"i think its time i show you my favorite place."
it was totally a cute statement, and jungkook got excited over the handsome brunette wanting to take him somewhere which he kinda super mildly hoped was a janitors closet or unoccupied hospital room. just the thought that creeped into his brain had jungkook yelling at himself to shut up and just follow taehyung out of his room. he ignored the constant swirl in his stomach and the warmth in his face, pulling the beanie down a little further to cover his ears.
"isnt it sad to have a favorite hospital place." jungkook said instead. it was mildly a habit to say the things he should have just kept as thoughts.
taehyung must have agreed, because he glanced at the boy and made a face. "why do you gotta say it like that."
"why do you gotta pretend like its not true." jungkook shrugged, "i think its like looking at the positives. finding the light in the dark and all that crap."
taehyung chuckled and continued to lead the way down the hall, towards the stairwell that led to where he had in mind. "you sound like youve gone to the same meetings with my mom." he said.
jungkook rolled his eyes and pretended to gag, thinking of the group settings where they had to talk about how they feel and how to manage their emotions better with waking up with 'happy thoughts'. "maybe i met her already. i wanted to say hi after meeting you, but we could secretly already be meeting besties and not even know it." he said it as a joke, but it had the brunette glancing at him again.
"you wanna meet my mom?" he asked. "lets not move too fast." it was nice that taehyung joked back with him, despite the stupid stuff that the ravenette said.
"come on, we could totally bond together. i know how to hook up a ventilator." jungkook grinned.
taehyung just rolled his eyes again, pushing open the stairwell door and not noticing how the other boy paused now. he was gonna say something playful back, looking over his shoulder now to send a smile at the boy. it only dropped a little when seeing the way jungkook clutched his backpack straps and stood at the door, not moving forward anymore. taehyung paused, "we can take the elevator-" he tried to continue, but the ravenettes eyebrows pinched together in slight annoyance.
"i can do it." he mumbled, finally walking forward and reaching for the stair rails as he began up the steps. "how many floors up?" he still asked though.
"the roof." taehyung said.
jungkook sighed but started up the steps, just to feel a warm hand land on top of his, feeling very different from the cold metal he gripped onto tightly. "we can take the elavator."
it should have been sweet, jungkook should have just thought about the soft hand on his and the caring nature of the boy that was just thinking about helping him – but annoyance and frustration was stronger. they were powerful emotions that blinded us from what should have been focused on. jungkook felt the heat of frustration in his chest and ignored the warmth of taehyungs hand, just to continue on up to stairs. "i can do it." he repeated.
taehyung just nodded, following behind and watching as jungkook started up the stairs. he would pause for a second on each floor, looking at the big blue number painted on the door and sighing again knowing they were not there yet.
he wanted to ask again, to get off on the current floor and just take the elevator the rest of the way up to the roof. but it was impossible to get those words out, he could see the determined look in jungkooks face and even though he's only known him a small while, it was very clear that the boy was stubborn as hell. taehyung just followed behind him, making sure he was doing okay and not making any comments when the ravenette had to take a small break.
they finally reached the top, but the door never opened to the roof, not yet at least. instead jungkook finally saw the top and sat down on the final step. "fucking finally." he muttered, dropping his backpack on the ground and tugging off his beanie. there was a drop of sweat trailing down his temple which he quickly wiped away with the palm of his hand. "this is your favorite place? i love the cement and dried gum." jungkook said. he was exhausted, but very much still able to crack a joke.
"we're almost there." taehyung chuckled. he didnt rush it though, which had him sitting down on the step next to the boy as well. "its good to know i can take your breath away."
jungkooks head tilted back as a loud laugh escaped his chest, echoing down the stairwell and seemingly lighting up the their dim surroundings. "oh so we're making cancer jokes now?" he said, but he was smiling, clearly not offended. "i didnt know we were that close."
"shut up, youre the one that wants to meet my mom already." taehyung rolled his eyes and stood from the steps, poking the boys thigh with his shoe. "come on, lets get up to the roof."
with a sigh, jungkook stood even though he was very content with his spot on the step next to the gum. taehyung pushed open the door to the roof and the two boys were hit in the face with a cool breeze. it was barely 6 pm now, the sun hadnt set but the heat from its rays were quite less now. "why is this your favorite place?" jungkook asked, the door closed behind them with a slam and he looked around. there wasnt much up here, some big machines that were whirring with power behind some fences with locks on them. there was a pile of cardboard boxes by the wall and another door at the other end.
the other boy just shrugged and had his hands deep in his pockets, "its usually a little nicer at night, with the city lights and stars. all that jazz." he said.
"why didnt we come at night then." jungkook said, "is it too romantic? would you not be able to control yourself? i know, im quite the looker." he dropped his back pack onto the ground and was still smiling, enjoying his playful banter with the brunette. just because it was banter didnt mean it wasnt true though, jungkook wouldnt mind looking at the stars with taehyung – the handsome guy that brought him to the roof and was watching him right now, with those lovely eyes and nice smile. jungkook walked to the edge of the building and leaned against it, looking over the wall and peering down.
"maybe im saving that for date number two." taehyung said, but he was standing beside him now.
"are you saying this is a date?" jungkook shot back, ignoring the flutter in his stomach and fighting past the nerves to keep eye contact with the brunette.
"are you saying you said yes to date number one?"
jungkook was fighting some confusing emotions right now, he was warm in the face and got caught off guard, which annoyed him for not saying something back just as fast. he was annoyed and he was flustered, only hoping taehyung didnt see the color change of his cheeks.
"do you like to spin?"
now he mentally cursed himself for only being able to come up with that to say, probably not helping the redness in his face. taehyung must have found it endearing though, chuckling at the boys response and raising an eyebrow, "what? do i like to spin?"
"yeah you know, move around in a circle with your arms like," jungkook stepped away from the wall to hold his arms out, "a bit like this." he spun around once.
taehyung watched amusingly and shook his head. "youre an odd one jungkook."
jungkook liked how he said his name.
"come on. spin with me." jungkook said, holding his hands out for the other to take.
taehyung accepted the offer and grabbed the boys hands, letting himself be pulled away from the edge of the building until there was enough space around the two of them. they started to turn and taehyung chuckled again, "you know, this could be considered dancing." he said.
"people do dance on dates." jungkook stated, "i used to love dancing."
"you used to dance?" taehyung asked. he wondered a lot about the boys, what his interests were and what he did before all this unfortunate stuff happened to him. it was hard though, since jungkook didnt seem to ever be serious and elaborate on anything. he did that now, changing the subject and not talking anymore about he used to dance. "its more fun if you go faster." jungkook said, holding a little tighter to his hands as they started to spin faster.
their bodies and momentum had their speed increasing, and taehyung ignored the small disappointment of not getting to know more about the boy. he just wanted to enjoy the moment, and right now it was a very nice one as they spun around and around. jungkook was laughing and it was impossible to not laugh along with him.
for a moment they were free. they were lost in the wind as the sounds of traffic and night approaching was drowned out by their laughter and everything felt so nice in that moment. jungkook felt so free, like he could spin forever and just pick up enough speed to fly off the top of the roof and far far away. he hoped to continue holding onto taehyungs hands, the two of them disappearing for a moment from the world they were stuck in.
he couldnt have been that lucky though. all good things come to an end – and jungkooks laughter came to end when it was replaced with a cough, which only followed by another and his chest tightened at the effort. he let go of taehyung hand, no longer spinning and falling onto his knees as the coughing continued.
taehyung stumbled a little from abruptly stopping, but he managed to crouch down beside the ravenette who was coughing uncontrollably. "jungkook!" he had his hand on the boys back, having no clue what to do as the boy struggled to catch his breath.
jungkook gasped and finally sat back on his heels, his eyes squeezed shut but the coughing started to lessen. "yeah, good. try to breathe kook." taehyung was rubbing his back now, watching intently as the boy still didnt open his eyes and his hands were in tight fists.
"jesus shit." jungkook finally said, he tilted his head back and finally started to blink gently.
"are you okay?" taehyung asked, his hand still rubbing the boys back.
"i think i need to hold your hand again, yeah, then ill be good." jungkook looked over with a cheeky grin. taehyung felt relieved, but he rolled his eyes and dropped his hand from touching the boy. he was very worried there for a second, but clearly the other was doing just fine now.
"come on lets go." taehyung stood and ignored the way jungkook was frowning now. he also made no efforts to get up off the ground, just looking back up again.
"but we didnt see the stars yet." jungkook said.
taehyung sighed and looked up briefly at the sky, it was still too light for the stars to have their chance, but his gaze was easily already falling back to stare at the ravenette. taehyung saw how his chest was still kinda rising and falling quickly, trying to catch back up and relax. jungkook looked at peace though, sitting there with the breeze slightly blowing his bangs, dark eyes staring up at the endless blue of the sky.
"come on." taehyung said again, holding out his hand for the boy to take. "ill bring you back to see the stars soon."
i really hope that jungkook having cancer doesnt keep people from reading this story. im an enthusiast for happy endings so bear with me for now :)
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