Chapter 1
She shivered in her seat. Maybe it was a mistake to arrive thirty minutes earlier than she was supposed to, but she figured it would be nice to admire Manhattan for a little while.
After all, she would be leaving in a week.
The young woman admired the park from the large water fountain in the corner. A large tree loomed over the fountain, dropping beautiful purple flowers down every few seconds.
It wasn't crowded. She knew it wouldn't be on a cool Thursday afternoon.
There were a few other people walking up and down the sidewalks where shops were lined up. It reminded her of a memory that took place a little over three years ago.
Walking around with a handsome young man and his mother. There was no point in trying to remember anything else.
From afar, a young man was looking around, checking his watch and mentally scolding himself for being late. His eyes scanned over the slightly empty park. His dark, combed hair wasn't prepared for the wind and had been flying around ever since he got out of the taxi several minutes ago. It had somehow even seemed to bother the scruff growing on his lower face and a bit under his chin.
He wondered if she'd recognize him. Over the past three years, his hair had grown longer and a beard had begun growing, which he made sure to shave every once in a while.
Plus, he was taller and grew out of his skinny phase during high school. Not by much, of course. He was still pretty fit for a young man.
He pulled out his phone and called his most recent contact. "Hey, I'm here. Traffic wasn't the best going from my hotel. Where are you?"
"Look for the fountain."
The call ended and he put his phone back into his the pocket of his leather jacket. It was pretty cold in Manhattan in the early fall, much different from California. Even with his dark blue jeans, long black sleeve, and black leather jacket, he was still a bit chilly.
His feet wandered aimlessly around the green of the park, searching for a fountain. That's when he spotted it in the corner of the park, a young figure slightly hidden behind it.
The beating in his chest quickened. Three years was such a long time. The first few months he and his friends had skyped, emailed, texted, and called. It had lasted for seven months, but it got increasingly more difficult as college continued. All contact had disappeared by the first year and a half. There was always the random text asking if he was doing okay, but that was usually it. Now he was finally seeing her again.
He neared the fountain and walked around to finally see her.
The familiar set of green eyes looked up at him and the rest of his words caught in his throat.
There was a short silence as they carefully observed each other. David was slightly stunned at the change, so much that he felt slightly stupid for worrying about her not recognizing him.
Evanee's green eyed still lit up her face, but they were framed with black glasses. Her features were much more pointed and prominent. Her cheekbones had more definition now and the baby fat that had subsided on her once full cheeks had disappeared completely. Her jawline was sharp, making her look much more mature.
Even as she stood up, David couldn't help but stare. Three years had matured her body as well. She was wearing dark skinny jeans and a plain, tight gray sweater that showed off her figure.
Though the most surprising thing that caught David off guard was her hair. The long flowing raven hair was gone, a pixie cut replacing it.
He suddenly felt her arms wrap around him and he hugged back.
"You look different," he said as they let go.
"I guess I do. I've been pretty used to this look, I guess," she laughed slightly. "Chopped my hair off and donated it and had to go to the eye doctor around a year ago."
"You also get your eyebrows done?" David asked playfully as they began walking.
Evanee smiled, showing off her whitened teeth. "Yeah, once every month," she stuck her tongue out at him for a second. "How's life back at California?"
"It's been great, actually. I'm still in college, but I've only got a few more months to go. YouTube has really taken off for me and the guys."
"Oh, I know. I never fail to watch each and every video. You've made a lot more friends I've noticed," Evanee said, nudging him a bit. "MiniLadd, Basically, Lui. I'm a bit jealous," she said playfully.
"They could never compare to Evangeline Pierce; slayer of laser tag, eater of chili dogs, and the best goddamn friend I've ever had."
The two of them laughed, remembering their high school memories. Did she miss it? She had no idea. College memories clouded her mind.
David had suggested to go to a small restaurant they passed by since he hadn't eaten breakfast and it was already nine o' clock.
As they sat down in a booth at the back of the restaurant, David had taken out a camera, turning it on and speaking.
"What's up guys. I'm in Manhattan visiting a friend and I wanted to vlog my visit here. I'll be here for a week and I already have a few videos recorded while I'm here so I hope you guys enjoy those," he stopped talking as the waiter came over.
They had ordered their drinks first. David was going to order a regular Coke, but changed his mind once he heard Evanee order a Pina Colada. Instead, he ordered the restaurant's original and famous beer that came in a chilled bottle.
The waiter came back with their drinks quickly and they had ordered.
"So you drink now?" David asked, taking a sip of his drink and smiling.
"Yeah. I'm not into a beer though. Fruity drinks are pretty good.Guess I'm a stereotype. Though, I remember liking straight up vodka from a party I went to a few months ago. I was absolutely trashed the next morning though."
There was no doubt that she had changed. David didn't know if it was for worse or for better, but he was happy that she seemed much more comfortable. Maybe it was because she was finally done with school. She was a bit more laid back and liked to joke around much more.
David took another sip, happy that he had ordered a beer. He was sure that'd he'd be a bit of a nervous wreck if they had kept talking without the slightest bit of alcohol.
"I heard you had a girlfriend. Berenice, right?"
"Yeah. It's long distance, but she's worth it. I also have a dog," David mentioned.
"Oh, you don't even have to tell me. Joe's a cute dog but you literally talk about him in every video."
He put a hand over his chest as if he was actually offended. "Yeah, yeah. How's the whole dating thing with you?"
"There have been a few one night stands every once in a while, but nothing I felt was worth trying for."
The waiter had arrived with their orders. Two turkey and basil pesto sandwiches for Evanee and some chicken fingers for David.
"So, did you already check out of your hotel?" Evanee asked. David shook his head, his mouth full. "Okay, so I guess after we walk around a bit more, we can drive back to your hotel and get your stuff before we head back to my place."
They had planned David's one week stay before his flight the day before. He stayed in a hotel the first night since his flight arrived in Manhattan late at night. The rest of the week David would be crashing at Evanee's apartment until they both flew back to California together.
"You want half of one of my sandwiches for a chicken tender," Evanee asked, with a pleading smile. David accepted and tossed her the chicken tender as he recorded, which she caught.
"Ohhhhhhhhh," David whisper-shouted to the camera, panning it back and forth from himself to Evanee. "Are you okay with being in my video?"
"That'd be fucking awesome," Evanee cheered, dancing in her seat, which David also recorded.
"So have you told any of the guys I'm going back to California," she asked, before taking a bite of the chicken tender.
David said no and Evanee wanted to keep it that way for a while. She still texted Jonathan every once in a while, but Tyler never responded to her texts anymore. As for Evan, she never even bothered to contact him after she had left and three years was more than enough time to get over him.
There was a sudden gasp, making Evanee look up at David quickly that almost made her choke on her food.
A smile lit up his face. "You kept Evan's necklace."
Angel wings.
"It's a nice necklace. Don't give me that face," Evanee stuck her tongue out.
The two of them finished eating and had both pitched in for the food. Evanee's car wasn't that far away so they settled on walking a little bit while David recorded them and going to David's hotel.
"Wait, are you driving?" David asked, a tiny bit concerned since Evanee had something to drink when they are out.
"I didn't drink a lot David. Don't worry about it. Plus if I wreck this car, I was going to return it to the dealership before we went back anyway," Evanee joked, making David chuckle.
Back in high school, Evanee was the person who'd remind everyone to always put their seat belts, to never drink and drive, etc. It was just another new discovery that David had found out. It was as if he was meeting her again.
She drove perfectly fine to David's hotel, where she stayed in the car as he checked out and grabbed his stuff. He brought a single luggage, which was easy to throw in the backseat. Then they headed near the park to Evanee's apartment.
It was a brick building in cute little neighborhood. It was one of the last houses on a dead end street, which made it safe for a few kids to play in the middle of the street like they usually did.
The apartment building looked a bit run down on the outside, but resembled a hotel inside. They walked to Evanee's door which was on the second floor.
There wasn't much, David noticed, when they came in. One TV and a couch.
"There's not much now. If you had come a few months ago, this place was filled with a bunch of stuff. I basically sold all of my furniture," Evanee sighed.
"Why didn't you just pay to have it flown in to California?" David asked.
"I didn't like my old furniture. My old roommate gave me a bunch of free stuff from her dad's store, which closed. So I sold all of it and got over $35,000. And I just got my last paycheck. Plus, the rent in this place was pretty low so I've got money saved," Evanee explained. "I'm ready to go back to California and hopefully get a roommate."
David placed his stuff next to the door and took a seat on the couch. "You want a roommate?"
"Living alone is so boring. I just hope that whoever I find is okay with me designing most of the apartment by myself."
"Gemma got you into room renovations too?"
She gave him a look, the one that screamed you-absolutely-know-she-did. It was refreshing for the two of them to talk as if nothing had changed for the time being. Though they both knew that wasn't the case. The friendship was still there, not as genuine, but still in tact. That wasn't the problem though.
The short haired girl was different. Her appearance, her personality, her outlook. Did David consider it a problem? Yes. He wanted to go back to joking around about the simple things and Evanee always being the caring, loving, and sometimes awkward human being she was.
It wasn't as if she was horrible right now. She seemed more confident which David took a liking to, but at the same time she seemed a bit more pushy, wild, and totally unexpected.
He wanted to lay down and relax and share deep conversations. He wanted the Evanee he had fallen in love with. Not that it mattered. He had Berenice. Berenice who talked to him everyday and supported everything he did. That's all he needed.
"I still can't get over the short hair," David said randomly, staring at Evanee from the couch. She was grabbing something from the cabinets, climbing the counter and grabbing like she used to.
"Well, it's going to stay like this for a while so I guess you'll get used to it somehow," she threw a bag of crisp pea snacks at David, turned the TV on to a Music station, and sat next to him on the couch. "So, how are the guys? I want to know all the good stuff."
In the most bitchiest way David could possibly manage, he gossiped away, "Well Evan is still with Sydney. It's an on and off relationship, but I'm pretty sure she only stays for his money. They own a house in LA and so do Kelly and Tyler."
"Kelly and Ty are still together?" The green eyed girl asked, unfazed by Evan's ongoing relationship.
He nodded with a smile. "And Jonathan. He's been okay as far as I can tell. He visits every once in a while since he lives less than two hours away but he's not very big on going out anymore."
The afternoon went on with countless stories from the last three years and shared memories and genuine smiles.
Though Evanee knew this couldn't last. When people, like broken glass, break apart, it's impossible to fix completely.
She also knew that California would hold something she didn't want to see again.
First chapter is up and I'm so excited for this story. Thank you to everyone who's reading and enjoyed my other books.
Also if anyone is decent at making edits, I would appreciate if you guys made something for this book that related to Angel Wings. If you do make something, it's not certain that I will use it as a cover but I'll try to include it as a picture for the chapter. Kik me @jelly_belly777. Vote and comment
And as always I hope ye enjoyed(:)
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