other things about me. I'm not sure if any of you are interested, but it would be really nice if a lot of you became involved because it's great being able to talk to you guys in the comments and hearing your opinions on a bunch of things. It's called Closed Perspective. I only have 1 chapter up right now, but I'll probably update soon.
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