Chapter 28: The power of love
"What are you wearing?"
Ian looks at the refilled coffee. The once still liquid begins to tremble, before the contents begins to slosh over the side of the mug. The whole cafe begins to shake. Condiment bottles begin clink as they knock against each other, with one or two falling over as they slowly dance across the table. The chalk board behind the counter falls off the wall as plates and cups get judderd off shelves. “What's going on?'' He holds onto the back of his chair with one hand as he steadies himself, with his other hand holding the edge of the table.
Isaac doesn't reply. His eyes stay focussed on the wall in front of him as slowly a crack begins to appear. Small at first, but eventually it grows bigger and bigger as it splits the wall in half to create a gap. A gap just wide enough for someone to step through. “Come back to me.” Isaac utters under his breath as he remains focussed on the bright light streaming through the tear in time as soon, a silhouette appears before the light. The figure gets closer and closer until they step through the hole in the broken wall, with the wall quickly sealing itself shut behind them.
“Isaac?” There Adam stood, staring at a familiar man before him. “Is this another image Jojo?” He calls out as he looks around him at the cafe's interior. It was looking far too real for it to be just a vision. He then sees Zander. “Zander? What's happening? Why are you here?”
Zander smiles at Adam and then looks at Isaac. “He brought you back into his world. He broke the seal and don't look at me like that. This was your doing.”
“My doing?” Adam questions. What did I do?”
“That face. A face people won't forget in a hurry. It triggered a memory.” Zander begins.
“Not only that.” Isaac takes a step forwards. He puts a hand to his chest. “You are in here. This was more than just saving me Adam. This was about making me complete. You complete me.”
“But…” Adam begins, but his sentence is cut short, with Isaac wasting no more time on words. The need to hold Adam and to pull him close was overwhelming as he wraps his arms around his angel.
“I love you and if you do something heroic again, you will die, because I will kill you.” He mumbles into the shell of Adam's ear as Adam returns the embrace.
“It's my job.” Adam mumbles into the crook or Isaac's neck.
“Your job is to be my boyfriend.” Isaac insists.
Zander places a hand on Isaac's shoulder causing him to pull away a little from Adam. “Do you remember me too?”
“Of course I do. But seriously? You too?” Isaac gives Zander a warm hug. “You always made the most sense out of everyone.”
“Then can you listen to me now?” Zander pulls away from the hug. “I am so happy you remember this guy, but you need to know that if he chooses to stay here on earth with you, he will outlive you tenfold, even if you live to a ripe old age. Can you really ask that of him?”
“Is that true?” Isaac looks back at Adam.
“What if it is?” Adam shrugs. “I've made my decision Zander, you shouldn't put guilty thoughts into his head.”
“He needs to know the facts.” Zander points out. “A guilty conscience can mess with your mind. It's still my job to look out for his mental health.”
“Ok I have a question.” The three males turn to see Ian, as he stands up at the table, forgotten. His hand raised as if at school. “Can someone please tell me what the hell is going on?”
“Ian you know Zander and you met Adam at the hospital….” Isaac tries to explain but Zander puts a finger to Isaac's lips to stop the talking.
“Ian. Don't listen to him. That's another time, another place. Let's take a walk. I'll tell you what you need to know.” He flings an unsuspecting arm around Ian's shoulder as the male is possibly guided a little against his will through the cafe door and outside. It leaves Adam and Isaac alone.
Isaac looks back at Adam. He takes a hold of Adam's upper arms as if he were to escape as he gazes into his eyes. “Is it true? What Zander said. If you choose to stay here, will you be lonely?”
Adam places his hands on Isaac's waist and shakes his head in disagreement. “Why would I be lonely? I will live a lifetime with you and then our children, and grandchildren. I will never be alone because you will live through them. Plus, doesn't every family have that old relative who seems ancient?” He kisses Isaac on the end of his nose. “Do not feel guilty for something out of your control. I want to be with you.”
Isaac swallows the lump forming in his throat. “So you really have thought about it. Kids and all.”
“Yes, so please don't make me say goodbye again.”
“I promise I won't.” Isaac laughs as he glances down at Adam's body. He bites lightly on his lip before he speaks. “Can I ask just one more thing?”
“Anything.” Adam replies as he kisses again, this time on Isaac's cheek.
“What are you wearing?” Isaac gently pushes Adam back to reveal his clothes, or to be more specific, lack of.
“My trunks. I was taking a break in Paradise. I was about to go swimming. Jojo's orders.”
“Paradise huh?” Isaac raises an eyebrow. “Are you sure you want to give up Paradise for this?” He gestures his head towards the window, where the grey sky with its permanent threat of rain dominates the view.
It causes Adam to laugh out loud as he again pulls Isaac close. A third kiss is placed right on the other male's lips as they linger a little longer, before he pulls away. “Being here with you, right here, right now is Paradise on earth.”
Jojo takes her china cup of tea to her lips. She takes a sip and smiles as she lowers the cup back to its saucer. She chuckles to herself at the image in the clouds of the pair together once again.
“Nothing gets in the way of true love. That's the highest power.”
A/N Thank you so much if you took the time to read, vote or comment. Your support is always appreciated
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