LEVEL 2046
Cal miraculously survived and was scaling the rundown buildings to get back to his crew. His plan hadn't quite worked out the way he wanted it to, but either way, he would get what he came here for. Just as he was reaching another rooftop, a laser was shot, and Cal felt a sting on his hand.
He winced and gripped the other side tightly as he waved his hand, hoping the pain would go away if he did.
"Got you, traitor," a voice said from above.
He glared at the Stormtrooper and the CSF officer behind him. Just as he was about to aim, he watched as the CSF officer pulled out his gun and shot the Trooper in the back.
The Stormtrooper looked back at him, stunned, and the CSF officer pushed him off the edge. Cal swayed aside and watched the officer take off their helmet.
"What took you so long?" he asked.
"Oh you know," Cal grabbed his hand that was extended toward him, "just hanging out. Taking in the sights. It's been a while since I've been on Coruscant."
The two men looked down to see the fall the Stormtrooper had taken. Cal whistled in disbelief and patted the man's back.
"Thanks, Bode."
"Part of the job, Kestis."
The two started walking.
"Where's the crew?" Cal asked.
"Heading to the yacht. We'll meet 'em there. Oh, and Bravo said no comms."
"No comms it is. Bravo knows best."
And with that, they began phase two of their mission.
"So, I heard you fought the Empire on Kashyyyk," Bode said.
Cal realized he was trying to make small talk as he repaired an ascension cable BD-1 had found.
"Yeah," Cal replied.
"Hijacked a Walker and broke open an Imperial prison camp single-handed."
Cal didn't budge when he said 'single-handed.'
"Beep-boop! Boo!"
"That one was BD," Cal said, refraining from when BD corrected him by saying an all-too-familiar name.
"Just the two of you?"
BD looked at Cal with — if droids could do such a thing — an expected look.
"And some friends," Cal said, softer than he expected. He took a deep breath and looked at him.
"What about you, new guy? You in this for the credits?"
Bode chuckled.
"Credits never hurt. But uh," he pulled out a circular object, "I have a daughter. Kata."
A holographic image of a little girl appeared before Cal and BD. She had a bob and was smiling.
"I don't get to see her as often as I'd like, but at least I can provide for her."
"Must be hard," Cal said. "Being away from her... Is her mother—?"
"No," Bode snatched the object,e and the hologram vanished, "she's gone. The Empire took her from us."
"I'm sorry," Cal said, looking back at Bode, who had walked away. "They've taken a lot of people."
"More every day."
There was a pause before Bode took a deep breath and said, "So, you ever use one of those?"
Cal gripped on the new equipment he'd repaired.
"I'll figure it out. I was a scrapper on Bracca."
"You've been through a lot for someone so young."
"Just trying to survive."
"Aren't we all?"
Cal didn't reply.
"Cal! Good to see ya!" A dark-skinned man called out.
"Bravo!" Cal said, greeting him with a smile. "No job ever goes according to plan, does it?"
"What fun would that be?" Bravo exclaimed.
Bode chuckled as he chased after the two men who were running to the meeting point.
"How's the new guy?" Bravo asked.
"Bit of a talker, but good in a fight," Cal teased.
"Ha! I'll take it!" Bode said.
"Gabs sliced the yacht. Senator can't call for help. But he's locked in pretty tight."
"You try knocking?" Bode asked.
Before Cal could say anything, he heard a familiar voice say, "Any sign of Cal?"
"Right here," he said, walking up the steps.
The two CSF Bruisers were actually Koob and Lizz, twin Klatooinians and part of Cal's crew. They hugged the ginger man before parting from him in time for a woman with olive skin to walk up to him, a hand pulling out a few credits from her stolen CSF uniform.
"I just bet the twins that the Senator had you in there stuffed and mounted."
"Hey, I want a cut of that," Cal joked as the twins walked away.
"Cal, if you die, I get the Mantis, right?" Gabs asked.
"Sorry Gabs, not mine to give."
"Beep boop."
BD hopped off of Cal's shoulder and projected a holographic image of the ship.
"So what's the plan?" Bode asked.
"That yacht's a Sienar Ramsidian," Bravo said.
"The Senator has military intel on his personal terminal here," Cal pointed. "Could give us a fight chance against the Empire."
"Problem is, cabin's secured with blast doors. Even the twins can't pry those bad boys open."
"So, how are we getting in?" Bode asked.
"You fellas get the yacht down, Jetpack," Gabs said. "Then I'll work my slicer magic."
"Beep!" BD stood in front of her.
"With my lovely assistant," Gabs added.
"Boop!" BD jumped in excitement.
"I'll grab our transport. Be back before you know it!" Bravo said before taking off.
Cal nodded his head.
"Let's do this."
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