Chapter 17: Stay with me
“I just want to get on with my life, but I keep getting pulled back.”
"Well, this is unexpected.” Isaac half smiles as he steps over the threshold of Adam's home. “Two nights in a row. What will your neighbours say?”
“This is serious.” Adam closes the door behind the pair. Isaac can tell the man seems distressed as he begins to pace back and forth. He reaches out his arms, placing them on Adam's shoulders to calm him down.
“I'm sorry. I know it is serious. I came as soon as you asked. The dreams.”
“Yes, the dreams.” Adam turns away from Isaac, with his hands fall once again to his side. He follows the other male into a back room where there was a battered old leather sofa. Adam takes a seat with Isaac doing the same.
“Ok, I'm listening.” Isaac begins.
“Ok.” Adam swallows hard. “The screams I said were gone, and they had. And I said that I had seen what had made them.” Adam scratches the side of his temple in thought. “It was two people…no one person … no.”
“Just tell me exactly what you saw.” Isaac places a hand on Adam's knee in order to calm him.
“Just…Just now I had this dream. A quiet dream. I felt such relief that I didn't hear the screams…” Adam emits a small chuckle before continuing. “But I could see something laying on the ground, so I got closer.” Adam looks up at Isaac. “It was a child. It was you.”
“Me?” Isaac feels a strange sensation wash over him.
“You said I called you when I phoned and in the dream I did. You were lying there as if dead. You may have been dead. I was trying to shake you awake. That's when I called out your name.”
“Where was I?” Isaac tries to stay as calm as possible as he asks, but he feels impatient to know. He feels his hand in Adam's leg tightening on the process.
“A cliff edge by the water. It could have been the sea or the ocean. I don't know.”
“It's an ocean.” Isaac utters under his breath in recognition. “I don't know how, but you are able to see into my nightmare. But my nightmare is my past. Isaac takes his hand to Adam's face. He cups his cheek in order to draw his attention to his face. “But my nightmare grew from my past. My recurring dream of falling, but ending up back at the cliff edge. Tell me, did you see anything else? Anything at all?”
Adam's eyes drift away from Isaac's face in thought. “When we went to see Miss Fine, I saw a figure, a person laying on the ground. I guess now that would have been you. They had been taken there by something which had fallen out of the sky.” Adam shakes his head. “It was bright. So bright, like a fallen star. It took you to the cliff edge and something… something reached out of the light and touched you. It made you scream.” Adam feals tears roll down his cheeks. “I couldn't stop it. Whatever it was, I couldn't stop it. I should have stopped it before but I couldn't move and now it's too late.”
“Hey it's ok. I'm alive. I'm right here.” Isaac pulls him in for a hug. Adam lets his forehead rest on Isaac's shoulder as he cries, but Isaac's mind is buzzing with questions, unsure whether to ask as he stares at the semi-darkness over his shoulder.
Adam suddenly pulls away. He looks down at Isaac's chest. “Your heart.”
The gaze causes Isaac to look down upon himself. “What about my heart?”
“Whatever that was in the light touched you. It did something to your heart. It's your screams, Isaac. Whatever it did, it must have hurt you.”
Isaac looks back up at Adam. “I don't remember. All I know is I have this heart condition, and there is no cure.” He takes Adam's hands in his. “I just want to get on with my life, but I keep getting pulled back.”
“I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked you to come over.” Adam feels the guilt of calling him so late.
“It's ok. I know what it's like to be alone with nothing but your nightmare. It can be scary.” Isaac hopes his words make Adam feel a little better and they must work as the other male forces a smile.
“Now you're here, will you stay?” He looks at Isaac and Isaac knows it is foolish to look into those eyes in that moment. That weak spot Adam had a tendency of hitting.
Isaac looks down at their hands, still connected, letting the pads of his thumbs rub over the soft skin of the other male's fingers. He had been a fool to ignore the offer the first time around. It was true that the feelings he was having for the other male was affecting his heart. Making it flutter, but not in the medical sense. Adam had somehow found the key and turned it in the lock. Maybe it was time for Isaac to allow himself this one emotion. “You know I will.” He utters as he looks back at the man before him.
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