^^^^^Mr. FUCKN Black
AHHHh hes so beautiful I can't
I currently sat on the couch in sweatpants and a sports bra shoving popcorn into my mouth. Rick and Morty danced across the screen continually causing laughter to spill from my mouth. I couldn't deny this show was one of my guilty pleasures. Along with avatar the last air-bender and some chocolate.
Olivia walked into the kitchen wearing an oversized T-shirt and shorts. She pulled out the ice cream and grabbed a spoon. Sitting down beside me she dug into the carton of mint chocolate chip.
"Oooo," I felt my mouth water, "gimme a bite."
I crawled over the couch and she shoved the spoon into my mouth.
I let out a moan and fell back into place letting the icy cold feeling fill my mouth.
"So," Liv spoke, "I made a friend."
"You mean one besides Samuel," I said wiggling my eyebrows.
She scoffed, "Oh stuff it, we don't even know the guy yet."
"Yet," I said with a chuckle shoving another handful of popcorn into my mouth.
"But I actually did make a friend, her names Emily. I invited her over tonight."
I nodded my head, "Cool."
I'm not big on people but I know if Liv likes someone so will I. We went through a couple more episodes of Rick and Morty until a knock sounded from the door.
"I got it," Liv mumbled. She stood up and shuffled to the door pulling it open.
"Hey," I heard a soft voice speak.
"Hey Emily, come on in," Liv stepped to the side and a beautiful girl walked in. She had long dark brown hair that reached the middle of her back resting in gentle waves. She had a perfectly tanned face and a straight nose with full lips.
I stood up and walked over to the kitchen with them, "Hi, I'm Analia."
She looked at me and gave a soft smile, "Emily."
I was stunned for a second when I saw her eyes. They were a deep beautiful gray. A too familiar type of gray, "It's nice to meet you."
"You too. Oh my god, Olivia thank you so much inviting me over. My brother barely lets me out of the house. You have no idea how long it took me to convince him."
Olivia laughed, "I'm glad you could come. The way you talked abut it I wasn't sure if you'd be able to."
"Wait, so you live around here?" I asked and she nodded.
"Yeah, just off campus actually."
Olivia gasped causing our heads to snap over to her, "We should order pizza."
"We're totally ordering pizza," Emily said with a smile.
I giggled and sat on a bar stool. Emily's smile grew and she pulled a bag up to the table. I quirked an eyebrow and leaned forward.
"What's so exciting about the mystery bag?"
She rubbed her hands together and wiggled her eyebrows.
"Oh, the suspense," Olivia said leaning on the counter and peering over. But the way she said it I had a feeling she knew exactly what it was. I had a feeling I knew what it was too.
Emily opened up the bag and pulled out a bottle of makers mark and rumchata, "I stole these from my brothers liquor cabinet. He's probably going to beat my ass but he owes me."
"Hell yeah!" Liv said doing a little dance.
"What on earth is rumchata?" I questioned picking up the bottle and giving it a weird look.
"It's like Horchata but with rum. I reacted the same way but I swear its dangerously good," Emily said taking the glasses Liv handed her.
"Wait wait, Olivia you know the drill. If we're bouta have a girls night we're drinking straight from the bottles. Grab the sweet tea and we'll use it as a chaser."
I know what you're thinking. Damn this girl's supposed to be a Catholic and she sure as hell doesn't act like one. Correction, I'm an Italian Catholic. Drinking runs in my veins. I can stomach alcohol like no other and chug it like a champ.
Emily put the glasses back in the cabinet and turned to me with her arms crossed, "I like this girl."
After that everything moved quickly. We played a game of uno until the pizza came. By then we were on the far side of tipsy. We ate most of the pizza and next thing I knew I had another good friend.
"Isn't it weird," I slurred, "I've known Liv my whole life and I feel as comfortable around you as I do her?"
Olivia nodded and Emily slurred with me, "Yeah. It's like I just met you guys and I feel like I've known you forever."
I looked down at the empty bottle of Makers Mark and the half way empty rumchata we were still sipping, "Alcohol man."
Liv squealed and threw her arms up, "Alcohol! I love it."
We all broke into small fits of laughter. I laid down on the ground and sighed, "this is nice."
The room was slightly spinning but not too much. I felt really giddy and bubbly which I normally don't do. Oh the affects of alcohol. I sat up and looked at the gorgeous girls in front of me and couldn't help but smile. Complete different we all were. I had Long wavy brown hair that reached my waist with hazel eyes that fell more on the green side. Olivia had blond hair, that was currently dyed purple, contrasting with her overly pal skin. She had freckles that fell over her cheeks and bright emerald green eyes with a hint of grey. And then Emily. Her dark brown hair almost looking black perfectly matching her tanned skin. Her eyes being a dark gray mixed lightly with blue. They were so familiar it scared me.
"We're all so beautiful," I said with a smile on my face.
Emily agreed, "Guys are going to see all of us walk by and be like, daaaammmn."
I laughed at the face she made while saying it and fell back to the floor.
"Aaahh," I jumped a little when Liv screamed, "get up, get up! We are so dancing."
I giggled along with Em and we all struggled to get off the floor. When we finally stood up Emily's phone went off.
She let out a long groan and picked up her phone she read the contact and an evil smile spread across her face, "I am so going to fuck with him."
She answered the phone, "Hey big brother."
The voice sounded very angry over the phone but I couldn't make out the words.
"No, I don't know where that went."
*angry voice*
"Oh, I'm staying out because I got all these boys with me."
Liv and I giggled and I put my hand over my mouth.
"I don't think so, I'm feeling pretty good right now."
Her voice was unsteady. She sounded really drunk and it had me on the floor laughing.
"Pass the weed," Olivia said in her best manly voice making me laugh harder.
Emily tried her best not to laugh so she held her breath and let out an unattractive snort.
*next level type angry voice*
"Yeah yeah, I'll see you tomorrow. Love you, bye!"
There was silence for two seconds and then we all lost it. The three of us were on the floor dying.
"Okay- that wasn't even-- that funny," I said through wheezes, "but dammit."
We finally sobered up from our laugh attack and Emily sighed, "He said he's never letting me out of the house again but I really don't give a shit. Like are you kidding? I'm 19 and he wants to control me?"
I turned on my stomach and look at her, "That's total bullshit."
I usually don't cuss but it was. That's so unfair and makes no sense.
"You're brother sounds like an ass," Liv said huffing.
"I agree."
Em grumbled, "Oh he is."
Olivia sat up and pouted, "Vibe crusher!"
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