Chapter 20: Extra ordinary
“I am an ordinary person, just like everyone else.”
Adam looks to his left to see Jojo hurrying up the echoing corridor of the hospital. Apart from the ambulance, Jojo was the only person he could think to call. For all of what he and Isaac were, their connection, their confessions to each other, he still knew little of Isaac's wider circle. He didn't know Isaac's family, only the mention of his friend Zander. Jojo was the one who knew all of that information and why she was pacing her way towards Adam, as he sat on the static chair, attached to the clinical white wall.
She takes a seat next to him, her body facing his as she questions. “Tell me what happened?”
Adam didn't know where to begin as he did his best to look up from the floor. “He… I… We...” He feels his fingers clenc into a fist. “I didn't know it would affect his heart like this. I didn't know this would happen.”
It takes a moment or two for Jojo to realise what he was talking about. She places a hand on his arm. “It's ok Adam. Both you and I know Isaac well enough that if he does want to do something, he will. He is in the right place.” She smiles at the other male. “You must mean a lot to him for Isaac to push his own limits like that. Not just physically but emotionally too. I can see why you are matched…”
“Matched?” Adam frowns at the lady. “What do you mean?”
“I… uh.” She glances up at Adam's shoulder, trying to avoid the question. “How are you feeling? Did the painkiller work?”
“The painkiller.” Adam repeats. “What exactly was in that pain killer?” He scrutinises Jojo, his eyes piercing hers as in that moment, too many questions seemed to fill his head, which needed answers.
“It was just a pain killer…”
“No, it wasn't and you need to start telling me some truths. What did you give me? Who is Miss Fine to you? Why did you insist I work in Isaac's office out of that whole building? What are you not telling me?” Adam was not sure where the outburst had come from. He had never openly challenged or questioned the strangeness in his life. One reason being that he was scared people would think him mad. Another was that he knew no one would have the answers, but this time things were different. Someone may just know something. Jojo does not speak straight away. It's as if she is waiting for something but Adam is not ready to give up on trying. “Jojo this isn't just about me. This is about Isaac too. What I do affects him. You need to tell me what you know.”
She exhales a heavy sigh as she pulls her lips in thought. “Zander, what do you think? Is he ready?” Her eyes look up over Adam's shoulder as another male silently approaches.
Adam turns to see a man he didn't know stop in front of the pair. His suit is deep blue. His shirt is crisp white, with his short blonde hair as neat as a pin. “You're Isaac's friend?” Adam questions, taking the image of the near perfect male.
“Yes… and no.” Zander smiles. “Isaac will be fine by the way. His mother is with him now.” He looks Adam up and down. “You really do look like him.” Zander chuckles to himself. “That was a clever move Adam.'' Zander raises an eyebrow in appreciation.
“Have we met?” Adam looks up at the male, studying him a little more closely.
The question makes Zander laugh out loud. “Wow! They certainly did a number on you.”
“Don't tease him, Zander. It's not his fault.” Jojo frowns.
“Well it kind of is. He is the reason we are all stuck here.” Zander shrugs.
Adam cards both his fingers through his hair. “Please. Can someone explain what is going on?” He feels his voice raise and it causes Jojo to react.
“Ok just, calm down.” She pulls one of Adam's arms down from the side of his head as she takes his hand in hers. “You are special Adam. You, me, Zander and Miss Fine. We are guardians. We have a responsibility to guide, protect, to help those in doubt, those in need, but things don't always go to plan. Isaac was under your protection but something happened….”
“Wait.” Adam pulls his hand away from Jojo's hold. “What do you mean I'm a…. Guardian? I am an ordinary person just like everyone else…”
“With a past you can remember.” Zander finishes the sentence. He looks at Jojo. Can I show him something?”
She nods as she looks at Adam, encouraging him to go with Zander. “He is better at explaining.” She adds as Adam finds himself getting up. He begins to follow Isaac's friend down the corridor of the hospital to a door which leads to some steps on the other side.
“Where are you taking me? Why can't you show me here?” Adam questions, but Zander continues to gravitate up the steps without a word until they reach the top.
He pushes down on the metal bar, the door to the roof opens and he steps through. His back continues to face Adam until he hears the other male close the door behind him. “This is a risk but it seems time may be against us.” Zander begins as he slowly starts to remove his jacket. He lets it fall to the floor with Adam silently watching on.
“What are you doing?” Adam asks. He feels guarded as he wonders if Zander is removing the garment in order to start a fight, but the other male just carries on undressing, taking his hands to the buttons of his shirt and unpopping each one in turn.
“Like I said Adam. I need to show you something.” Zander repeats. As now the shirt is pulled apart to reveal a bare torso. The item of clothing is dropped to the floor, next to the jacket. “You seem to think we are not the same. But we are in one way.”
Adam takes in the bare skin, seeing the familiar crescent shape marks which he had on his own back. “You also have scars.” He utters as he observes the bumps and lumps present of the other male's skin.
“They're not scars.” Zander responds, still not turning around. “Maybe guardian is not a term your forgotten mind is familiar with.” He finally turns to face the other male. He lets a warm smile spread to his face. “Adam can't you see who you really are?” Adam shakes his head. It wasn't that he wasn't beginning to piece the puzzle together, it was more of a refusal to believe it. Zander closes his eyes and clenches his fists tight as he suddenly feels his back twinge, like a tickle, as two small bones appear from his back. They grow larger and larger, branching out like a tree as they spread wide, filling with the purest white feathers, until fully formed.
Zander opens his eyes to see Adam just staring at him. His mouth falls open as he takes in the full form. “Do you get it now?” He utters. “You're an angel.”
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