Chapter 27: Easter eggs
"You just can't let him go can you?”
It wasn't where he thought he would be. Stuck behind the counter of a run down cafe, but the blonde haired male had to go with it. Bigger, yet unforeseen to him, plans were in place. But he wished he knew why he was still here, he wished something would happen. It has been 3 months already and he was clueless as to why, but maybe today would be different. He knew the man seated at the table, though he didn't seem to recognise him....
The seated male looks up at the cafe door as it opens, making the customer known to the place by the tingle of the small bell. The male who enters, looks at the man with a sorry smile painted across his worn out face. "Sorry I'm late Ian. The training took longer than I had thought." He takes a seat opposite, trying to catch a breath.
"It's fine Isaac." Ian smiles. "I assume you must be hungry after football practice, so I have taken the liberty and ordered the special. It's on offer." He raises his hand to catch the attention of the blonde haired male busying themselves behind the counter. "Hey, can I get a refill and another for him?" He points to Isaac.
The male behind the counter nods as he takes the coffee pot from the side, bringing it over to the table, along with a nondescript mug. He places the mug on the table and proceeds to pour. "White?"
"What? Who?" Isaac looks up at the cafe worker a little confused. That name. A common name, but why did it resonate with him at that moment?
The male smiles at Isaac. "Your coffee. Do you want milk?"
"Oh no... no thanks." Isaac shakes his head with a grin. It causes the cafe worker's lip to curl just a little.
He refills the other mug and leaves the table to continue with whatever he was doing before. Ian turns around to watch him leave, before turning back to Isaac. "What's the matter with you?" He half laughs.
"I don't know." Isaac furrows his brow as he looks into his coffee. "I guess I just misheard him." He takes a spoon to add a couple of sugars to his drink, he looks up at the man by the counter. He felt familiar. "Why did you choose to eat here?" Isaac looks back at Ian. "It's hardly classy."
"Hey, I'll have you know this is where Jade and I like to come when we walk Monty. There's nothing wrong with it."
"Whatever you say." Isaac rolls his eyes as he takes his mug to his lips. He places the mug back on the table. "How is Jade?"
Ian's face changes at the mention of the name. "She is just fine." He beams. "She asks after you a lot, y'know. She keeps wanting you to join us on a double date with one of her girlfriends."
"No thanks." Isaac fiercely shakes his head. "I'm not interested."
"In dating, or in women?" Ian smirks.
"I'm just not interested." He gives his brother a friendly punch to the arm. Isaac had all but given up trying looking for love. It was as if there was a standard he had set for himself and no person he met seemed to match it. Like he was looking for that one person who didn't appear to exist.
"Your specials." Both males make room for two wicker bowls which are placed before them.
"What is this?" Isaac looks at the bowl, which looked like it would have been right at home on a farmhouse kitchen table.
"Your special.... chicken in a basket.” The male looks at the pair, as if they should know this already. They did order it.
"Chicken in a what?" Isaac says, but no sooner as he has said the words a sharp pain shoots through his mind. He had said that line before. He inhales sharply through his teeth as a reaction to the pain, as he takes a hand to his forehead and subconsciously gives it a rub.
"You can order something else if you're going to get all dramatic." Ian frowns at Isaac's reaction.
"No it's not that. It's just...." Isaac lowers his hand. "Do you ever get that feeling of deja vu?"
This sentence makes the cafe guy emit a small chuckle, which soon turns into a laugh and causes the other two males to stare up at him. "You just can't let him go can you?" He utters as he shakes his head in amusement.
"What? Who?" Isaac looks back up at the male.
"I underestimated him. He is smarter than he realises. I am not the one who can ease your mind, because your heart rules your head. Your mind will not forget because your heart is strong. Your heart carries him. Now it is stronger than it has ever been."
"Isaac, what's he talking about?" Ian looks at his brother, totally confused by what is going on.
“I… I don't know?” Isaac replies, but he himself was not all too convinced of the answer he gave. It seemed to make some kind of sense.
The server turns and points a finger at the radio which was quietly playing. The static whistles until a new song is playing.
🎶Cause, ah-ah, I'm in the stars tonight
So watch me bring the fire and set the night alight🎶...
Isaac instantly places a hand on his beating heart as tears begin to well in his eyes. The upbeat song appeared to have an adverse effect on the male, but they weren't tears of sadness, they were tears of joy, as the more the song played, the more his mind was transported to another time and place. His eyes filled with the visions of a man he knew once upon a time.
As the song reaches the last beat it all becomes clear in his mind. That feeling he couldn't place, that thing he thought he had lost now all made sense. He knew what was missing, who was missing…
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