he dreamed he was in a maze, walls too high to peek over and no sounds or clues to help him with which way to go. jungkook aimlessly walked down the path, picking a way at random but still seeing no end to the confusing labyrinth that had him trapped in his own mind. each turn led to same view of endlessly tall walls and no hint at an end being near. he felt his footsteps quickening, as fast as the panic that was rising in his chest. each breath was harder to take than the last, his anxiety gripping his lungs and making each breath feel like the next would be impossible. jungkook didnt know where to go, there was no end to this nightmare he was trapped in – until he came walking through one of the walls. he stood there with a gentle smile, as if there was no reason to be frightened right now. he stood there with his pretty brown eyes that sparkled with the reflection of the sun, washing him in a yellow light, like he was some golden angel sent to save jungkook from himself.
follow me.
jungkook felt his legs move first, and then it was the feeling in his chest that filled with warmth and overcame the anxiety and panic. he was safe. he felt okay and knew he'd follow the handsome brunette anywhere, because he would be okay.
he wish he could hold onto that dream a little longer. he wished he could follow the boy anywhere and not come back to reality. except, life wasnt that easy – and jungkooks eyes fluttered open that early morning and the dream was blurry already. he sat up in the bed and rubbed at his eyes. he knew he dreamt about something, but the thoughts were fuzzy and he fought to hold onto the memories with no luck.
it was mildly disappointing, to have a dream feel so real and suddenly disappear the moment he woke up. jungkook frowned a little as he looked around his room, everything the same as he left it the night before. for a moment it felt like deja vu, the white walls and medicine cart sitting there waiting for him. the curtains pushed aside to let in some light and the television playing some morning news about todays weather. jungkook was about to fall back in bed, head against the pillow in an attempt to go back to the dream he had previously.
except there was a glimpse in the corner of his eye, a color not familiar to the blandness of the room around him. they sat there in a soft arrangement of blue, all collected around a center of yellow.
jungkook reached over for the small card sitting against the small cup of water that the flowers were sitting in, seeing the short note written in neat handwriting.
wanna see the stars tonight?
- T
jungkook felt a swirl in his stomach when reading the words, a smile making its way to his face. no one has gotten him flowers before, let alone inviting him out to see the stars. he remembered taehyung said they would go see them, but he didnt really take him seriously then. he wondered how serious this would be and if anything prior had to be taken more seriously. maybe he was misunderstanding something. maybe their joking and playful banter actually meant more. jungkook shook his head at his own thoughts. it was too early to think about complicated things.
the only thing that mattered right now was making sure he was absolutely prepared to see the stars tonight. which absolutely meant calling his friend to help him sort out the mess of thoughts in his head.
it didnt take long for namjoon to arrive at the hospital once their phone call ended. he could tell the ravenette was in panic mode and there was only one thing that could calm the boy down.
thats why he was currently sitting on the hospital bed, elbow deep in a box of fruit loops. "i dont know what to do." jungkook said, mouth full and eyes still on the flowers beside his bed.
namjoon just shrugged and continued to flip through the channels on the tv. "its not that difficult."
jungkook threw a handful of the cereal at the side of his friends head. "yes it is." he was frowning again, looking at his case of clothes and rummaging through it again, "why did i not pack anything nice to wear?" jungkook said, holding up another plain shirt and tossing it to the ground when it didnt satisfy him.
"oh because you always come prepared for a hot and steamy hospital date." namjoon said, chuckling a little at his friend.
jungkook sighed again and continued to look, not yet defeated until he found something that would be nice enough for tonight. he thought namjoon would be of more help, but instead his friend was enjoying his time eating fruit loops and watching the price is right.
jungkook settled on a pale yellow shirt, it had a small flower on the breast pocket. he got off the bed to tug on a pair of light jeans and scrunched his nose a little at the unomfrotable feeling of the denim on his legs. it was weird when he was so used to the cotton shorts and sweatpants, but he wanted to look nice.
he was standing in front of the mirror in the small bathroom, combing his fingers through his hair and judging his appearance. the light yellow made him look paler, the bags under his eyes a little more noticeable. he frowned a little at his appearance and the sudden thought to not go appeared in his mind.
then his friend appeared, standing behind him at the door of the bathroom with a gentle smile on his face. "you look lovely kook." namjoon said.
jungkook smiled small and looked back up at himself, figuring that this was the best it was going to get. "thanks hyung." his voice was soft.
"now go get him tiger." namjoon was grinning now, maybe trying to hype the boy up, but either way the ravenette appreciated it.
he turned off the light in the bathroom and walked back out to his room, glancing at the time and not even knowing what time taehyung was going to get here.
fate was funny like that though, always having a plan already set in place even if we didnt know it yet. jungkook grabbed his phone from beside the bed and then headed to the door, swinging it open and meeting face-to-face with fate himself.
he stood there like a golden angel, like a golden angel from his dream. except he was standing right there, ready to knock on the door but now smiling at the ravenette. "hey kook." taehyungs voice was deep and sent shivers down his spine.
"hi." jungkook felt small in front of the older, his deep stare and handsome face was so close and had his mind spiraling into an endless abyss of peace and beauty.
"you got my note?" taehyung asked now, hands in his pockets and a curious glance at the ravenette.
jungkook nodded, his bangs bouncing lightly. he knew his cheeks must have changed colors, the warmth gave this away and the boys eyes staring intently at him did not help. "and the flowers, they were pretty. thank you." he said.
"im glad you liked them," taehyung smiled and held his arm out for the boy, "i wanted to see you this morning before i had to go to work, but you were sleeping so nicely." he said.
jungkook felt the blush on his cheeks thinking about taehyung seeing him asleep. god he hoped he wasnt drooling too bad. he pushed the embarrassing thought from his mind and just took taehungs arm gently, smiling down at the ground and feeling the boys eyes burn into the side of his head.
"you couldve woken me up." jungkook said, almost wishing he had done so.
taehyung shook his head and chuckled a little, walking towards the elevators with jungkook following, his hand still clutching to the olders arm. "i wanted to make sure you had rested enough to be awake for tonight." he said.
"im very excited, theres no chance i would get tired." jungkook smiled. bouncing a little on the balls of his feet once they entered the elevator. taehyung smiled at the small action and patted the boys hand that was still holding onto his arm.
"i hope youre hungry too." taehyung said, glancing down at the boy beside him. jungkook looked up, eyes almost hidden behind dark messy bangs. they seemed to sparkle a little and taehyung felt his heart swell at the sight of the ravenette looking up at him.
jungkook smiled with a nod, "i am."
the two exited the elevator and had to go down the hall to the single flight of stairs. taehyung pushed open the door and moved his hand to the small of the boys back, going up each step at his pace. jungkook held onto the railing of the stairs and wasnt sure what feeling was more prominent, the wheeze of each breath or the burning sensation of taehyungs hand on his lower back. god this guy was going to be the death of him.
"there you go kook," taehyung smiled when they reached the top, "how do you feel, alright?" he checked on the ravenette, receiving just a nod in return. jungkook smiled though to make it believable. he was actually having one of the best nights so far, and they didnt even make it to the roof yet.
the cool breeze felt good on their faces, the sun setting and sky changes colors from various oranges bleeding into darker reds. taehyung was thinking about it the whole time, reaching down and taking the boys hand but not wanting to make it too weird. he couldnt help the urge, wanting to reach down and intertwined their fingers – so he did. it was quick and he gave the boys hand a squeeze, looking down to make sure this was okay. jungkooks cheeks were aflame, nearly matching that of the sunset happening above their heads. it seemed more than okay based on his reaction.
taehyung pulled him closer to his side, walking over to the side of the building where a blanket laid out across the ground. there was a small bag waiting there and little tea candles already lit to surround the small area in a golden glow.
"this is so nice taehyung! when did you do this?" jungkooks eyes were wide, his smile bright as they walked over to the blanket hand in hand.
taehyung smiled too, feeling a little pride fill his chest seeing the boy look happy with how tonight was turning out. "right before i went down to your room." he let go of the boys hand so they both could sit down. they were sitting criss cross facing each other, taehyung reaching for the bag and unwrapping the top. jungkook was eager already, leaning forward and trying to steal a peek at what was inside.
it didnt even matter at this point. jungkook was starving and everything else so far was turning out perfect. he didn't think it could get better until taehyung pulled out the two cheeseburgers wrapped messily with grease stains and melted cheese sticking to the paper covering it. he didnt stop there, not when they could also be eating from a carton of fries and nacho cheese sauce to go with it.
"you are an angel to walk this earth." jungkook said, holding out his hands for one of the burgers and waiting patiently for it to be placed in his palms. taehyung chuckled and did exactly that, leaving his own in his lap and the fries in between on the blanket.
"i didnt even bring out the best part." taehyung said, turning around to reach for the last part of their shared meal.
jungkook recognized the carbonated beverage and the neon color even though it was getting darker outside. "you know me so well." jungkook smiled, taking the cup of mountain dew and sipping through the straw immediately.
"i want to know you even more," taehyung said, looking over at the boy, "if youd let me."
jungkook stopped sucking on the straw, now biting on the end of the plastic. "i mean, yeah- thats cool. im down." he shrugged, but he felt the warmth in his cheeks and tried to play off the fact that he was flustered now and didnt know how to handle these emotions.
taehyung laughed a little again, unwrapping his burger while the ravenette did the same. "cheers." jungkook said, holding his up to the other until taehyung tapped them together. "cheers."
they ate in silence, but it wasnt a weird silence that had them eating quietly and not knowing what to say. instead it was comfortable, a small breeze keeping them company and a few shared glances to the side at each other. jungkook didnt know how it could be so quiet, yet his mind seemed to scream at him. it was weird to have so many thoughts in his head yet nothing at all. there would be something he'd want to say, but with one look at the handsome brunette and every thought in his mind drifted away with the breeze that blew against his face. it was cold out, getting colder as the sun dipped away and jungkook set his burger down to pull the sleeves of his hoodie over his hands. he should have brought his gloves with him, or at least his beanie knowing very well how he gets when night came around.
taehyung dropped his burger on top of the wrapper, pushing it aside so he could lean against the brick and stretch his legs out. "are you happy jungkook?" the boy finally asked, glancing over at the ravenette beside him. he could see how he was holding his arms against his chest, the little shiver as he was visibly trying to warm himself. "im very happy." jungkook said it with a small smile.
"youre also cold, come here."
jungkook was suddenly warm, most specifically in his face as the blush rose to his cheeks. taehyung held his arm out, welcoming the younger to scoot closer and snuggle into his side as taehyung pulled him closer with his arm around his shoulders. "we can go inside kook." he whispered it, words so close to jungkooks ear it sent more shivers down his arms.
"no." he said, snuggling closer into the olders side and words almost muffled, "im happy right here."
"youre not even looking at the stars." taehyung chuckled, his hand rubbing on the boys arm to help him warm up. jungkook tilted his head up to see the others eyes, all warm and welcoming and there was a swirl in his stomach since taehyung had already been staring down at him.
there was something flirty to say, it was sitting right there on his tongue along with all the other sarcastic things he'd normally say – but jungkook was frozen, staring up at the handsome brunette and not seeing anything other than him. the guy that showed up out of nowhere and had jungkook drawn to him that first day in the cafeteria. he had this aura, this warmth persona that engulfed jungkook everytime he was around and had the poor boy questioning everything he's ever known. a couple weeks ago jungkook didn't have much to look forward to in life, there was no reason. now as he looked up at taehyung, he feels like he found something that was finally worth it. it was slightly terrifying.
jungkook couldnt stop it though, infatuation and hope was funny like that. they were feelings that fought with logic and made us believe that something different could come from our lives. jungkooks sentence was written. he knew his future and as much as he wanted this right now, he knew that he couldnt drag taehyung into it. it wouldnt be fair.
as taehyung leaned in closer, everything in jungkook screamed at him to let it happen. for once he felt like his heart was even weaker than his lungs, falling for this moment and wanting it to happen, wanting that space to disappear and for the two of them to just let this happen because it felt so right. their noses brushed, and jungkook closed his eyes.
the pain was worse than anything he's ever felt before, looking down and shaking his head so subtly. taehyung didnt say anything at the rejection, he simply held onto the small boy tighter, pulling him close and they sat in silence – jungkook simply listened to the brunettes heartbeat, ignoring the feeling of his own cracking knowing he wouldnt let himself have what he wants most right now.
the next chapter is inspired from a song if you wanted to listen it once it's updated :)
it's called Live Like You Were Dying by Tim McGraw
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