Lips of Honey; Eyes of Fire
The girls were sitting in the waiting room, and you can see the Jisoo half pain and sad. Rose held Jisoo hands and squeeze it as Jisoo bit her bottom lip.
After a second, Jisoo was starting to feel better. Jisoo gave Rose appreciative smile. "Thank you."
Rose smiles and nods her head. Rose helps people control their emotions. She been a big helps with Jisoo but Jisoo also wanted to be to control it herself. Last night she was able to do but they were in a hospital full of people in pain, she needed Rose's help.
Jennie eyes went to a nurse, and walk up to her. The nurse smiles at Jennie. "Hi may I help you?"
"We wanted to visit our friends who were in car accident last night?"
The nurse tilts her head. "Oh yeah," she smiles. "They must be popular, three other came to visit them." The nurse pauses and thought, "Actually I think they are still there. But the boys are still sedated."
Jennie smiles, "We won't take long. We just want to check on them."
The nurse looks over the three other girls sitting in the waiting room. "Room 403." And with that the nurse walks aways.
The girls stood up and went towards the elevator to the 4th floor.
"Are you sure it's okay to visit them? We don't really know them and people are there." Rose questions.
"It's just a quick look." Lisa tells her.
The elevator bings indicating them they made it to the 4th floor. The girls stepped out and head to room 403. When they walk in, they were surprise to see three young looking men-three young good looking men- in the room.
The men turn to the girls with a smirk on their lips. As if they knew they were going to be there. Lisa eyes didn't stay long on the men, but went to Sehun. She can see he was healing very well. She smile in thankfulness.
Jungkook notices that Lisa was smiling and her only focus was on Sehun. He sat on Sehun's bed. "And you ladies are?" He questions.
Jennie clears her throat. "We are classmates of the boys. Who are you?"
Jimin crosses his arm, "Classmates?" He looks at Taehyung then back to Jennie. "Which school?"
Rose arches a brow, "I don't think that matters." Rose was getting a weird feeling from them.
"They are doing fine. Surprisingly Sehun is doing great given the injuries he had." Jungkook starts off. His eyes went to Lisa, "It was like he miraculously healed."
Lisa did her best not to show any emotions when Jungkook stared deep into Lisa's eyes. She stared back for a moment, but she swore she saw fire and darkness in Jungkook's eyes.
She looks over to the girls and moved the unsettling feeling in the pit of her stomach, "Well that's good. We should get going?"
The girls nod their heads. "Wait..." Taehyung calls out.
He narrow his eyes at the two boys. "My friends seems to be on edge. I apologize on their behalf with their rude attitude." He gives the girls a bright smile. "I'm Taehyung, Tae for short if needed."
Jennie nods her head. "Jennie."
"Rose." Rose mumbles in the back.
Jisoo did the unthinkable and went up to Taehyung and reach her hands out. "I'm Jisoo." Taehyung shakes her head not knowing what Jisoo was planning to do.
Jisoo felt nothing. Not emotions, it was like a shield. She frowns at the non existing feeling. She steps back in shock.
Jimin notices the change in the girl. He looks them more intensely. The room was filled with more tension then before.
"You aren't ordinary girls are you?" Jimin questions.
Jisoo narrows her eyes at him. "Neither are you boys."
Rose went towards Jisoo and brought her back toward the girls. "What's going on?" Rose whisper towards Jisoo.
"He has no emotions." Jisoo mumbles
Lisa frowns and turn to the quiet person on Sehun's bed. "Do you really know the boys?"
Jungkook smirks, "I know him by name."
Lisa plumps lips went into a frown. "What does that even mean?" Lisa questions.
Jungkook shrugs his shoulders as Lisa's honey lip open up to speak again. "Nothing. Well..." he stood up. "Jimin , Taehyung. Let's go." He turns to Lisa again. "We will be seeing you ladies again."
As they walk towards the door, Jungkook shoulders rub against Lisa and there so kind of shock between them. It was a small shock but it was enough that neither of them could ignore it. No, they both jump back in surprise.
"Well that was different." Jungkook mumbles. He nods his head. "Yeah definitely will be seeing you girls again."
As the boys walked out, Lisa breaths out a breath she didn't even know she was holding. Her eyes narrows at the door that mysterious boys walk out of.
"Lisa, you okay?" Jennie ask.
Lisa looks over the girls with worried eyes. "I think so." She rub her shoulder, "Did you girls see that?"
"I saw it."Jennie mumbles.
"Saw what?" Rose ask.
Jennie looks over toward the girls. "The electricity between them."
"Like a spark?" Jisoo questions.
"Yeah...but you two didn't see it?" Jennie questions Jisoo and Rose. The two shook their head. "Maybe because it was kind of nature like." Jennie tried to think of some kind of understanding. Jennie worries eye went to Lisa. "But are you okay "?"
Lisa did her best to give her a reassuring smile. "I will be."
The girls silently walked out the room, so they can speak freely in the their car. They walked out of the hospital into Jennie's car.
"Jennie calm down..." Jisoo tells her.
Jennie eyes Jisoo's and realize she was feeling's Jennie's anxiety. She took a deep breath and give Jisoo a smile.
"Sorry... it's just... that was weird right?" Jennie questions.
"It is. I shook Taehyung's hand, but I couldn't feel anything." Jisoo explains.
"Nothing?" Rose ask her. Jisoo shook her head. Rose then turns to Lisa, "And you felt a shock between you and that brooding man?" Lisa nods her head. "But neither of us saw but you?" She was now asking Jennie.
"Yeah..." Jennie answers. "To me, that was probably one of the weirdest interaction ever."
"I wonder how they know Sehun and Kai?" Jisoo ask.
"The brooding guy, said he knows them by name." Lisa answer. "But seriously what does that even mean?"
"Your guess is good as mine. I got nothing." Jisoo answers.
"We will get more from them next time." Lisa tells them. All the girls eyes went to Lisa with a questionable look. "They seemed very interested in us, and I think they were just as confuse as us." She explains. "And that brooding guy did say he will be seeing us again." Lisa mumbles the last part.
"Do you think they suspect anything from us?" Rose ask.
Lisa eyes went to Rose. She shrugs her shoulders because honestly she didn't know what to think. But she knew she was going to seem those men again and Lisa was determined to get more information from them.
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