The two boys had gotten married like how Yeonjun wanted it to be . Without any big celebrations and Yeonjun didn't had to see what he thought to be a rich brat's face. But now as it was approaching night time Yeonjun knew he couldn't avoid seeing his husband's face for ever since his parents had made it clear they had to sleep in the same room. So with the determination to teach his rich brat of a husband a lesson he walked inside his room. And when he entered he saw his now husband sitting in one end of the bed from a single glance itself he could see the boy was quite tall and skinny a little too skinny according to him. The boy had his head down with his quite long hair covering his face .
Yj: yahh ... You can't u see I'm here..
Sb: ahh. I'm sry I didn't notice
Yj: ahh you so rich and spoiled that you can't seem to mind people like me huh ??
Sb: ohh no no no it's not like that.
Yj: keep ur explanations to ur self . Anyway what's your name ?
Sb: Soobin ... Choi Soobin
Yj: well Soobin you might be rich or a prince or whatever back home... I don't care but here you are my husband , my servent so you obey me understood ?
Sb: yes... Um can I maybe ask something ? .....
Yj: ya ya get it over with....
Sb: am I allowed to go out during day or will I be locked up in the room ?
Yj: huh , r u high or something. Why would I lock u up ?
Sb: my parents did that almost all the time .
Yj: huh ? Your jocking right or are you rlly high ?
Sb: um one sec ..
With that Soobin zoomed past Yeonjun into the bathroom and started throwing up .
Yj: hey you alright ... ?
Yeonjun was getting slightly worried , the boy didn't seem to be joking about being locked up and the boy was too skinny for his liking. And now he is throwing up ?
Sb: ya I'm fine. It was hard at first. But now I got used to it.
Yj: what do you mean by that?
Sb: didn't u know ?
Yj: know what ?
By now Soobin had finished emptying out his stomach and had washed his face and mouth.
Sb: that I'm pregnant.
Yj: Huh!!!!! What the fucking hell are you even talking about?
Sb: so u really didn't know... Well guess its time to tell some things I rather forget .
Yj: u know as much as I find all this hard to believe , I just wanted to say u don't have to force yourself to tell me stuff. It's ok .
Saying this Yeonjun tried to rub Soobin's back as a sign of comforting but the exact opposite was the result , as soon as Yeonjun touched Soobin , the boy went into a state of panic and started crying and shouting , " don't touch me . Pls just leave me ".
Yj: hey hey .. come back to me ... I'm not touching you see calm down Soobin ... Take deep breaths ok... Inhale........ Exhale ....... Inhale........ Exhale......... Good boy now keeping doing that until ur breathing gets to normal
As Yeonjun spoke, Soobin followed along instructions finally calming down from his state of panic.
Yj: u ok now ??
Sb: yaa thank u also. I think it's better you know everything as soon as possible.
Yj: tell me everything, but only if you are comfortable enough to.
Sb: I'm fine. So.... Basically I'm quite different from other boys , mentally and internally. You see due to some fucked up reason. I'm able to get pregnant. Nd my parents obviously hated me for it. I was more like their free servent instead of son. Anyway ... One day dad's friends had came over for a game night and I was serving drinks when one of his friends who was a little too drunk took interest in me and pulled me out with him to somewhere. Rest you can guess right. Well in the end I got pregnant with his child .
Yj: ohh so u got r*ped?
Sb: yaa. But good thing was tht I was too get scared that I don't remember anything. But ... Do u hate me now?
Yj: what ofcourse not. And I'm so sorry bout how I behaved earlier . I thought you might be some rich spoilt brat who just got too hard to handle for his own parents so they decided to just get rid of him. But your the total opposite. But don't worry. Now you have me I'll protect you against everyone ok. Your safe with me
That night Soobin had one of the most comfortable sleeps he had experienced in his life . He was sleep safe and secure in his husband's arms feeling happy and hopeful for the days coming ahead.
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